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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 6, 2015

United Congregants For Leftist Activism

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The United Church of Christ (UCC) was established in 1957 with the union of two Protestant denominations: the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical & Reformed Church. For a substantive discussion of UCC's theological roots and doctrines, click here. Today there are more than 5,100 UCC churches across the United States, served by some 7,500 authorized ministers and attended by 1.1 million lay members. These numbers reflect a recent downward trend in both clergy and church membership. From 2000-2010, for example, UCC experienced a net loss of 696 congregations and about 319,000 members nationwide.

UCC proudly presents itself as an
activist denomination that “labor[s] ceaselessly to fight injustice in the United States and abroad”—a church “where Jesus the healer meets Jesus the revolutionary.” It is resolutely committed to congregation-based community organizing, a social-change strategy originally developed by Saul Alinsky
......There's a whole lot more here.

My Take - I think you will find their positions on economic equality - massive deficit spending privatization - capitalism - globalism - environmentalism - food security - the American justice system – immigration - voting rights - Israel's "occupation” of Palestinian lands - reproductive 'justice' as in support for abortion - and school funding is right in line with every socialist and communist philosophical flavor of the day in the world today - only they couch it in mendaciously insidious religious rhetoric in an obvious effort to destroy us with our own values. And their headquarters is located Cleveland, Ohio. Makes me wonder what leftist mischief they've managed over the years in my town.

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