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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, May 17, 2021

Observations From the Back Row By Rich Kozlovich

In the past I maintained a number of internet networks, some interactive, and some not.  I seriously reduced most of them since I retired, but the nets I still have in place send me stuff all time, and often times it's really profound and provocative. 

In fact, at times it's all so good I don't have to do my daily searches, like today, but so much was sent in the last 24 hours I won't be able to coordinate it all until tomorrow. Ergo, P&D Today is short, and late.

However, one of these correspondents, sent some stuff I thought was great which I can't help sharing with all of you.  All of it was in picture or cartoon form, which I can't reproduce for some reason, so I converted most of it into what I would call a quote format. 

Democrats claim to to be the righteous champions of race relations, which is historically interesting.  Who passed the Voting Rights Act?  Republicans!  I haven't seen Democrats this mad since Republicans freed the slaves, and why wasn't this race issue resolved while America had a black President for eight years.  Obama and Biden for eight years failed to address this in any meaningful way, except they got really rich.  How many Republicans ever owned slaves, and how many slaves were owned by Democrats.  Answers:  Zero and all of them. 

Is Joe Biden stupid? No, he's suffering from dementia, those who voted for him are stupid.  But is he really suffering from dementia, or has he always been loopy?

 Goats are like mushrooms. Because if you shoot a duck, ['m scared of  toasters." Joe Biden - iFunny :)

If you teach a man to fish he'll feed himself forever.  If you give him a fish that belongs to someone else, and he'll vote for you forever.  So, however irrational he may be, he has that one thing down pat.  Promise everything, deliver nothing, and blame someone else.  It's in the Democrat playbook, which is Stalin's play book, or was that Mao's playbook?  

Here's a thought.  If someone's dog ate their scrabble game, would the dog's poop make more sense than OAC and the Squad?  Lebron James and other NBA stars are organizing a massive march in Chicago this Saturday to honor the 464 people who've been murdered in the city thus far this year.  

Nah.....just kidding.....they don't care about those people. 

But one thing that LeBron is absolute adamant about is this, and I totally agree with Matt Walsh when he says, he's "dreaming of a world where Michelle Obama, LeBron James, Oprah Winfrey, and Meghan Markle are no longer oppressed", and rappers who can, and do, promote street violence, can do so and not get shot and killed for his Rolex watch by a 15 year old "child".

As a result of shutting down pipelines, we've gone from energy independence, the first time in 50 years, to gas lines, and if "pipeliners" can get another job, why can't welfare recipients just get a job?   There is one silver lining to all this. Jimmy Carter can honestly claim he's only the third dumbest President to ever sit in the White House.  As we surge back into the 70's with Biden's foreign and domestic policies creating a Carter years redux, he's pushed Carter back one more slot, right behind the Shadow President, Obama.

We've also discovered the flatulence created by the 13 million cattle in Texas didn't warm up anything.  Also, does anyone think the world is a bit wacky when white people are protesting white people for being white?  Is that called brainwashing, or just stupid? Or are they stupid for allowing themselves to be brainwashed by watching CNN.  Would you drink water out of a toilet bowl?  Then why do you watch CNN?  Now, that's thought provoking, dontcha think?  

Fortunately we have a strong social media who maintain a strong moral position to stop violence, unless it involved Mad Maxine Waters.  

Politics – Brown Pelican Society of Lousiana 

Representative Tlaib is also excluded from their censorship carnage, both of whom want to defund the police, except for them of course. Imagine that?

Check out the week in cartoons | Editorial |

And finally this message to the education departments and the unions representing the teachers all over the nation. 

Thank you for your strong stand against sending the kids back to school.  While being home schooled they're learned China sucks, America really is great, boys really are boys and girls really are girls. You may have saved a whole generation of children from becoming communists.  

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