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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Baltimore State's Attorney files complaint against Fox station for reporting about her

Jazz Shaw May 08, 2021

As we’ve discovered over the past six months or more, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has been making plenty of headlines, none of them very flattering. With the various “irregularities” showing up in her records, there is currently a grand jury investigation into the conduct of her office underway, along with an IRS audit of her and her husband’s tax records. Well, Ms. Mosby has had enough of these meddling reporters and their insinuations. She’s filed a complaint with the FCC over the Baltimore Fox News affiliate, accusing them of… well, I’m honestly not sure what she’s accusing them of. But it involves bias and persecution and, of course, racism.................

What Mosby is accusing WBFF Fox 45 of is actually, you know… doing their jobs. Mosby is an elected official who has been placed in charge of an office with significant powers over the well-being of the residents of Baltimore and a sizable budget. Anything she does in her official capacity is the public’s business. And if she is engaged in any illegal or inappropriate activities, that is also of interest to the voters.

Both Mosby and her husband, City Council President Nick Mosby (also an elected official subject to scrutiny by the press), have given WBFF plenty to report on. In March, a federal probe was launched into Mosby’s extravagant spending on what she claimed was business travel and various expenses associated with it. Mosby has also come under scrutiny for permanently halting all prosecutions for a number of non-violent crimes in Charm City. These are both clearly matters of public interest...........To Read More....

Our Group's Take So now if you legally report actual facts, and the left doesn't like it, they try to use the government & courts to silence you.  I'm sure that there are all too many leftist judges who'll be all too happy to comply.  And even if they don't, it means you have the expense and hassle of the lawsuit.  In other words, it's yet one more very nasty and all too effective way to keep people from telling the truth when the left might not like it.   Attorneys like this ought to be disbarred.


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