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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The World as I See It: Celebrities Devolve America! By Rich Kozlovich

America has devolved into a society that thinks entertainers and professional athletes are actually important.  Yesterday they were parking cars and pumping gas and then, overnight, they're famous!  All of a sudden they're big thinkers, smart, informed, logical and treated as if their thoughts should mold the nation.  All of a sudden everyone wants their opinions on the Middle East, alternative energy, global warming, pandemics...and well... you get the idea. 

Successful actors make obscene amounts of money for mouthing words others have thought up and written.  Then others told them how to stand, how to move, how to look when they mouthed others words.   Somehow we seem to think they actually came up with all that themselves, and after a while it seems they begin to think that also.  After all, now they're famous, wealthy and they live in a world of "yes", filled with butt kissers.  How could they not be brilliant deserving of our adoration?

Yet when they express their opinions on domestic, international, environmental or medical subjects they demonstrate their unending semi-literate ignorance, mostly mouthing platitudes and narratives that are popular giving the appearance of thoughtful insight.  

Professional athletes are even worse.  Because they can run faster, jump higher, and are more coordinated than most doesn't mean they have any live brain cells.  Many of them can hardly speak coherently, or even understandably.  Are some of these people intelligent and well informed.  Of course, but this is a generalization, and it fits these groups in general. How do I know that?  Ask yourself: What do these people do after they become nobodies again?  Mostly, not much!  But how much damage do their do while at the top?  Think

Can any sane person really care what the Alex Baldwin's, the Bette Midler's or Colin Kaepernick's of the world think?  And often times what they think and say actually does promote violence, and yet they're never censored by the media over safety issues, or hate crime speech.  Why?

At 74 I've lived long enough to see how many famous, and successful, entertainers and athletes end up dying broke, living on the largess of the taxpayers, or others.  Why?  Because they really weren't very bright, they weren't self disciplined, and they lacked insight and understanding, both emotionally and intellectually.  They really didn't have a clue about life, and yet they wouldn't listen to anyone, in spite of the fact they couldn't control their vices, their habits, their money or their lives, and paid the penalty.  

So why does anyone listen to them?  We've lost our minds. 


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