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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Left Radicals Exploit African Americans

January 17, 2021 By John Ellis

Left radicals always claim to champion African Americans, but the gulf between the real interests of the two groups is huge. What American blacks need is to prosper and move up into the economic and societal mainstream, but left radicals hate that mainstream and want to tear it down. So, if Blacks get what they need, radicals lose; while if radicals get what they want, Blacks lose.  

The radicals who call themselves Black Lives Matter illustrate the point. When violent BLM demonstrations destroy Black businesses and neighborhoods and their demonization of police causes a spike in Black deaths, BLM doesn’t for a moment consider changing course to stop the carnage.

The issue of race certainly matters to radicals supporting BLM, but not in any way that benefits Blacks. It matters chiefly because it gives them both numbers and a respectable issue. By themselves, radicals wouldn’t have the numbers they need to exert any serious influence, and none of their core issues resonate with the public in the way that racial fairness does. Radicals want to remake our society, and to do that they need to persuade the public that its present state needs tearing down. They know that they’ll never be able to get most people to believe that our free-market economy is the heart of society’s evil (though that’s what they are really after), but if they can persuade them that society is full of vile racism, they make progress: the case for radical change advances. But American Blacks don’t advance this way: too many of their neighborhoods, livelihoods, and confidence in progress are destroyed........... 

The politicized campuses are now boot-camps for political radicalism that produce graduates who don’t know much and haven’t learned to think productively, but it’s Black students who are disproportionately damaged. A recent study by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa (Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, p.39) found that in the first two years of college the already large gap (about 1170 vs 1000) between Collegiate Learning Assessment scores of white and black entering students got even larger, so that Blacks fell even further behind. Radicals make a bad racial situation worse..................To Read More....

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