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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Obama's Benghazi in Baghdad

How Obama's Iraq treason created ISIS and led to the attack on our embassy In Baghdad.

Fri Jan 3, 2020 Daniel Greenfield

When Shiite members of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) attacked the American embassy in Baghdad, in a deliberate recreation of the attack on our embassy in Tehran that had ushered in a new age of Shiite terror, the media was quick to label it 'Trump's Benghazi'.

The parallels are certainly there.

In both Benghazi and Baghdad, Islamist terror militias who we thought were our allies turned on the United States. In both cases, there was nothing surprising or unexpected about this inevitable development to anyone except foreign policy experts and the media.

And, in both Benghazi and Baghdad, the Obama administration's policy of cultivating Islamic terrorists had come home to roost.

The Islamists who attacked the embassy were not Trump's allies, but Obama's allies.

When Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Badr Brigade, the former military wing of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, came to the White House, it was in 2011, not 2017.

The close IRGC ally was welcomed by Barack Obama, and played a role in the embassy attack. The IRGC, Iran's global terror hub, had been listed as a terror group by President Trump, a move resisted by Barack Obama dating back to his time in the Senate............To Read More.....

My Take - One thing must be becoming more and more clear to everyone.  Everything Trump has done, and is doing, is exposing just how bad the Obama administration really was.  Virtually everything Obama and his band of traitors did is now being exposed to the light of fact and history.  They really were the Manchurian Candidate administration. The nation is now coming to a period of clarity and understanding. 

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