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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lord Christopher Monckton

January 2015

Lord Christopher Monckton: Former Prime Ministerial Adviser On Scientific & Domestic Policy To Margaret Thatcher, Journalist And Inventor Of The Mathematical Puzzle "Eternity." - He has also prevented several government-level scientific frauds saving British taxpayers billions. Lord Monckton is also the world's leading expert on the case against man-made Global Warming, and as such is a household name in the United States and elsewhere……Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, born 14 February 1952, businessman, newspaper editor, inventor of the million-selling Eternity puzzles and of a promising new treatment for infectious disease, classical architect, Cambridge-trained public orator, autodidact mathematician and “high priest” of climate skepticism, prevented several government-level scientific frauds while serving as a Downing Street domestic and science policy advisor to Margaret Thatcher, saving British taxpayers billions. In 1986 he was among the first to advise the Prime Minister that “global warming” caused by CO2 should be investigated. Two years later she set up the Hadley Centre for Forecasting: but she, like him, has since changed her view…..His 40-page report concluded that, though some warming could be expected, it would be harmless, and beneficial.
At the request of a US Senator, he discovered evidence that a well-funded clique of scientists, officials and politicians had been manipulating data and results to exaggerate the imagined (and imaginary) problem. Two weeks after his report, the Climategate emails confirmed the existence and identities of the clique he had named, revealing not only their questionable methods but also the close links between them.....To Read More.....


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