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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, February 9, 2015

Cartoon of the Day!

Non SequiturAmazing! There’s an e-mail floating around based on this article entitled, “Brian Williams Drops Claim He Was Beheaded by Al Qeada”, poking fun at poor Brian’s flawed memories.  Well….maybe it isn’t fun for Brian Williams and his associated in the lying media, but I thought it was humorous.

The article factiously goes on to say:
  • NBC news anchor Brian Williams has publicly dropped his claim that he was personally beheaded by al Qaeda in Iraq, saying he had misremembered the event and has admitted" and also, “I was never captured by al Qaeda in Iraq in May 2004, nor murdered by AQI leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi".
  •  “I can image what [Kaseasbeh] went through, because I remember when I had my head sawn off in Fallujah by al Qaeda [in Iraq], and how horrible that was.” 
  • Looking at this now historic footage of the twisted remains of downtown Manhattan, it’s hard to remember all our fellow citizens who suffered through this ordeal twelve years ago. It’s even hard for me, and I remember being crushed to death by tons of concrete in the South Tower.” 
  • “This was part of a bungled attempt by me to thank our nation’s veterans, who put their lives on the line for us every single day. It makes me feel even worse than the time ISIS locked me in a cage and burned me alive.
Okay, that’s all made up.  Williams never said any of that stuff, or at least I'm pretty sure he didn't.  But what I didn’t know is that Brian Williams was once disguised as a sailor who ended up being a old lying reprobate who was humored by his associates because they knew he couldn't help himself.

Oh, when media integrity is wanting we have to ask: Where’s Dan Rather when we need him so badly entoning "Questions Remain"? 

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