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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 8, 2015

A good explanation of the 'real' unemployment rate

By Rick Moran October 13, 2014

Everyone who isn't an Obamabot (Paul Krugman) or above the age of 5 knows that the current "official" unemployment rate of 5.9% is bogus. The real number that counts is the labor participation rate which has been shrinking for more than 5 years….The Brookings Institution tabulates more than 5 million “disconnected youth,” Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 who don’t go to school, don’t have a job and don’t have any education higher than a high school diploma. And “Unfit for Work,” a recent National Public Radio report, showed the rate of Social Security disability claims jumped up both suspiciously and dramatically after the 2008 recession……With the rate of young people still living at home with their parents hitting record levels, and opportunities for decent paying jobs scarce, an unhealthy slice of the youth population appears to have simply given up on their lives.  And the record number of those on Social Security disability is indicative of older Americans also giving up. For young and old, Obama's economy has destroyed millions of lives as the president's policies "transform" America.

Perhaps what's most pathetic about these stats is that so many of these people voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. In this, they have only themselves to blame for their predicament….To Read More…..

My Take -  And Rasmussen reports that 51% of society still thinks Obama is just doing a Jim Dandy job!)

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