This article will be an expansion on my regular coronavirus updates, which I've posted regularly in recent weeks. I think you will find this expansion profound, and hopefully thought provoking. I would also hope it would also generate, at the very least, a modicum of outrage.
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Maybe it's time for Ohio Republicans to start looking for a Maggie Thatcher. |
The COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) keeps a running total of deaths and proven infections. As of 5:21 AM on June 24, 2020 here are the coronavirus rates of infection and the rates of mortality based on a worldwide population of 7,800,000,000 and an American population of 330,000,000 using this internet calculator.
Here are the results:
- Worldwide infections, 9,273,773. Infection rate, 0.1%
- Worldwide deaths, 477, 807 Mortality rate, 0.006%
- Confirmed infections in the United States, 2,374,102. Infection rate, 0.7%
- United States deaths, 121,225. Mortality rate, 0.03% (Editor's note. That number may have been inflated by fraudulent reporting by as much as 25%. Cooking the books here, and misrepresentation here. RK
- In 1968 the Hong Kong flu killed over 1,000,000 people worldwide. Worldwide population in 1968 was 3,534,000,000. The mortality rate was 0.3%! America lost 100,000 that year, and morality rate was 0.05%.
- In 1957/58 the Asian flu, which originated in Guizhou, China killed up to 2,000,000 people in a worldwide population of 2,900,000,000 had a mortality rate 0.068%. America lost 116,000 people. The mortality rate was 0.07%.
Let's face it, in the past Americans understood these infections are a part of life, and also understood this is a crap shoot. As Don Sucher , in his article, Epidemics and mass panics, then and now, notes:
"I have seen similar viruses simply worked through. Nineteen fifty-eight's, for instance, and even the H1N1 virus in 2009.Yes, people got sick, and yes, some died. But both were accepted as part of human life, thus human life continued."I'll be 74 in three weeks, and I've seen these events in my life also, and everyone understood, whether or not you got sick was a crap shoot, but that was no reason to destroy the nation's economy. But the nation wasn't filled with snowflakes then. Taking something seriously is one thing. Panicking over it is another.
The nation is suffering from what Anthony J. DeBlasi calls the Coronavirus Derangement Syndrome saying:
Again, coronavirus has been killing people forever, via aggravated colds and other serious respiratory infections. That it is suddenly necessary in some states for everyone to be told daily how many coronavirus deaths have occurred, without reporting deaths from other viruses – as though the comparison is not newsworthy – smells too strongly of deception.
In support of the oppressive restrictions damaging lives and livelihoods beyond calculation we are enjoined by experts like Anthony Fauci to respect the science and heed the authorities on the matter. Where have we heard such advice before? Well, from the “climate change” experts who peddle their doomsday scenarios. Could it be that “authorities” who draw their conclusions from “settled science” are actually clueless or, heaven forbid, lying?As for Ohio. Ohio and the CDC keep playing games with the numbers. There are two numbers representing how many coronavirus infections that have been in Ohio, and how many died. I will cover both, based on a population of 11,700,000.
Confirmed cases 42,767. Percentage of infections. 0.3%. "Probable cases" 46,127. Percentage of "probable" infections. 0.39%. Confirmed deaths, 2,497. Mortality rate, 0.02%. Expanded number, 2,735. Mortality rate. 0.02%
Now we're finding out that these claims about asymptomatic coronavirus people, aren't really very infectious after all. So, if that's true, and it seems that it is, why were we told they were in the past? It's a lie that has been used to justify all this ridiculous masking and social distancing, and control of society. The answer is historical. It's the same of speculatory scare mongering tactics these people have always used, and it's based on leftist philosophy, not science. Of course social distancing is totally unimportant if you were violently protesting! Then it was okay to be inches apart.
Let's try and get this right once and for all. Epidemiology isn't science! It's statistics, speculation, guess work. All of which are components of science, but in themselves, none of them are science. Science must be observable and repeatable. Epidemiological projections are incapable of demonstrating either. Only time, observation and the actual documentation of events represent science. Below are seven reasons why epidemiology isn't science!
On June 23, 2020 Steve Bigler published the article, A retired physician's take on epidemiologists, saying:
"I am a retired physician. Over my career, I've had some contact with epidemiology. I'll be blunt here: I came away unimpressed with that field. Here's why:
- When a pandemic strikes, I've never once witnessed an epidemiologist get his hands dirty in providing actual patient care. So where the rubber meets the road during a pandemic, they're useless.
- Their models, and therefore their advice and counsel, are based upon best guesses from previous pandemics. It's been pretty clear during COVID-19 that in any number of cases, their accuracy has been less than impressive.
- Typically, the confidence ranges of their models are wide enough that you could drive a Mack truck through them. Then, when actual outcomes fall somewhere within those massive ranges, they pat themselves on the back as though they've really accomplished something. I honestly think you or I could come up with equally accurate models by throwing darts at a dartboard!
- They get to have tunnel vision. The concern of the epidemiologist is to focus on the disease and the disease only. It is not their job to concern themselves with the economic, social, political, marital, and psychological devastation resulting from strict quarantines and lockdowns.
- In fact, they have no personal economic skin in the game. During any pandemic lockdown, the epidemiologists still receive their full salary and benefits. I've always thought it would be interesting to suspend their pay and benefits during a lockdown and see how enthusiastic they'd be about continuing! It's easy to make dire and sweeping pronouncements when you have no skin in the game.
- They typically work in packs. They're often employed by an academic or consulting center. This gives them the comfort of never having to take personal and individual responsibility for their projections. It's rare to have an individual epidemiologist step forward and say, "Yes, this is my model, and I'll accept responsibility for its accuracy." And when's the last time you heard of an epidemiologist being sued for malpractice? Answer: never.
- They seem to think they're in charge of everything — that they've suddenly become the chief executive officer of a state or the entire nation. They seem to forget that their job is simply to advise a governor or a president, not take over the executive role.
As for Ohio and DeWine's continued and blatantly unconstitutional restrictions on Ohio's citizens and businesses: Suggestion - Impeach DeWine! I've also been advocating the dismissal of Dr. Amy Acton, but since she's resigned, that's now moot.
Peter Skurkiss posted the article, Dr. Amy Acton, architect of Ohio's shutdown, resigns, outlining this part of the coronavirus story, and "Operation Rescue call for her resignation after publishing an expose of her troubled past......" He then goes on to question DeWine's choice of her for this job in the first place, and his continued support. Well, she's gone now, and that part has been fixed, except by the last report I'm aware of she's still being paid her $185,000 salary. And here I thought Ohio had a budget problem. However, DeWine has a fix for that.
It's been reported that due to Coronavirus in Ohio: State wants vendors to take voluntary 15% cut on contracts, services. Their "request" carries a veiled threat as Roger Geiger, executive director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses for Ohio notes:
“If any small businesses want to preserve their status as a state contracted vendor they will likely have to take this very seriously.”What arrogance! This administration is wanting companies who had to present the lowest bid for those contracts, creating a narrow margin of profitability, to now make that narrow margin of profitability even less profitable! While at the same time, as Ohio's Future Foundation reports, they've decided to spend "An estimated $425,000 in new spending on two newly created positions after a state spending freeze was announced. Ohio taxpayers should be outraged. Watch the Video HERE"
Let's remember, this unnecessary financial crisis was created by this administration, and will be felt in Ohio for years to come. Shopping malls, that were having difficulties already, charge a very high rent and service fees has a lot of renters with no customers, and the malls are still demanding their money.
- Where's that rent to come from since they've been forcibly shut down?
- Will there be lawsuits as a result?
- Will there be bankruptcies?
- Will malls go out of business?
He calls himself a conservative, but apparently he, like Kasich, feels he can define conservatism as he pleases, and like Kasich his definition includes more taxes, more regulations, and a more abusive and intrusive government than Ohio has ever seen. Strange, that definition seems to be the same definition for left wing progressives.
David Horowitz, a former communist activist, and son of communist activists parents, but now the noted conservative publisher of Front Page Magazine, knows well for which he speaks when he says:
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"We know the walk like duck quack like a duck adage, right? Well, I'm going to paraphrase and expand on that old saying:
If DeWine walks like a progressive and it talks like a progressive. DeWine's a totalitarian screaming to get out.Here are some more important questions conservatives and Ohio Republicans should be asking themselves:
- What's wrong with the Ohio Republican party?
- It's clear in spite of all his blatantly unconstitutional actions, the Ohio Legislature has no backbone for impeaching DeWine, and if they did, I'm not sure the Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted would be any better.
- But why can't they muster enough backbone to pass legislation stopping this insanity?
- Finally, why is it the Ohio Republican party has so much difficulty in finding a Ronald Reagan in their midst?
You mean that DeWine is even worse than Whitmer? Scratch a liberal, reveal a Nazi. Liked your inclusion of that stuff on epidemiologists. Of course, the fun-fun part is that Fauci has no background in this field--as useless as it is. He is nothing more than an IM doc, who jumped on AIDS when no one else wanted to. And he was wrong about everything with AIDS, as well.
ReplyDeleteWhat they're going to find is that MOST serum positive people are asymptomatic--and are not infectious either. Consider that there are many viruses, including HHV-6 and Epstein-Barr which are carried by virtually all humans. Yes, they are implicated in many diseases, but no one considers routinely testing for them.
There is at least one virus in every living cell on the planet--estimated as 1031 viruses. If you took all these viruses, and laid them end-to=end, they would stretch out 200 light years into space.
This was nothing more than an attempt to ruin the economy and scare people to take down Trump. It's really as simple as that.  And, more's the pity that even if you didn't care about that, the public health disaster of quarantining the healthy and ignoring the most vulnerable is just one more in a string of public health disasters going back at least 50 years.  You know, like the best diet is high carb/low fat??
Best regards,
Michael D. Shaw
For some reason Mike can't post his comments on P&D, so he's given me permission to post it for him. As usual, Mike Shaw, of
DeleteShaw's Eco-Logic ( interesting insights. I need to go to a Word Press or Type Pad platform, especially since Blogger is imposing a new platform I find way too difficult.