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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Vitamin and Supplements Industry Gets Hammered. It’s About Time.

Posted on by admin

We at ACSH have been screaming into the wind about the folly of the supplements industry for years. Supplements are nothing but unregulated drugs, and ending this illogical divide between them and prescription drugs is long overdue. Today, on the Science 2.0 site, ACSH’s Dr. Josh Bloom and co-author Dr. David Seres, the head of nutritional medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital published a piece called “Preventing Heart Disease With Vitamin BS,” which dismantles a poorly designed observational study that claims that vitamin supplements help prevent cardiac death in women, despite overwhelming evidence that they do not.  And, it would be hard to miss Anahad O’Connor’s absolutely damning piece on the front page of today’s New York Times. O’Connor clearly points out something we have been saying forever—that supplements do not come close to meeting even the most lax standards for what is in the bottle, let alone whether they are safe and effective. A must read……To Read More…..

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