By Rich Kozlovich
Here is a list of terms describing how many saw some of the Senators "performances" after recent hearings by the Senate to "Advise and Consent" over the President's nominees:
braying jackasses, barking dogs, clapping seals, meritless pinheads, halfwits, nitwits, misfits, dipsticks, a full court circus with the animals running/ruining the mission, suffering from sluggish schizophrenia.
I added "suffering from sluggish schizophrenia." Suffering schizophrenia was a mental disorder made up by the KGB to justify sending dissidents to insane asylums....after all if you disagreed with communism you must be insane. Which has been consistent thinking and actions by leftists world over.
It's been stated if Kamala had been elected the nation's constitutional existence would have been in jeopardy, and as more comes out it's clear that's true. As David Horowitz has said, “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”
The FBI has become renegade over the last ten years and Robert Mueller and James Comey who either lied under oath or were blatantly incompetent, and deliberately lied to the President, recorded private conversations with the president and then leaked it to the public. telling the House committee "I don't remember" 245 times.
Andrew McCabe lied four times to federal investigators.
Christopher Wray unleashed the FBI against parents exercising their constitutional rights to protect their children at school board meetings, even invading their homes with false charges, against those who oppose abortion.
They were really concerned about those dangerous Catholics who think their services should be conducted in the Latin mass, you can see how dangerous that would be to the nation.... right?
Kash Patel was a victim of these political persecutors, all these persecutions were in violation of federal law and the Constitutional rights of their victims, including Donald Trump. This is the "fundamental transformation" Obama had in mind for America, and how the Biden administration's tyranny was taking hold. As this progresses and the investigations expose these bad actors for their vile actions it will really drive home just how dangerous this last election truly was.
Global warming, changed to "climate change", since the world stopped warming about 25 years ago, which they disingenuously call "the pause", they had to adopt the term "climate change". That way no matter what happens they can scream the world is doomed.....doomed I tell you! So give us more money and power to control every aspect of your life to save you.
Well, as far as most of the public is concerned, that dog just don't hunt. And now agencies of the federal government are not going to be allowed to be lap dogs of the globalists/leftist/green activists promoting their fraudulent insanity. And again, more investigations are going to finally expose the corruption that's been going on in the federal government over this stuff. All in order to impose a socialistic and tyrannical worldwide form of governance.
The Green New Deal Is dead thanks to Trump telling them to shove the Paris Treaty where the sun don't shine, and not just in America. This article goes on to show how "going green" has crippled Europe's economies.
As for Biden's farewell speech filled with lies and horsepucky, I'm
not sure he's aware he's lying, I'm not even sure he knew who he was pardoning or why. Speaker Johnson related his experience with Biden discussing a Biden executive order he'd signed three weeks earlier and Biden had no idea what he was talking about, and getting him alone for a one on one meeting was a challenge as Biden's aides hover over him like vultures. He's clearly a pathological and
compulsive liar, and for the most part I think that's been true for most
of his life. Such liars often really believe what they're saying.
It's a mental disorder called "pseudologia fantastica", and I'm sure his
dementia has only exacerbated that disorder.
One final laugh. New Zealand has now gone full on with pagan nature worship, designating a mountain to be a legal person:
[This law] gives the mountain and the surrounding area the rights and responsibilities of a person, the AP reports. The park now "effectively owns itself,"...."When we think about the concept of personhood, what we are doing is putting in place a very Maori Indigenous concept into western law,"....."Our worldview is our maunga are ancestors, they're not resources but they are living beings and so the notion of legal personhood fits well with our worldview,"...... a new legal entity will be the "face and voice" of Taranaki.......
Now, who could find fault with that kind of thinking?
I have six commentaries of my own, and twenty four by others, so enjoy today's edition of P&D.
My Commentaries
- The World as I See It!
- P&D Geopolitics Edition
- Will the Real RFK, Jr. Please Stand Up!
- Pete Hegseth Is In, and It's Going to Hit the Fan!
- Trump's Law!
- Everything is To Be Questioned!
- Trump’s Gambit on Federal Workers By Mark Angelides
- Howard Lutnick: Even Better Than You Think By Susan Daniels
- Those 51 Lying Spies Trump Left Out in the Cold By Tim Donner
- Mine, Baby, Mine! By Paul Driessen
- John Thune, Man on a Mission[ By James Fite
- Hamas Deal Puts U.S. Boots on the Ground By Daniel Greenfield
- California Dems Fight Trump While State Burns
- Islamophobia is the Cover-Up for the Crime
- The Disappearance of Male Authors
- Events From Around the Nation By Robin Itzler
- Donald Trump's Inauguration By Robin Itzler
- Hiding Joe Biden's Dementia By Robin Itzler
- J6ers: Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, Free at Last! By Robin Itzler
- It's Time To Purge The Climate Scam From The Federal Websites By Francis Menton
- How To Rescind The Endangerment Finding In A Way That Will Stick
- Russia and (Non-Existent) Shock Therapy By Dan Mitchell
- Assessing Javier Milei, the World’s Best Leader: Part VIII
- Gun Control Humor
- Maryland and the 20th Theorem of Government
- Ireland: Good Corporate Tax Policy vs. Bad Government Spending Policy
- US Can’t Account for Much of $7 Trillion in Spending By Andrew Moran
- When Current News Died in the Pentagon By Dave Patterson
- Was It Darkest Before the Dawn?
- Sunrise in America By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Permanent Link
Reports are the Democrats are going to double and triple down on critical race theory, gender ideology, no Immigrant should be detained, the Jews are bad, and Trump supporters should be hanged as their platform for the 2028 election. They actually believe that will swing them right back into power. And they're not alone in that fantasy as even Never-Trump Republicans are predicting a huge comeback. Interesting mind set since just like the media, their numbers are cratering, but they have nothing else to offer, and if they change, taking a more moderate or conservative tact, Democrats might as well become Republicans.
In the 1948 election Harry Truman responded to the suggestion he should try to emulate the Republicans when running for his own term, he said:
"When given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican people will vote for the real Republican every time.