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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sebastian Gorka lays out the three great threats to America

January 2, 2020 By John Dale Dunn

Sebastian Gorka, expert in matters of national security and recent national security adviser to President Trump, has written The War for America's Soul (2019), which provides a current and in-depth assessment of domestic and foreign threats to the American Republic as a follow-up and amplification of his points made and discussed in his two recent books, Why We Fight: Defeating America's Enemies — with No Apologies (2018) and Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War (2016).

Dr. Gorka (Ph.D., Corvinus, Budapest) is a recent émigré from England and Hungary. His refugee Hungarian father and mother landed in London after the 1956 Hungarian uprising. His father Paul was an anti-communist resistance leader betrayed by British intelligence during the scandalous time of the traitor Kim Philby. He was imprisoned by the commies but escaped during the short period of the Hungarian freedom uprising in 1956. Sebastian, his son, served the government of Hungary in the period after the fall of the Berlin Wall during the transition to freedom form commie slavery.......To Read More....

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