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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, January 3, 2020

Is the United Nations In NY Getting Ready To DISARM Americans In 2020?

By January 2nd, 2020

What’s going on in America, with the threats of “gun grabbing” laws and rumors of a second revolution.

Annie get your gun⏤because the UN is coming straight out of the bad apple territory. They say that New York could be the headquarters for gun confiscation and reeducation “FEMA” camps, inspired by the former executive administration of #44.
Is it a coincidence that the New York UN office is recruiting “Paramilitary Troops” for disarmament and reintegration of US civilians or merely another distraction while the obtuse left contrive another plot to overthrow the President of the United States and our people’s government?
Look what’s taking place in Virginia and other blue states around the nation⏤their radical Governors and Mayors are running rabid and blazing with terrorism against their citizens with their “I’m above the law attitudes.” ............The UN claims their core values are Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for Diversity, they also state they are the Department of Peace Operations, surely this is a misnomer as it’s common knowledge the UN believes themselves to be the world police, hiding behind their shadowy façade of do gooders to UN- DO and undermine the laws of the U.S. Constitution..............To Read More....

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