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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ali: A Dissenting View

Larry Thornberry

At the risk of suffering a sugar high, I’ve read and listened to much of the wall-to-wall fulsome praise heaped today on the preposterous Muhammad Ali, who went on to his reward late Friday night. About which reward, God being not nearly as gullible as those whooping up this humbug, there is some reason to be concerned.  Not my call of course. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Ali were admitted to Heaven only on the condition that he take a vow of silence, or at the very least promise to talk only to Howard Cosell, another humbug and longtime public annoyance who acted as pilot fish to Ali’s shark.

The Ali charm, so evident to so many others, has always eluded me. As a boxer, if he wasn’t the greatest he certainly was one of the greatest. But I found everything else about him repellent in the extreme. And found it impossible to take seriously anyone who took Ali seriously as anything other than a boxer. He was not the class seer. He was the class clown. He was a boastful, shallow, impulsive, and self-centered humbug whose mental development arrested at about age 12........he also offended there with his mugging, taunting, and generally acting the fool. These melancholy practices were rarely seen outside of professional wrestling before Ali.....To Read More....

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