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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The battle between gender ideology and fact

By James Arlandson

Are we going to let ideology shape the facts?  Or do we let the facts of the real world shape our ideology?

Conservatives say – or should say – no to the first question and yes to the second one. Liberals switch it and say yes to the first one and generally no to the second one. The Family Policy Institute of Washington sent out staffer Joseph Backholm, who interviewed students at the University of Washington to find out where they draw the line between a wild claim of self-identity on the one hand and reality on the other. What if the interviewer claimed he was a six-foot, five-inch Chinese woman? What if he claimed he was seven years old? Should he be allowed to enroll in the first grade? Would the students tell him no and correct his self-identity when it obviously contradicted the facts?   Here's the short video:....

In the bigger picture, we are in a battle – and always have been in one – between the ideology-based left and the reality-based right......

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My Take -   It's shocking how amazingly stupid so many young people really are.  And I wondered why Castro's commie followers cried!  But having values based on reality is judgmental....and we know how bad that is because being judgemental means having values and acting on those values.  It also means you have to think for yourself, and we know how terrible that can be because that means being willing to be the rock in the current instead of going along to get along. 

 Let's get this once and for all. 

When barbarians do battle with wimps - the barbarians win every time. 

We have lost our minds!!!!!

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