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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Opposing Obamacare Isn’t Anarchy

ByJonah Goldberg
Affordable Care Act critics know it’s the law; it’s the president who continues to disregard the fact.  ‘It’s the law of the land.” This is rapidly becoming the preferred shorthand argument for why criticism of Obamacare is just so, so wrong. It also serves as the lead sentence of a larger claim that all attempts to overturn the Affordable Care Act are really symptoms of a kind of extremist right-wing lunacy.
For instance, here’s Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who walked out of the painting American Gothic to deliver this homespun wisdom: “We’re not going to bow to tea-party anarchists who deny the mere fact that Obamacare is the law. We will not bow to tea-party anarchists who refuse to accept that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional.”….To Read More……

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