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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Thilo Sarrazin and the Anti-Muslim Left

Random House is reneging on its contract to publish his book in English.

Sinclair Jenkins, American Renaissance, October 2, 2018

In September, America’s tech giants went before Congress to answer questions about censorship. Despite the fact that the silencing of right-wing voices on Twitter and Facebook is no longer a “conspiracy theory”..............All one has to do is watch the recently released video of the top brass at Google boasting that their company has the ability and the will to alter thought and voting patterns. The New York Times sat on this video for months, not reporting on the most startling details.............

Dr. Sarrazin has been branded a bigot because he has dared to write harsh but honest things about Germany’s Muslim population.

In his 2010 book Germany Abolishes Itself (Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab), Dr. Sarrazin claims that Germany’s large Turkish population is not only refusing to assimilate, they are also “dumbing” down the German population because the public-school system has to cater to their generally lower IQs. German elites were quick to decry the book as heresy and blamed Dr. Sarrazin for unnecessarily dividing the country along ethnic and religious lines.........Germany’s tastemakers have widely denounced his latest book, Hostile Takeover. They’ve lambasted Dr. Sarrazin for failing to “fully understand” the complexities of Islam and the Koran. Dr. Sarrazin is not giving in to this criticism, and his court case against Random House may set a precedent for free speech in the publishing world...........To Read More.....

My Take - Why is it those who disagree with leftists fail (according to them) to "fully understand the complexities of_______________(fill in the blank).  But they never seem to explain why, except with anger and irrational emotional appeals.  We need to get this.  The left has no affection for history, logic, facts, truth or consistency of thought.  All of which are antithetical to leftism.  What's the most interesting of all this is leftism is antithetical to Islam and vice versa.    If Muslims take over Europe leftism will cease to exist, as there will be no leftists left in Europe.  They'll either convert, be subjugated or be killed.  But they will submit to Islam. 

You just can't fix stupid. 

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