M.D. Kittle / September 20, 2016 /News/
@ Wisconsin Watchdog
MADISON, Wis. – Despite the garish headlines and the narratives of nefarious political schemes wrought by
The Guardian’s release of court-sealed John Doe documents last week, only one known crime has to date been committed: The leaking of those documents.
And now there is more evidence pointing to prosecutors or their allies as the source of that leak.
Sources close to the situation tell Wisconsin Watchdog that the 1,300-plus documents related to Wisconsin’s
politically driven John Doe investigation could only have come from the working files of the prosecutors and investigators in the case.
There is a small universe of people who had access to the documents, and that universe is almost exclusively populated by prosecutors, investigators and court officials.
It is clear the documents were not filed in any court, sources say; none of the documents were stamped or marked as exhibits.
Wisconsin Watchdog reported last week, the records include handwritten notes on the motion of an unnamed movant (one of dozens of conservatives targeted in the probe), as well as an unsigned draft of an affidavit from John Doe special prosecutor Francis Schmitz. “There is other actionable intelligence such as the time zone, date and exact time these documents were scanned and later revised and the make and model of the copier used to scan them,” one source told Wisconsin Watchdog.
Photo by Fox6 News
Gov. Scott Walker answers press questions
last week following the latest chapter of
Wisconsin’s never-ending John Doe saga.
“There is also evidence to suggest the perpetrator or perpetrators worked closely with outside interests to select the leaked documents,” the source said.
Of an estimated 6 million-plus documents grabbed up by prosecutors and included in the John Doe sealed files, whoever handed off the documents to the liberal British newspaper cherry-picked the ones that would garner the kind of breathless reporting that followed their release. They were designed for maximum damage of conservatives who were never charged with any wrongdoing, and many others who had no idea they were being investigated or, more aptly put, spied on, until the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered the special prosecutor to inform them late last year.
While left-wing groups and their friends in the mainstream media hammered narratives of conservative groups working closely with Gov.
Scott Walker’s campaign in some kind of illegal web of illicit fundraising, several courts with access to many more documents than those leaked to The Guardian have determined the prosecutors have shown no evidence of broken laws.
What is clear, based on rulings by the John Doe judge and the state Supreme Court, is that all of the documents – including the 1,350 leaked to the liberal publication, were obtained without probable cause and, arguably, in violation of the federal
Stored Communications Act. There is a class-action lawsuit pending on that latter point.
On Thursday, Republican Assembly leaders asked Attorney General Brad Schimel to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the leak.
“In light of the recent unauthorized disclosure of sealed documents in a John Doe investigation, we are writing to request you consider the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate this apparent violation of Supreme Court order and state law,” wrote Assembly Speaker
Robin Vos, R-Rochester, Assembly Majority Leader
Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, and Joint Finance Committee co-chair, state Rep.
John Nygren, R-Marinette in their
letter to
Schimel’s spokesman said the AG is “very concerned about the apparent violation of the secrecy orders issued by the court in this case, and is currently reviewing the available options to address the serious legal questions raised by the leak and publication of these sealed documents.”
As of Tuesday, Schimel had not announced his intentions.
The attorney general and the state Supreme Court have the authority to initiate an investigation into the leaks of the personal and private documents, criminal violations under several Wisconsin statutes.
“We don’t need a special prosecutor. We need the Attorney General to do his job and provide a check on the extraordinary power these prosecutors have to ruin the lives and reputations of innocent people,” a target of the John Doe told Wisconsin Watchdog.
“The person(s) who allowed these illegally seized documents to be released committed a crime. It’s that simple.
Milwaukee County District Attorney
John Chisholm, the highly partisan Democrat who launched the political dragnet four years ago, released a statement Wednesday on the leaked court documents.
“John Doe materials are secret materials,” the prosecutor said. “The public release of this John Doe evidence without authorization is not merely a violation of the John Doe secrecy order; it is a crime under Wisconsin law.”
Illustration by Wisconsin Watchdog
was removed from his front man position
as John Doe special prosecutor after
the state Supreme Court majority opinion
described him as having perpetrated a
‘perfect storm of wrongs.’
Chisholm insists that he and Schmitz “support any effort that may be undertaken to determine the source of these newest leaks.”
told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he has “no recollection” of seeing some of the John Doe documents.
The former special prosecutor and Chisholm told the newspaper that previous leaked information also should come under the scope of any review.
Wisconsin Watchdog, the Wall Street Journal, and the Journal Sentinel have published sealed documents obtained from sources.
Vos’ spokeswoman told the Journal Sentinel that the speaker believes “any leak is a crime.”
Wisconsin’s unique John Doe procedure comes with a secrecy order that an appeals court justice described as “screamingly unconstitutional.” The political John Doe demanded that conservatives who were targeted or who were called as witnesses in the probe say nothing to anyone about the investigation, on punishment of jail and costly fines. They could say nothing when their homes were raided and their possessions taken by armed law enforcement officers in very disruptive, early-morning warrant actions. They could say nothing when mainstream media sources reported on crimes they were accused of committing.
Some risked much to try to defend themselves in a probe that had stolen their voices as much as their personal information.
The prosecutors are held to even higher standards, with hefty penalties for breaking the secrecy orders.
“John Doe II,” as it has been billed, was an active campaign finance investigation for some 15 months, until January 2014, when John Doe Judge Gregory Peterson quashed several subpoenas used in the investigation. He ordered the John Doe shut down but allowed the prosecutors to appeal. In July 2015, the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared the investigation unconstitutional and ordered it shut down. Justice
Michael Gableman, one of four conservatives to sign off on the ruling, described the special prosecutor’s actions as a “perfect storm of wrongs” perpetrated against people who did nothing wrong.
But Chisholm and two other Democrat district attorneys were allowed to petition the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to overturn the state Supreme Court’s ruling. Among their arguments, the prosecutors contend Gableman and fellow conservative Justice
David Prosser (now retired) should have recused themselves.
Chisholm insists the justices benefited from issue ads paid for by the
Wisconsin Club for Growth and other conservative groups targeted in the John Doe. Of course, Chisholm fails to ask the same of former Chief Justice
Shirley Abrahamson, an ultra-liberal who benefited through issue ads paid for by the same labor groups that targeted Walker and Republican senators in the 2011-12 recall campaigns. Those campaigns are at the root of the John Doe campaign finance investigation.
Abrahamson also effectively set the probe in motion, her court assistant selecting the
original John Doe judge who suddenly recused herself without explanation shortly after the 2013 raids.
- Document suggests prosecutors leaked sealed John Doe records to Guardian
- Schimel still weighing options on John Doe leaks
- More evidence points to prosecutors, investigators as source of John Doe leaks
- Different day, same old tired and faulty John Doe narrative by mainstream players
- Craig renews call for legislative investigation into John Doe investigators
- Fitzgerald: GAB’s Michael Haas not long for new administrator role
- John Chisholm, the Captain Ahab of prosecutors, wants another shot at John Doe
- Where was Russ Feingold’s defense of civil liberties in abusive John Doe probe?
- Wall Street Journal: Hold John Doe prosecutors accountable
- Schimel opposes John Doe prosecutors’ petition before U.S. Supreme Court
- Constitutional law experts come to defense of conservatives targeted in John Doe probes
- Cindy Archer appeals John Doe civil rights lawsuit to 7th Circuit
- Free-market group sues John Doe ‘ringleaders’ for violating federal law
- A year after Supreme Court pronounces John Doe dead, conservatives still waiting for justice
- Before lamenting the end of the GAB, read this
- Mark Gundrum, architect of John Doe-driving GAB, could be next Supreme Court justice
- John Doe victims stuck with GAB retread until at least January
- Liberal judge dismisses civil rights lawsuit against John Doe prosecutors
- Haas’ emails in GAB’s John Doe probe should give senators pause
- Chisholm invokes his illegal John Doe probe in re-election campaign
- New docs show GAB spent more than 2,500 hours on John Doe probe
- Bruce Murphy: When journalists (don’t) attack
- Documents raise questions about John Doe judge’s review of warrant
- Judge Lynn Adelman on John Doe records custody: ‘I don’t care about the law’
- Attorney to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter: ‘Your article is ridiculous’
- Oral arguments set in John Doe civil rights lawsuit
- John Doe freedom fighter wins big victory against the IRS
- Important court days coming soon to John Doe Land
- Will Senate take up Assembly amendment watering down John Doe reforms?
- Vos names commissioners, end of GAB inches closer
- First John Doe documents released from lawsuit show GAB’s partisan motives
- Schimel: John Doe investigators living in ‘Alice in Wonderland world’
- Did John Doe cost Larry Nelson an election?
- Unsealed John Doe documents show view from Chisholm’s world
- Chisholm’s unaccountable defense: ‘The records do not exist’
- Court denies DAs’ motion to open up John Doe records to private attorneys
- AG Brad Schimel on John Doe authority question: It’s complicated
- Conservatives: Attorney General alone has authority over John Doe petition
- John Doe targets: Chisholm has no right to share illegally seized ‘evidence’
- GAB’s John Doe secrets could soon be released to the public
- Schimel says John Doe prosecutors have no right to illegally obtained ‘evidence’
- Lawmaker takes one more try at records request with reluctant GAB
- Chisholm’s use of big guns in John Doe fight raises legal questions
- Petitioner against John Chisholm: Walker’s office dropped the ball
- Walker’s office won’t open hearing into Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm
- Schimel says decision coming soon on open records complaint against GAB
- John Doe targets tell Supreme Court that prosecutor is not complying with order
- Mainstream media displays selective principles on open records
- Supreme Court says no to John Doe prosecutors; Abrahamson lashes out
- John Doe prosecutors ‘just playing games,’ says Cindy Archer’s attorney
- What’s it like to find out the government has been spying on you?
- Former John Doe prosecutor not in compliance with court order
- Craig asks attorney general to compel GAB to open up John Doe records
- Bad Santa: John Doe prosecutor delivers letters to the people he spied on
- Defense attorney: Liberal John Doe cheerleaders beware
- Falk blasts incompetence of GAB, prosecutors in John Doe, emails show
- ‘Good government’ group that celebrated Lois Lerner mourns for GAB
- John Doe target: ‘Where and when does this abuse end?’
- Chisholm quietly returns illegal campaign contribution
- Bill creates legislative committee to investigate John Doe investigations
- O’Keefe to Chisholm: Go ahead, make my day
- Conservatives, transparency win! GAB settles lawsuit, agrees to open up its secrets
- With Walker’s signature, the GAB is dead
- Did DA who launched political John Doe probe break campaign finance laws?
- District attorneys want out of political John Doe business
- The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s selective outrage on transparency
- Milwaukee County Board signals support to fight for illegal John Doe
- Attorney General: John Chisholm broke campaign finance law
- Attorney General: End John Doe case now
- Political speech ‘watchdogs’ urge continuation of illegal John Doe
- Former John Doe special prosecutor has little chance before high court
- John Doe prosecutor gets no respect from targets he intimidated for years
- Wisconsin Supreme Court reaffirms John Doe is dead
- Wisconsin Supreme Court to rule on motion to reconsider John Doe ruling
- Walker yet to sign GAB overhaul bill
- Lawmaker advises GAB’s Kevin Kennedy to ‘obey the law’
- John Doe political prisoner Kelly Rindfleisch completes probation
- John Doe victims still in legal limbo four months after Supreme Court ruling
- Did GAB’s Kevin Kennedy break the law in John Doe talks with Lois Lerner?
- Lawmaker asking GAB to open its John Doe records
- Court filing shows GAB’s Kennedy asking Lois Lerner if IRS ‘would be interested’
- Taxpayers on hook for at least $187,000 to defend rogue GAB
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel mentions petition to remove Milwaukee DA — finally
- Speech cop, prosecutors argue for secrecy in the face of GAB extinction
- GAB just about dead as final overhaul bill passes Assembly
- Rogue GAB pushing strained legal arguments to keep its secrets
- Milwaukee citizens petition Walker to remove DA John Chisholm from office
- Conservatives to court on GAB’s secrets: ‘Enough is enough’
- Senate passes GAB overhaul, campaign finance reform in ‘extraordinary’ session
- Memo to Legislature: Take a closer look at GAB Judge’s conduct
- GAB kept pushing political probe despite daunting evidence problems
- Spokeswoman: Fitzgerald not ruling out extraordinary session on GAB bill
- GAB’s defense of John Doe database raises more question than answers
- EXCLUSIVE: Wisconsin Senate majority leader, others also targeted in John Doe
- Kevin Kennedy’s spin to save the GAB and his job contradicts the record
- Target of political John Doe targets reluctant senators in robocall campaign
- WSJ: Wisconsin’s political John Doe targeted national conservatives
- Lawmakers want answers on GAB director Kevin Kennedy’s IRS conversations
- Newly released John Doe docs reveal much more about rogue GAB
- Back to the Future: Dems walk out on vote again
- GAB living on borrowed time?
- Fireworks coming on GAB and campaign finance reform debate
- Hyperbole happens as John Doe reform passes on party-line vote
- Craig blasts newspaper for Dem ‘press release’ coverage of John Doe bill
- Judge holds off on release of GAB’s ‘very embarrassing’ records
- Prosecutor plugged into ‘hotspot’ to email sensitive John Doe docs
- Why did accountability board use Gmail accounts to talk John Doe?
- Fiery GAB hearing invokes ghost of Joe McCarthy
- John Doe victims to tell their stories in Fox News special
- GAB overhaul would eliminate blank checks on taxypayer dime
- GAB fighting to keep its secrets out of public eye
- Sources: Bill would overhaul controversial GAB
- GAB chairman: ‘I wasn’t offended’ by John Doe raids
- The silence of the left is the Dems’ transparency hypocrisy
- Judge orders GAB to turn over emails with liberal groups
- Supreme Court will not hear Kelly Rindfleisch’s Fourth Amendment case
- Will the voices of the John Doe victims be heard?
- John Doe political prisoner Kelly Rindfleisch nears end of her sentence
- ‘Nonpartisan’ GAB staff has partisan past
- New emails show GAB assisting in John Doe defense after judge said stop
- Craig says bill to investigate GAB’s John Doe activities coming soon
- Wall Street Journal: GAB targeted conservative justices in John Doe defense
- John Doe prosecutors get a win, practice legal gymnastics again
- Did the GAB ‘illegally coordinate’ with left-leaning groups?
- Knudson on GAB: ‘We need to take this thing apart’
- Legislature to take up John Doe reform in October, GOP leadership says
- Partisan Falk once urged GAB to ‘get around constitutional right to free speech’
- Updated complaint shines more light on dark day in John Doe
- Wisconsin GAB reform bill could be ready in a few weeks, sources say
- An open letter to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Patrick Marley
- Explosive email exposes GAB attorney’s partisan motives in John Doe probe
- Legal defense of rogue John Doe agents costs taxpayers nearly $1.2 million
- John Doe investigators say there are more tapes of raids
- Conservatives ask Abrahamson to turn over John Doe-related records
- John Doe reform bill starts to move again
- John Doe prosecutors’ tape of raid raises questions about missing moments
- John Doe prosecutors open new assault on conservative targets
- Attorney: audio confirms traumatic John Doe raid of Cindy Archer’s home
- Legal expert: Abrahamson and John Doe civil rights cases like day and night
- Hillary Clinton plays victim card
- John Doe horror stories: ‘I felt completely helpless in my own home’
- Legal experts on right and left seek review of Rindfleisch John Doe conviction
- Kelly Rindfleisch seeks release following death of John Doe probe
- Wisconsin Supreme Court shuts down John Doe investigation, affirms First Amendment
- Wisconsin Supreme Court shuts down John Doe investigation
- The John Doe investigation might finally be over; Supreme Court to rule Thursday
- Left’s loud transparency defenders silent on secret John Doe
- Vos: Time to ‘double down’ on GAB reform in wake of reported IRS links
- GAB’s Kennedy had a friend in IRS’ Lois Lerner
- National Review: Political John Doe victimized 16-year-old boy
- Cindy Archer: Chisholm’s John Doe was ‘campaign of intimidation’
- Former Walker aide to file civil rights lawsuit against John Doe prosecutor
- Kelly Rindfleisch: ‘I fear I will never get justice’
- ‘Did they get me?’: Docs reveal long-time John Doe spying operation
- Justice Gableman: Warrants in Rindfleisch case amount to ‘fishing expedition’
- Justice asks state Supreme Court to reconsider Rindfleisch Fourth Amendment appeal
- What happened to Kelly Rindfleisch could happen to you
- Kelly Rindfleisch takes her Fourth Amendment fight to the U.S. Supreme Court
- GAB reform stalled, new docs show GAB working closely with John Doe prosecutors
- John Doe reform bill stuck in legislative waiting game
- Was John Chisholm John Doe distracted?
- U.S. Supreme Court denies review of John Doe-related case
- Warrants command John Doe targets to remain silent
- Political prisoner Kelly Rindfleisch on home confinement, working for O’Keefe
- Will discovery reveal more bombshell information about ‘rogue’ GAB?
- Wisconsin as a New Yorker cartoon of itself
- U.S. Supreme Court could announce decision on John Doe case later this month
- Five years later: America just learning ‘tyrannical’ secrets of Wisconsin’s John Doe
- John Chisholm’s 50 shades of ‘raid’
- Do Chisholm’s public comments on John Doe cross ethical line?
- Experts: Chances rise that U.S. Supreme Court will take John Doe case
- U.S. Supreme Court to consider hearing John Doe-related case
- Who was the reporter outside Cindy Archer’s house?
- John Doe reform bill stalls in Legislature
- Lawmaker: Chief justice’s civil rights complaint is ‘pathetic’
- New documents expose GAB’s ‘parallel’ probe expenditures
- Did chief justice show her hand in dissenting John Doe opinion?
- U.S. Supreme Court could soon decide whether to take John Doe Case
- Kelly Rindfleisch, Chisholm’s political prize, to begin sentence on Thursday
- GAB, friend of the John Doe, just wants to be a ‘friend of the court’
- Kelly Rindfleisch hopes to avoid becoming first John Doe political prisoner
- Secretive John Doe special prosecutor who fancies a good leak screams secrecy breach
- Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects Rindfleisch Fourth Amendment appeal
- On Sunshine Week, GAB still operating in the dark
- John Doe target says they are the victim of identity theft
- Reform bill would open up the John Doe books to taxpayers
- John Doe reform bill aims to break silence of abusive investigations
- Milwaukee DA to be ‘special guest’ at fundraiser for Supreme Court justice
- $775,000 and rising — Wisconsin taxpayers’ bill to defend John Doe prosecutors
- Prosecutor misstatements continue to shape John Doe narrative, Walker’s future
- Is John Doe special prosecutor still working with partisan DA, GAB?
- Conservative groups ask U.S. Supreme Court to defend rights of John Doe targets
- Does chief justice have conflict of interest in John Doe case?
- First Amendment expert: Wisconsin ought to be ’embarrassed’ by John Doe
- Following judge’s order killing John Doe, what’s next?
- Federal judge’s judgment takes John Doe probe off life support
- How Wisconsin media support DA’s war on conservatives
- Conservatives: GAB’s meeting minutes show gap in board’s John Doe oversight
- O’Keefe takes his case against John Doe to U.S. Supreme Court
- GAB has a sudden change of heart on campaign finance reform
- Public defender asks Supreme Court to take up John Doe-related Fourth Amendment case
- GAB plays victim card in ‘complicated’ John Doe, campaign finance farce
- Doe possessed: ‘They have information about every aspect of our lives’
- One year ago, judge’s ruling shakes up John Doe probe
- State lawmakers look to investigate the GAB and its investigators
- O’Keefe officially asks judge to open probe into John ‘Doe’ Chisholm
- GAB offers contradictory defense of its John Doe activities
- Isn’t it ironic: Mainstream silence follows reports of secret GAB Gmail in John Doe
- Attorney: GAB’s John Doe justifications don’t hold up to law
- ‘Outside the … law’: Lawmakers call for investigation of GAB
- Rogue agency defied judges to carry out partisan probe of Wisconsin conservatives
- GAB won’t say whether it has reauthorized its role in John Doe probe
- ‘R word’ surfaces in wake of state Supreme Court taking up John Doe challenges
- Wisconsin Supreme Court to take up John Doe complaints
- Audit: GAB has failed to follow the law
- Rindfleisch appeals to Supreme Court in John Doe Fourth Amendment abuse case
- Wisconsin’s Van Hollen says goodbye to AG post, John Doe
- Did the GAB doctor documents to cover their tracks in John Doe?
- Conservatives to court: Open up records on GAB’s role in John Doe
- John Doe froze conservative speech, targets say
- Kelly Rindfleisch will fight on in Fourth Amendment case
- John Doe lawsuit could be headed to U.S. Supreme Court
- GAB, Milwaukee County DA bail on key provision behind war on conservatives
- Vos: There will be reforms to John Doe, GAB
- Voters say ‘yes’ to Walker, ‘no’ to John Doe, law expert says
- Appeals court denies request to rehear John Doe civil rights case
- Report: No district attorney will investigate District Attorney John Chisholm
- Federalism v. individual rights: A conversation with Eric O’Keefe
- No surprise: Bice buries the lead, Walker follows the law
- Wisconsin Supreme Court takes another pass on John Doe case
- Federal judge stops John Doe prosecutors from bothering conservative group
- Armed and growing: Milwaukee County DA beefs up his ‘police force’
- Conservatives to appeals court: ‘You don’t know Doe’
- Conservative group asks court to stop John Doe ‘constitutional injury’
- Rindfleisch: ‘Rape’ not too strong a word for how violated John Doe targets feel
- The day John Doe rushed through the door
- Target of secret John Doe probe is fighting back and speaking out
- Who’s paying the bill? Report casts questions on GAB and John Doe payments
- Conservative O’Keefe seeks investigation into John Chisholm and his John Doe
- A whistleblower’s story: Taking on a ‘hyper-partisan’ district attorney
- Appeals court reverses John Doe injunction, but Wisconsin’s secret war far from over
- Source: Wisconsin Supreme Court doesn’t want political heat of John Doe case
- Rindfleisch attorney: Appeals court can protect the Fourth Amendment in Digital Age
- Kelly Rindfleisch: Where are the tears for the kids the Milwaukee school system failed?
- GAB director says agency just following the law in John Doe probe
- Is John Doe story colored with a bit of ‘Macbeth?’
- Wisconsin prosecutors appeal for protection from blowback in partisan probe
- Another blow for Wisconsin’s restrictive campaign finance law
- $25,000 and counting: WI taxpayers’ bill so far to defend GAB and its ‘monster’
- Was John Doe judge a rubber stamp?
- First Amendment big guns back targets of John Doe probe
- Conservatives say ‘incorrect disclosure’ of John Doe docs no ‘tiny error’
- Conservatives appeal to common sense in John Doe appeals case
- Wisconsin prosecutors aim to shut down conservatives
- Walker ‘smoking gun’ story has tiny glaring flaw
- John Doe prosecutors take desperate, unethical slap
- ‘Retaliation’: Docs show state prosecutors launched mini-NSA probe of WI conservatives
- Overheated media erroneously bring back Walker ‘criminal scheme’ theme
- Taxpayers on the hook up to $25,000 for GAB’s legal maneuvers
- Appeals court orders release of some John Doe documents
- Conservatives in John Doe battle know disclosure comes with a heavy price
- Kelly Rindfleisch appeal to test validity of John Doe digital searches
- Senator: Looks like accountability board is hiding something
- John Doe document blitz must have broken mainstream media’s heart
- In John Doe Land, the left doesn’t illegally coordinate
- Oral arguments set in John Doe prosecutors’ appeal
- Judge denies conservatives’ request to add GAB to civil rights lawsuit
- John Doe prosecutors engaged in war of words — lots and lots of words
- Will John Doe prosecutors launch lengthy probe against Trek Bicycle?
- GAB now playing secrets in state John Doe lawsuit
- Senator asks attorney general to compel GAB to open up its books
- AG opinion means accountability board’s John Doe secrets are safe — for now
- Is John Doe probe a case of a mini NSA in Wisconsin?
- John Doe prosecutors engaged in premature justification, conservatives say
- Mainstream media forced to walk back Walker ‘criminal scheme’ narrative
- Kelly Rindfleisch tells conservatives, ‘Don’t back down’
- Expert: John Doe raids raise ‘troubling’ Fourth Amendment questions
- Wall Street Journal points out ‘disgrace’ of mainstream John Doe reporting
- Right on cue: Document dump fuels anti-Walker donation drive
- Federal judge blasts John Doe prosecutors – again – as he denies records release
- Humiliated in court, WI Dems take their anti-conservative John Doe probe to the media
- What about those prosecutors? Questions surround other John Doe DAs
- John Doe prosecutors jump back into the dark?
- Will taxpayers have to pay for frivolity of John Doe prosecutors?
- John Doe I judge says he’s not responsible for John Doe II
- O’Keefe keeps collecting big wins in John Doe lawsuit
- Appeals court upholds judge’s order shutting down John Doe probe
- ‘Never-ending’ John Doe never ended, WSJ reports
- John Doe special prosecutor obeys judge’s order
- ‘Are these kind of armed pre-dawn raids standard operating procedure?’
- John Doe special prosecutor’s bill still shrouded in secrecy
- Federal judge says his order halting John Doe probe should be clear to prosecutor
- John Doe targets sue Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board
- Attorney to judge: Don’t let John Doe prosecutor ‘moot’ injunction
- Sources: Attorney General passes on defending GAB in John Doe cases
- Walker’s John Doe response raises more questions than answers
- Contempt questions surround reported John Doe deal talks
- Would Walker settlement with John Doe prosecutors be a deal with the devil?
- Sources: No urgency in WI Supreme Court on John Doe
- For the Walker-hating left, John Doe is ‘Mission Accomplished’
- State Farm still doesn’t want to cover John Doe prosecutor’s legal bills
- GAB still reviewing court ruling declaring WI campaign finance law unconstitutional
- John Doe prosecutors voice phony outrage, legal source says
- Expert: It’s as if GAB decided ‘Citizens United didn’t exist’
- John Doe prosecutors suddenly support opening sealed court records
- Appeals Court declares portions of Wisconsin campaign finance law unconstitutional
- Still their little secret? Questions remain on John Doe gag order
- Secret’s out: The world is beginning to learn more about WI’s John Doe
- Lawyers, lawyers everywhere and other dispatches from John Doe Land
- Lawmakers call for review of GAB’s secret John Doe activities, funds
- Federal judge orders John Doe probe shut down again
- Federal judge’s ruling could open up sealed John Doe records
- Appeals court stalls judge’s order halting John Doe probe
- What’s next for now-defunct John Doe probe?
- This is what the Fourth Amendment looks like?
- John Doe is dead: Judge stops WI prosecutors’ probe into conservatives
- Are John Doe prosecutors sweating out federal judge’s decision?
- Media coalition asks judge to open sealed John Doe documents
- Federal judge denies John Doe prosecutors’ motion to stall civil rights case
- John Doe prosecutors sound defensive in latest court filings
- John Doe target says prosecutors latest move another delay tactic
- John Doe, as it is being used, must go, WI senator says
- Target: John Doe prosecutors making up campaign law as they go along
- Civil rights expert: John Doe law is ‘un-American,’ like something from ‘Nazi Germany’
- Judge denies John Doe prosecutors’ move to dismiss civil rights suit
- Nobody will say what John Doe’s shadow man did, but taxpayers are paying his legal bill
- SCOTUS ruling on campaign finance shows abuse of John Doe, targets say
- ‘Easy target’: Kelly Rindfleisch breaks silence about John Doe probe
- Poll suggests Dems’ big ‘secret’ weapon against Walker is backfiring
- Absolute immunity makes it tough to prosecute the prosecutors of John Doe
- Recusal in John Doe case raises questions of fairness, purpose
- D’oh! John Doe prosecutors claim secrecy protection – after filing secret documents
- Secret agent Dean Nickel’s defense: ‘Dean Nickel is not responsible’
- John Doe prosecutors wanted higher-priced lawyers, source says
- Shadowy John Doe investigator invokes federalism in civil rights lawsuit
- Conservatives counterpunch John Doe prosecutors’ move to stall injunction
- John Doe prosecutor pushed for brain-damaged man’s conviction in ATF debacle
- John Doe special prosecutor appeals judge’s ruling quashing subpoenas
- John Doe judge: ‘Results of the John Doe speak for themselves’
- Liberal group looking to take Wisconsin’s John Doe national
- Disparate treatment: Civil rights lawsuit claims conservative speech trampled
- Target files civil rights lawsuit against Wisconsin’s John Doe prosecutors
- Lawmaker: Wisconsin’s John Doe like Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’
- John Doe target O’Keefe taking on IRS, too
- Conservative to Democrat prosecutors: Shut down secret political probe or face civil rights lawsuit
- Lawsuits looming in Wisconsin’s crumbling John Doe probe?
- Vos: Wait until John Doe in ‘rearview mirror’ before revisiting law
- WSJ: John Doe judge deals body blow to secret probe targeting conservatives
- Biggest secret in John Doe may be just how judges and special prosecutors are selected
- Republicans speak out about silent John Doe targeting conservatives
- WI Republican attorney general to represent judges in Democrat-led John Doe probe
- Wisconsin Dems suddenly support political investigations
- Center for Media and Democracy: Liberals are morally superior
- ‘Dangerous’ game: Former FEC official blasts Democrats’ secret investigation of conservative groups
- Conservative targets bring in big guns to Democrat-led John Doe fight
- Will Wisconsin’s own ‘Miserable’ inspector jail conservative activist for speaking out about Dem probe?
- Vendetta justice? Criticism growing about John Doe prosecutor Bruce Landgraf
- Sources: New judge named in Democrat-led secret probe
- Clarke: John Doe into conservatives ‘unbridled,’ ‘dangerous’ and ‘tainted’
- Sheriff Clarke: John Doe case shows Milwaukee DA is ‘weaponized for political purposes’
- Democrats tap anti-terror expert to head secret probe of Wisconsin conservatives
- Democrats’ ‘intelligence-gathering’ spreads in Wisconsin
- EXCLUSIVE: Judge in Democrat-led John Doe probe recuses herself
- Scary! Phantom prosecutor in Dems’ war on conservatives disappears inside courthouse
- Sources: Secret probe targeting conservatives is abuse of prosecutorial powers
- So what are the odds
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