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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 9, 2024

Time and Circumstance are Not on the Side of Social Security

We're being led by a kakistocracy.  A cabal of the least competent, least qualified, least intelligent, and quite probably the most corrupt leaders this nation has ever know.  What could possibly go wrong? 

By Rich Kozlovich 

Social Security was originally sold to the public as a mere aid to retirees so they would be able to afford basics, not as a way of life, which it now is.  It was also sold to the public that the money would be used exclusively for retirees, and all that money would be in a lock box that couldn't be touched.   That was FDR's promise to America.  But, as Harry Truman observed, "The President lies".  And he did constantly to everyone. What ever was convenient at the time was his narrative of the moment.  Yes, just as all leftists do today.

The age 65 was chosen for retirement because most people didn't live past 65 in those days.  But the first person to collect from SSI was a women, Ida May Fuller, and she lived to be 100 years old, and collected a total of $25,000 dollars over the next 35 years, but the clock is ticking on SSI.  

On February 9, 2024 Brenton Smith published this piece, The Social Security clock keeps ticking, saying:

Social Security has marched to a steady cadence of financial decline for the past 40 years. Every year, the size of the Social Security bomb gets bigger while the fuse becomes a little shorter. While that image might be a serious problem for you, it doesn’t seem to have captured the attention of anyone on Capitol Hill. 

At this point, the program has roughly $22.4 trillion in promises that it does not expect to keep to those who can vote today. Someone who turns 80 years old today expects, on average, to live long enough to feel the impact of legislative neglect, which stretches all the way back to 1983. It is interesting that Congress hasn't found time over the past few decades to address these worrisome prospects, but it has wasted an abundance of time on marginal proposals that have no material chance of consideration, much less passage. Where on earth do these highly-paid legislators find the time?

For years it's been known what year SSI will to go bankrupt.  In 2022 it was stated Social Security Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted in 12 Years. Now ten years, 2034, and here's a nice bit of reality, the True National Debt Exceeds $123 Trillion, or Nearly $800,000 per Taxpayer.   With that kind of debt how is it possible for any social service to survive, let along SSI? 

I posted this piece, Social Security: Dunn's First Law - With Enough Idiots, You Don't Need a Conspiracy, and I think it's clear, we're been led by twits, misfits, nitwits, and charlatans.  I like this piece, Liquidating Federal Assets: A Promising Tool for Ending the U.S. Debt Crisis, clearly demonstrating the solution to the National Debt, SSI, Medicare is federal asset liquidation.  

I demonstrated this in my article Get Out of Debt Card, which I've published a number of times.  The federal government in 2013 had 150 trillion dollars in assets, most of which could be liquidated, paying off the national debt, saving almost a trillion dollars a year in interest payments, and repay the trillions they stole from SSI to fund social programs that had nothing to do with retirement.   According to the Daily Caller citing the Congressional Budget Office, The Government Will Spend More on Interest This Year Than Defense or Medicare.

 I've been writing about and publishing articles about this for a lot of years, and if everyone is even been paying a modicum of attention, they must realize the danger ahead, yet I find ignorance of this is ubiquitous.  In spite of the fact neither the politicians responsible for all this, or their myrmidons in the nation media who refuse to make it a foundational issue that needs fixing, there's no excuse for ignorance.

So, with all this information available on the demise of SSI why hasn't that been part of the election debate questions?  Why has no one from the media, on the right or the left, asked candidates what their solution is? 

Along with the five articles I've already linked, here are 42 more dealing with this whole issue of national debt, social services, and the delusion all is well.  At some point we'll reach the "Inevitability Factor:  When Reality Reaches it's Apex", and when that day comes, it won't be pretty. 

  1. Why Is Someone at AEI Proposing a Massive Tax Increase to Finance Ever-Growing Government, Part I?  
  2. What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits
  3. Biden and Trump Should Learn from Sweden’s Social Security Reform
  4. Republicans Must Take the Lead in Reforming Social Security and Medicare
  5. Social Security, Medicare, and the State of the Union
  6. Why Cut Social Security and Medicare? Here’s Why
  7.  9 things to know about Social Security as it turns 80
  8.  The Unavoidable Choice: Entitlement Reform or Massive Middle-Class Tax Increases 
  9. NEW REPORT Spells Doom For Social Security Recipients
  10. Republican Warfare, Part IV: Will the GOP Get Serious about Spending
  11. Report highlights Social Security's looming insolvency, but White House doesn't
  12.  The Real (and Growing) Problem with Social Security
  13. Biden Turns Entire Government Into a Democrat Voter Machine 
  14. Swamponomics: The Long Dark Winter for Social Security 
  15. The Economic Consequences of Expanding Pay-as-You-Go Social Security Systems
  16. New Numbers Confirm Social Security’s Dismal Fiscal Outlook
  17. Michael Bloomberg and Entitlements: Rational (at Least in the Past), but not Right
  18. Elizabeth Warren’s Reckless Scheme to Expand the Social Security Burden and Undermine American Competitiveness
  19. Yes, Social Security is a Sinking Ship
  20. $240,000 – The Amount Each American Owns of US Debt and Unfunded Obligations
  21. Democrats didn't give up the plantation, they just moved the plantation to Washington DC.
  22. 4 Key Lessons from Latest Social Security Trustees’ Report
  23. New Book Presents Solutions for Financially Insolvent Entitlement Programs
  24. President Trump & Social Security vs. The Lying Media
  25. Retirement Isn’t Happening
  26. Our National Debt Is Our National Disgrace
  27. Dress Rehearsal for Fiscal Armageddon 
  28. Pyramids of Crisis
  29. Government Intervention and Parental Leave
  30. Saving America’s Retirement System and Providing Real Middle-Class Tax Relief
  31. Editorial: Who Cares about Entitlements? 
  32. Federal Government: By the Way, Medicare and Social Security Are Going Broke A Lot Faster Than We'd Thought
  33. The Ever-Expanding Fiscal Burden of Social Security
  34. Reforms to Sweden’s Retirement System and Lessons for the United States
  35. Will limousine liberals fix Social Security?
  36. Social Security’s Creeping Fiscal Crisis
  37. The Chilean Miracle Shows that Economic Liberty is the Best Way of of Helping Ordinary People 
  38. The Social Security Shell Game
  39. Boomers Beware SS BS 
  40. The Social Security Collection Agency
  41. Social Security Checks Are Being Reduced for Unpaid Student Debt
  42. Government Gave 4,317 Aliens 2 Social Security Numbers a Piece

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