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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Let's Just Call it For What it is: Treason

By Rich Kozlovich

Okay, let's start with the Constitutional definition of treason:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. 

While Biden's actions, and the actions of his administration certainly are treasonous in principle, they may not be treason in law.  Having said that, it still doesn't alter the fact he and his administration are guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  

High Crimes sounds really terrible, but that phrase doesn't mean a more serious crime.  When the Constitution was written it was understood a "high crime" was a crime of high office, including failure to uphold their oath of office.  All of which I explain here.  Not only Biden, but many of his appointees deserve to be impeached for the High Crime of failing to uphold their oath of office, including federal judges, whether he appointed them or not.  And yet it took two votes to impeach Mayorkas, an appointee who is clearly guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, by the nitwits in the Republican House

Conservatives only have to concern themselves with facts. What's right and what's wrong based on history and what they see going on in reality.  Just like one and one is two. Try making it three or four or fifty without sounding insane. This kind of mental gymnastics is something only the left can excel at with the goal of making insanity seem rational to the casual observer.  Why?  Because the left has no parameters, no boundaries, and no moral foundation except to do and say whatever it takes to get and hold power, even if it means the abandonment of the rule of law.

I watched O’Reilly occasionally in those days - I couldn't take too much of O’Reilly because I thought he’s a phony, and time seems to support that.  At any rate, he had Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes on his show.  Colmes did the five things that are common among the leftists. He wouldn’t stop talking, he interrupted, he talked over everyone, he subtly changed the subject and spewed out logical fallacies by the minute.

Changing the subject is a red herring fallacy leftists use constantly in order to prevent a response to their already insane views. If you doubt me all you had to do is watch Geraldo or one of the other leftists on these talk shows. They won’t shut up, they won’t let others have their say without zings that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, they use personal insults, and smugly at that, as if their personal attacks are intellectually substantive.  

I find them to be self righteous, obnoxious, rude, smug, inaccurate in their statements, and nothing but a leftist stooges for the Democrat party.  This is a common problem when dealing with leftists.  They’re talking when they should be listening. They remind me of unruly children, and like all unruly children a good slap would do them a world of good.

It really is true….…

“Brought up on lies, a society cannot mature or take on responsibility. It is an adolescent society, with all the characteristics of adolescence—needing a leader and his imitators, being aggressive and quick to take offense, simultaneously lying and trusting.” 

That is the left. That's what we see on the news. Children behaving badly! This is why the Main Stream Media identify so readily with the youthful losers in the Occupy Wall Street movement and justify the violence of BLM, Antifa, and the wild ravings of the Squad, while the rest of the country readily identify with the adults in what was the Tea Party Movement, a trend that's becoming a tidal wave against the leftist vileness the Democrat party is imposing on the nation. The media are the real threat to America and the world!

Definition leads to clarity, so let's try to get his right....just once....please.   The left isn't just wrong, it's evil.  Once we grasp that everything else falls into place.


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