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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 23, 2024

A World Without a Judaic/Christian God: No Truth, No Morality, No Civilization!

By Colin Powis  

Editor's Note: On December 22, 2023 J. Robert Smith published this piece, Finally, Destruction for Destruction’s Sake, at American Thinker, discussing this article,“The Blade of Perseus”, by Victor Davis Hanson and how nihilism's destroying our society.  Which drew a lot of comments.  Below are three of those comments from Colin Powis.  While Colin and I disagree on any number of things, including the existence of God, I'm a believer, he is not, I thought this was good enough to publish as a stand alone short essay.   RK

I read that column by V D Hanson and largely agree except the Left don't crave nihilism per se, it's merely a natural default position like darkness is just the absence of light . The Left crave above all, meaning, as a substitute for the meaning of Christendom that no longer exists. They are trying to build a ''brave new world'' with its own values and morality . Nihilism is just the result of the failure of their Megalomaniacal plans for the future ; it's what happens when their EUtopian dreams are confronted by reality

It was Christianity that created the western worldview and provided the moral and ethical scaffolding that held it together . The Leftist atheists want to revolutionize and abolish the old ways and start afresh from ''Year Zero'' and that means the abolishment of the God centered world to be replaced by Leftist values and morality . The very foundation of western morality comes from the Ethical Monotheism of the ancient Hebrews, so the destiny of the West is fatally intertwined with the state of Israel ; and if the West abandons Israel and turns against the Jews then it abandons its own soul and is lost in a sea of existential despair

It was the Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin who said ''If God really existed it would be necessary to abolish him '' ! ....and '' The passion for destruction is also a creative passion ''

Yes, the radical and revolutionary Left must abolish the God centered worldview so they can build anew.

Any sensible person knows not to tear down something unless you have a certified substitute, but the Left want to tear down the old in revolutionary passion with only a theoretical substitute that ''may'' work in practice. Every wise and pragmatic atheist knows that we all benefit from a Judaic-Christian worldview even when God never existed ! Without the magnetic ''true north'' on the moral compass the needle swings wildly in moral relativism, so right/ wrong is anything you say it is with no moral absolutes, just the shifting sands of secular ''situational ethics ''

Leftists may seem like nihilists as everything they touch turns to dreck, but that's not their intentions ...they are like Karl Marx building theoretical sandcastles in the sky, and convinced of their own brilliance . It works in theory, so it must work in practice?

Obama and his gang are convinced pseudo intellectuals who have the future all planned out, but the problem is that humans are not robotics, and events have a mind and direction of their own beyond the whims of mere mortals .The true cause of all this is the grandiosity and megalomania of self styled intellectuals who convince themselves they can act like the Gods they have so recently abolished.

No normal person wants nihilism, it's the Charles Manson types who do.  The typical Leftist is without religion, and the meaning and purpose that comes with it, so they are trying to create a utopia as a secular substitute, a heaven upon the Earth for the celestial heaven that no longer exists, and woe betide anyone who gets in their way


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