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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Public Didn't Get the Message! Imagine That!

By Rich Kozlovich

An article appeared on June 24th by Philip Hodges entitled, "What the UK’s Exit From the EU Means for Trump"  saying: "It was a close vote, but those Brits in favor of leaving the European Union – known as the Brexit camp – outweighed those in favor of staying, 52% to 48%. If the U.K. is ripe for this kind of independence, perhaps the U.S. is as well, and Americans may look to Donald Trump as the answer."

The author goes on to say "Prime Minister David Cameron announced.....he would be stepping down" and this win "in....favor of Britain exiting the EU – might signal a win for Trump later this year."

He quotes a BBC reporter saying there are five reasons for this vote. "An angry electorate, the negative consequences of globalization, lax immigration policies, lost sense of national pride, and a growing desire for populism....and as a result the Brits kicked out the EU  and Boris Johnson will probably be the new Prime Minister, and he's "the UK’s version of Donald Trump".

The author quotes the BBC saying:  “Boris Johnson and Donald Trump appeal to the heart not the head, they offer simple solutions in a time of complex problems. It’s an appealing message.”

I've always chuckled at this idea that some are inadequate because they "offer simple solutions in a time of complex problems."  And that this is "an appealing message" to the unwashed masses who are too stupid to understand how and why these problems are so complex requiring "qualified" candidates - supposedly complex thinkers - as leaders.   This is an attempt to make whomever they're discussing seem incapable, uninformed, and not too bright - as a result rendering them "unqualified" to deal with the world's "complexity" and therefore unqualified for high office! 

But my question has always been - what complex solutions have these "qualified" politicians offered that have worked?  In point of fact - haven't they been the ones who've made all these problems even more "complex"?  Name one problem - complex or simple - Obama and his crowd - or for that matter any of these "qualified leaders" on either side of the aisle - didn't make worse than they were before they took office.  Worse yet - how many new complex "problems" did they create, or "simple" problems did they make so complex they seem so insurmountable as to defy solution?

I have two questions.   
1. Why is one problem complex and another simple?
2. What are the rules that determine which is which?
I will state this so that even Barry can understand it. 

Everything is the basics.  We have to be able to see everything in it's simplest possible terms in order to define the problem.  From definition we derive clarity.  Clarity leads to understanding and that leads to good decision making.  But there's the real problem - having the guts to make those decisions.

Everything - including "complex or simple" problems have a foundational logic.  Just like a root of a tree.  The root takes hold and grows sprouting branches, which are ancillary problems making the whole issue seem complex.  Kill that root and the whole tree dies.  The branches, as ancillary problems, make it appear "complex", but even if they take root after the tree falls to the ground they will be easy to deal with as they sprout.

That's the problem - they only see the tree and fail to see the root, and they do so for three reasons.
1.They don't wish to see the true problem because so often it requires unpopular solutions they're unwillng to utilize.  So they criticize anyone who disagrees with them as "simplistic", implying they not too bright.  Certainly not as bright as they.
2. Or they're historically so ignorant they're incapable of seeing the problem. 
3. Or they've a secret hidden agenda, which has always been part and parcel of the left, and I see that as the biggest issue surrounding the implementation of solutions to these allegedly "complex" problems.
But either way- this canard of  criticizing someone for offering "simple solutions in a time of complex problems." is a logical fallacy, and we need to see through it. All the reasons for the Brits voting to end their membership in the EU are the very same issues that enflame Americans: "the negative consequences of globalization, lax immigration policies, lost sense of national pride". 

Americans see the "qualified" elites running this country promoting policies even they see as destructive to America, and they're not going to stand for it any longer.That's what drives these "qualified leaders" on both sides of the aisle crazy, which clearly demonstrates just how bad things are because both parties are angry the ignorant unwashed are acting on their outrage.  All this in spite of the media, prominent "conservatives" and elected officials telling them to just be quiet and do as they're told! 

It appears they must not have gotten the message!  Imagine that!

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