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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dear Yahoo, Fire Katie Couric

by David French @DavidAFrench

The case is clear. Katie Couric, a person Yahoo employs to be the face of its news division, was caught in a grotesque deception. Then, when she was publicly exposed, rather than apologizing, she doubled down — defending the choice to cast innocent Americans as ignorant rubes rather than allowing them to speak for themselves. She has lost her credibility. Any news organization that continues to employ her loses its credibility as well.

Here are the facts, as exposed by the Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski. Couric served as executive producer and narrator of a documentary called “Under the Gun,” a film written, produced, and directed by and anti-gun activist named Stephanie Soechtig. At one point in the movie, Couric asks a collection of Virginia gun owners, members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?” Watch what apparently happens next:....To Read More....

Here's what they presented - or misrepresnted

Here's what actually happened -

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