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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Oregon Republican Party Urges the United States Congress to Exercise Its Constitutional Authority to Prevent the Use of United States Military Forces to Attack Syria

We are mindful of the tragedy of death in the Syrian civil war, especially civilian deaths, including many children. The deaths of children by starvation and preventable disease in Africa, by wars in many regions, and by misguided governmental policies even in our own country should be of the deepest concern to all civilized peoples. Additional deaths, in an American attack on Syria are, however, not the answer.

We find overwhelming opposition to an attack on Syria among the members of our Party. As is true throughout the American people, individual Republicans in Oregon have many different reasons for their opposition. Most of us, however, agree in our conclusion that the U.S. should not attack Syria.

Some of the reasons expressed by our members to oppose war in Syria are:
·         Congressman Alan Grayson (D, FL) says that Syrian intelligence has been manipulated, in classified briefings, to support the case for war; and
·         Syrian rebels admitted to using chemical weapons; and
·         Russia prepared a 100-page report for the United Nations supporting the rebels admission that they used chemical weapons; and
·         Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX) stated that “the United States is not Al-Qaeda's Air Force”; and
·         The brutality of Syrian rebels poses a moral dilemma for intervention by the West; and
·         Secretary of State Kerry said that the Sheikhs and Emirs will pay for the war, portraying the United States as “hired out to do the big-time killing for royals”; and
·         The Oregon Republican Party Platform states, “… that foreign relations and foreign policy decisions must be based upon the security interests and well-being of the United States, its sovereignty and its citizens, by adhering to the U.S. Constitution” and no such security interests have been claimed; and
·         President Obama declared a “red line” regarding the use of chemical weapons and subsequently claimed he didn’t.

Art Robinson, Chair
Bill Currier, Vice Chair
Chris Barreto, Secretary
Ken Taylor, Treasurer
Donna Cain, National Committeewoman
Solomon Yue, National Committeeman

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