Regarding Amber
Phillips’ “The way we pay for wildfires could be making them worse” and Chris Mooney’s “Alaska’s terrifyingwildfire season and what it says about climate change”
they say more about the treacherous state of environmental justification of the
unjustifiable and the deceitful nature of the media in giving a patina of truth
to venal pandering for money and power.
Yes, fires are bad.
Yes, climates are always in a state of change and flux worldwide, historically
and locally due to everything from sunspots and volcanoes to fall plowing and
shifts of forests to agriculture or human living communities. Using such
phenomenon (where I am writing this is a prairie that was once a rainforest and
once covered by a glacier) to explain horrific Alaskan fires and compose budget
justifications for government bureaucracies to bamboozle more money and
authority out of Congress and appreciative Presidents is shameful.
The fires in Alaska
and the western United States are entirely due to fire fuel accumulation on
government land and landscapes inhospitable to access, fuel management or
firefighting. Lands where timber management no longer exists; lands where
timber companies and sawmills are extinct; lands where “endangered species”
demands make water and other human values unavailable even to fight fires
destroying private property; lands where grazing is being eliminated; lands
where roads are bulldozed closed; lands where firewood collection is restricted;
lands where hunting is disappearing thanks to government wolves and grizzly
bears; lands where camping and hiking are less available and more dangerous
thanks to government predators; lands that no longer generate revenue for
federal owners, Local revenue, businesses, states, and the Local families and
communities they increasingly isolate in penury: in short, whining about
wildfires and how to pay for them by blaming climate or funding restrictions in
a nation OVER $18 TRILLION IN DEBT while destroying the sustainable management
of RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES on government land for REVENUE and human benefit
is akin to claiming Jewish property in Nazi Germany based on the fact that they
“abandoned” it!
One need look no
further than the incredible quote, “‘So less forest management gets done
because the budgets are essentially raided’, says Tim Mahoney director of
America’s Wilderness Program at the Pew Charitable Trusts. ‘It’s a terrible way
to run an agency.’”?? “Hello out there: does anyone reading that understand
what it says?”
The Pew
“Charitable” millions, Wilderness advocacy and government Wilderness
Declarations underpin all the other closures and torching of rural America by
these advocates of environmental radicalism and the government mechanisms they
have conquered and now control. They want “more” forest management like
President Obama wants to sponsor gun raffles. “Management” is a euphemism they
use to disguise the elimination of all “management” to be replaced by
tyrannical control for purposes directly contrary for the reasons originally
given in writing for government ownership. Timmy, the Pew and their ilk (the
proper word anymore for Audubon; Wildlife Federation; Wilderness Society;
Sierra Club; “Defenders” of Wildlife; The Nature Conservancy; and all the
“Councils” and “Centers” with all their hidden agendas to destroy grazing,
logging, hunting, fishing, trapping, gun ownership, rural communities, ranches,
farms, roads, and other etceteras) ARE THE REASON for the fires and a
national Treasury that can no longer even field a dependable national defense
while being asked to spend more and more to protect perfidious government
actions destroying rural American Societies and the communities and traditions
once envied by all and unlike any other rural culture the world has ever known!
While whining about
“climate change” and “insufficient” I recommend that like Pogo we look at our
reflection in the pond to see who is the real “enemy” and then adapt the old
doctor’s admonition and, “first, heal thyself”.
If you found this
worthwhile, please share it with others. Thanks.
Jim Beers is a
retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent,
Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed
in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also
served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in
the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis
Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified
three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish &
Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and
once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides
in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.
Jim Beers is
available to speak or for consulting. You can receive future articles by
sending a request with your e-mail address to:
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