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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 21, 2015

From the Heartland Institute

Weather Bulletin #7: Weather: 1, Climate Alarmists: 0 - This winter has been brutal, rivaling last year, which was the coldest and snowiest many people have ever experienced. And it’s not just Americans and Canadians feeling the winter blues: Winter’s icy grip has led to a death rate three times the norm in Great Britain. H. Sterling Burnett delivers the latest weather report……
Connecticut Sweet on Tax Hikes -Jeff Reynolds, The Heartlander - A new bill introduced in Connecticut aims to discourage junk food consumption by taxing it more, yet fatten the treasury for childhood obesity programs, higher-ed scholarships, and other spending. It can’t do both, so expect both fatter kids and more bloated spending…….

Britain’s National Health Service Getting Sicker Every Day - Linda Gorman, for the Heartlander- In December and January more than 7,000 surgeries in Britain were canceled due to lack of beds and NHS waiting times for cancer treatment are the highest in six years. Some 80 percent of English hospitals are said to be running a deficit, and hospital administrators say additional budget cuts will mean they can no longer “guarantee safe and effective care.” Is America going to catch the same disease?......

Enjoying Low Gas Prices? Don’t Get Too Used to Them - Justin Haskins, in Human Events - American motorists are enjoying some of the lowest gas prices since President Barack Obama took office. But politicians in both parties think you’re enjoying too much of a good thing and want to hike gasoline taxes. So far, Republican leaders are holding firm against this raid on the wallets of middle America………..

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