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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Would Levin's Amendments Save America?

By Ron Lipsman on Sep 9, 2013
Mark Levin has written two brilliant books, Liberty and Tyranny and Ameritopia, in which he describes, in painfully clear detail, the century-long decay of America from a constitutional republic populated by free people into a quasi-statist, soft tyranny inhabited by an entitlement-entranced, morally dubious, security-obsessed population that is increasingly subjugated by a seemingly benevolent but, in truth, oppressive federal government. For example, in the first book, Levin wrote:
So distant is America today from its founding principles that it is difficult to precisely describe the nature of American government. It is not strictly a constitutional republic, because the Constitution has been and continues to be easily altered by a judicial oligarchy that mostly enforces, if not expands, the Statist's agenda. It is not strictly a representative republic, because so many edicts are produced by a maze of administrative departments that are unknown to the public and detached from its sentiment. It's not strictly a federal republic, because the states that gave the federal government life now live at its behest. What, then is it? It is a society steadily transforming to statism…....
Finally, the Great Depression. Unfortunately, the US dealt with that calamity by taking the first huge steps on the road to serfdom. There was no rebirth of liberty during the event and precious little afterward. The economy improved but our slide into political and cultural suicide began in earnest under FDR, and was not at all reversed in the successive Truman or Eisenhower administrations.....To Read More....

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