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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Secularism is worth seeking, but Quebec's approach won't work

Doug Saunders Aug. 31 2013
I once had a family physician whose favourite expression was “God’s will.” He kept saying it during examinations, invoking the Creator as he slipped on the rubber gloves and citing prayer and heaven as the blood-pressure cuff inflated. It might have been one of those vestigial habits of speech, like “bless you,” but something in his emphasis convinced me that he really did believe there was a spiritual force at work on my health.
So I fired him. Who wants a doctor whose faith resides in anything other than medicine? And if he’s religious, he could at least keep it out of his profession – it creates a sense of bias, and unnerves his patients.
I’m sure you’ll agree that my action was right. But does that mean it should become the law of the land? Should there be a sign, in every medical practice, declaring that displays and expressions of religion will not be permitted here? And also in schools, universities, courts, police stations and vehicle-licensing offices? 
It was announced this week that every school in France will have posted on its walls…..a “secularism charter” passed into law in 2012 that will tell students they are required to come to school on religious holidays, attend a one-hour discussion of secularism every week, and obey the nine-year-old law forbidding teachers and students from wearing Christian crosses, Jewish yarmulkes and Muslim head coverings.......To Read More….
My Take - I am fond of saying that if you really listen to people they will tell you what they believe and what they will do; but in order to do that you have to pay attention to the subtext.  That’s all the stuff below the surface.  Naturally that can be complicated and can lead us to false conclusions.  How to avoid that?  I have two criteria for just about everything I read and write about.  First, everything has an historical foundation and secondly, everything we are told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what we are told, or are being shown, fails in either of those categories ….it’s wrong.  We merely have to develop the intellectual understanding as to why it’s wrong.  That means we must be able to see deeper, wider and farther than everyone else.  No problem…..right?  The task is made much easier if we read enough history.  
So what do we glean from all of this?  Secularists hate all religions, yet these self same secularists, or leftists, constantly defend Islamist.   Why?  It’s a ruse.  Their real goal is to destroy Judaic/Christian values and principles and temporarily supporting Islamists is merely a step in that direction.  At some point they will turn on the Islamists with a vengeance that will make the Crusades seem mild.  Why?  Because their current goal is to set up a worldwide socialist governing body under the auspices of the United Nations. 
So, why do they need to eliminate Christianity?  Take a short trip back in time to the French Revolution.  They did everything in their power to destroy the churches and install in the public’s mind that the state should be the ultimate moral authority, and that can only be done if they can make sure there is no completing moral authority such as the church or even parents. 
The goal of public education, from the very beginning, was not reading, writing and arithmetic, that was a side benefit.  The goal originally was to create responsible "Christian" citizens.  Most of us wouldn't find any fault with that, but what happens when public education is taken over by leftist secularists with an entirely separate goal?  And what has been that goal?   The elimination of Judiac/Christian ethic, making sure the apple falls as far away from the tree as possible!  Neither the parents nor their religious convictions were to be allowed to interfere with the state’s moral self aggrandizement.  Ultimately…..the state would be their god!   A ‘god’ with ultimate moral authority, but no moral foundation except the need to garner power.

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