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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pew and USA Today find no tipping point for Affordable Care Act

Neil Stevens (Diary) |
Sometimes, as in the case of Roe v. Wade, a change in the law of the land will result in a large change of public opinion in favor of the new change. Once the change is made, certain levels of resistance go away, and others just come to accept it.
Not so in the case of Obamacare......a poll of 1506 adult....the segment traditionally believed to be most friendly to Democrats, ....are clearly negative for the law. Per this poll we’re seeing 53-42 disapproval of the law, 53-41 disapproval of the President on his handling, 38-24 believing the law has had a negative impact on the country, and 47-35 believing the law will have a negative impact in the coming years......the authors are honestly appalled at the idea that opponents of the bill continue to show a plurality of support. There’s also a lot of belief expressed that if only people knew more about the law, that support would be greater. Except that 93% of Americans have a clear opinion on the effect on the country the law’s already had, and 96% have an opinion on the effect the law will have in coming years. ......The people have studied this issue, and they still don’t like the law.....To Read More.......

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