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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Another 'Scientific Consensus' Bites the Dust

The favorite cudgel of leftist climate change fear mongers is the appeal to authority, as in that there is “a scientific consensus” that the earth is warming and that changes over the last century are due to human activity.   The problem with appeals to authority on extremely broad scientific topics is that they are not subject to easy proof by experimentation, and are quite often wrong.  Here’s a list of ten popular theories ultimately proven false, and it omits some major howlers, like therapeutically bleeding people or the geocentric theory of the solar system.  Now we can add to that list the “scientific consensus” that diets rich in processed foods and fats lead to heart disease.  This idea, which has dominated medical thinking for at least the last half-century, and led to all manner of government policy making, regulation and just plain tsuris over finishing the brisket, is now in doubt........I am not a climate scientist, but I am a historian, and one thing that is certain is that the earth’s climate has obviously undergone dramatic change in both historic and prehistoric time frames.  In historic time (that is in the last 5000 years or so) there has been massive desiccation in northern Africa and the Middle East (probably due to long term warming) interspersed with mini-ice ages (countervailing periods of cooling especially in northern latitudes.)  On balance, at least for people in the northern hemisphere (which is where most of the human population resides) warming has been a good thing, while cooling (with associated famines) a bad thing. ......Read more:

My TakeSome years ago I was at a wedding and the discussion turned to the "green" movement and eventually Global Warming.  I said I had a formula in my computer that explained exactly why it's all bogus.  I also said - I'm not a scientist and didn't have a clue what it meant but saved it anyway.  However, I did say I've been right on this issue from the beginning because I may not be a scientist but I've always been a history buff, and history - which anyone can understand -  always tells the truth.  Some fail to grasp it.  Some fail to tell the entire story, and in some cases the whole story isn't known.  Some twist the accounts to promote their own agendas, but it never lies, because as long as the whole story is available -we know the entire story and can expose all those twists and turns leading us to - truth!

Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality.  Everything has an historical foundation and context, and everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what's presented to us fails in either of those categories it's wrong.  All that's left to do is develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong. 

 All the hysteria about climate change is wrong and the greatest most expensive hoax ever perpetrated on humanity!

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