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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2016

Colleges spend millions defending accused-student lawsuits

Colleges and universities across the country have been forced by the federal government to micromanage the sex lives of students, and now they are seeing the costs associated with those demands.   So far in 2016, eight different judges have ruled favorably for students accused of campus sexual assault who are suing their universities for gender discrimination and a lack of due process. The most recent ruling involved a student at the University of Southern California involving a male student who was expelled for what other people did to a woman he was having sex with.
Gary Pavela, who edits the “Law and Policy’s Report” from the Association of Student Conduct Administration, told Inside Higher Ed that “Something is going seriously wrong” with the schools that are now losing in the courts......

Read the full story

My Take - It's long overdue we stop funding colleges and universities.  If these things actually occurred then it's the job of the police - not the leftist PC police of these leftist university professors and administrators.  Do you want the tuition to go down?  Stop funding them, stop grants, stop student loans, make all colleges and universities for profit institutions - or if non-profit institutions - funded privately without government involvement what so ever.  A great first step?  Dump the Federal Department of Education.  There's nothing in the Constitution that gives the federal government the right to interfere with state or local education.  That's a state's rights issue.  And from a practical point of view - the federal government's schemes and plans have been a failure at educating the nation's children.  They can't read, write, spell, work basic math and are generally clueless about history.  And they've cost America hundreds of billions of dollars while failing.  If a private institution did this someone would have gone to jail.    

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