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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2016

Equal Pay for Equal Media Bias

By Steve Feinstein

Let’s be as crystal clear as possible here, so no one who is intellectually honest can come back and cry foul: There should always be equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race or anything else. If someone puts two widgets together or performs heart valve replacement surgery or balances the books for a Fortune 500 company and the going market rate for assembling two widgets or performing heart surgery or doing a balance sheet is $xx, then everyone should get the same $xx. Clear enough?

However...the notion that there is an intentional gender-based wage gap, perpetrated by (or at least implicitly approved by) conservative Republicans (white middle-aged Christian males, no doubt) is a phony contention, fundamentally false, unsupported by facts and designed to get the sound bite-susceptible low-information voter to fall for the lie. Unfortunately, to a great extent the lie works. Many voters are so lazy and ill informed that they don't bother to get past the sound bite.......Of all the innumerable intellectually dishonest and searingly deceptive issues put forth by the Left (and there are many, like “Bush lied, people died,” “Tax cuts for the rich,” “Republicans hate immigrants,” and on and on), the "gender-based wage gap" is among the worst......The only thing more tiresome is Republicans’ abject inability and refusal to combat the Democrats’ and media’s distortions of them.
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