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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Majoring in injured feelings, specializing in cathartic narcissism

By Kevin OBrien, The Plain Dealer The Plain Dealer Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on November 13, 2015 at 8:36 AM, updated November 13, 2015 at 2:23 PM

Even if your debt is killing you, even if you can't find a job that has even a tenuous link to your major, even if you're discovering that the real world is requiring you to forget a hefty percentage of what you were taught in four, five, six ... seven years of undergraduate toil......You're spending tens of thousands of borrowed dollars to be constantly confirmed in the sadly mistaken notion that no snowflake is as special as you are and that if anyone so much as implies an opinion other than yours, the president of the university has to resign in atonement......Only on a modern U.S. college campus could such a laughable cause and such outlandish effects have played out as they have over the week or so at the University of Missouri.......Growing up is not what U.S. universities promote these days. By taking seriously the antics of hunger strikers, tent city dwellers and free speech suppressors (looking at you, Yale) they promote the kind of hair-trigger sensitivities and tantrums that would embarrass a toddler. The most extensively schooled among us — we cannot call them the most highly educated, because they "know" so little that's of value and so much that's just plain false — spend their university years marinating in willful ignorance, unbridled entitlement and cultural rot, striving not for authentic knowledge but for moments of cathartic narcissism.....To Read More...

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