Hungarian Prime Minister Warns of Islam’s History, the “Ottoman Experience” - Prime
Minister Orban is the only European leader who is talking straight. Orban said
the history of Ottoman rule meant Hungarians would not accept large-scale
Muslim immigration, a point made recently by neighboring Slovakia. Prime Minister Orban said Hungary has already
experienced this invasion before citing Hungary’s 150 year history under
Ottoman Muslim rule. “We don’t want to, and I think we have a right to decide
that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country,” Orban
said. “We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim
communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for
anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary...Read
the whole entry »
Emma Thompson: Britain is RACIST for not taking in more refugees - The Hollywood actress says that the UK is not taking in
more refugees from Europe because Britain is racist. Ms. Thompson, Islam is not
a race. But this kind of incendiary rhetoric
is not surprising coming from Emma Thompson, a vicious antisemite, who has publicly
for the boycott of the Jews. She is virulently anti-Israel, the only
democracy in the Middle East, but curiously silent on the creed apartheid,
gender apartheid, oppression, subjugation, and slaughter of non-Muslims and
religious minorities in Muslim countries. Apparently
she wants more of it — in the UK.
She publicly called
on London’s Globe Theater to cancel its invitation to the Israeli theatre
company Habima to take part in a Shakespeare Festival,...Read
the whole entry »
police to confiscate cars of ‘poorly veiled’ women - Obama could have used his negotiations with Iran to demand
improvements in the treatment of women, non-Muslims, gays, etc. He squandered
the opportunity. The Iranians didn’t give up anything — he just gave them
everything they wanted. “Iran police to confiscate cars of ‘poorly veiled’ women,” AFP, 2 September 2015 (thanks to Banafsheh): Women drivers
in Iran’s capital could have their cars impounded by police if they are caught
driving with a poorly fixed veil or without their heads covered, a police chief
said Wednesday. “If a (female) driver in a car is poorly veiled or has
taken her veil off, the vehicle will be seized in accordance with the law,” the
head of Tehran’s traffic police,...Read
the whole entry »
The Daily Signal
4 Ways the Senate Could End Taxpayer Funding of Planned
Parenthood - Senate Republicans lack the 60 votes needed to pass
pro-life legislation, forcing those who want to take away Planned Parenthood's
$500 million in government funding to get creative.
Networks Still Aren't Reporting on Planned Parenthood
Videos - Three major broadcast networks have not reported on the
Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos in one month, according to an
analysis conducted by the Media Research Center.
What the New York Times Didn't Tell You About the Planned
Parenthood Video Analysis - Planned Parenthood hired Fusion GPS to
examine the undercover videos released that have raised questions about the
sale of fetal body parts. In reporting the story, however, The New York Times
failed to disclose details about Fusion GPS's past work.
How the 3 Congressional Investigations of Planned
Parenthood Will Work - In light of the undercover videos showing
Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of fetal body parts, there are
three different congressional investigations ongoing. Here are the key
questions they want answered.
'Two Key Admissions' Made by Planned Parenthood,
According to Center for Medical Progress - The Center for Medical
Progress has sent an open letter to Congress in response to a Planned
Parenthood-commissioned report questioning the accuracy of the undercover
videos released by the organization.
Why Women's Health Care Will Thrive When Planned
Parenthood Is Defunded - Today, there are 20 comprehensive care
clinics for every Planned Parenthood.
Pro-Life Group to Screen Planned Parenthood Videos for
Democrat Staffers - "It's been widely reported that Democrat
members have not seen this footage—and that even Senate Democrats had not
seen the videos before voting to block efforts to defund the
organization," says a Susan B. Anthony List spokesperson.
What Happened When 2,000 Democratic Staffers Were Invited
to Watch Planned Parenthood Videos - The Daily Signal was present at
a screening of the undercover Planned Parenthood videos to see how many of the
2,000 Democrats staffers invited would attend.
Bipartisan Group of Senators Set to Announce Deal to
Reduce Prison Population - The U.S. has less than 5 percent of the
world’s population, but incarcerates almost 25 percent of the world’s
prisoners. Proponents from both sides blame federal overreach for making it
this way.
North Dakota Legalizes Weaponized Drones. Is That a Good
Idea? - A drone with a taser or pepper spray may not have the same
accuracy as a police officer with the same weapon—leading to more people being
tased or sprayed than intended.
A Year After Obama Visits, California Farmer Struggles to
Keep His Farm - California farmer Joe Del Bosque is struggling to
keep his farm going, thanks to the long drought and regulations.
How This New Government Ruling Destroys the Franchise
Business Model - To understand how far-reaching this could be, note
that almost 9 million Americans work at over 780,000 franchised businesses
This Obamacare Co-Op Was Supposed to Make Money. Instead,
It Lost Over $15 Million. - A
Nevada health insurance provider that received more than $65 million in
taxpayer-funded loans from the federal government announced it is discontinuing
operations at the end of the year.
The Truth About Wages in Right-to-Work States
- An Economic Policy Institute paper claimed right-to-work laws reduce wages by
3 percent. Here are the facts.
Obama Is Ignoring the Science on Climate Change
- Obama continues to ignore science that doesn’t fit his narrative and has
ignored sound evidence from people who disagree with him.
It's Not Hypocritical to Oppose Gay Marriage and Let
Infertile Couples Marry. Here's Why.- Here are four different ways
to respond to that argument.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: States, Not Federal Government,
Traditionally Regulate Marriage - In the "Constitution and the
amendments there are more than 7,500 words," Abbott says. "Not a
single one of them mentions the word marriage."
What’s Next for the Marriage Debate After Supreme Court
Ruling - The majority's opinion in the gay marriage ruling is
unclear, and fails to provide accommodation for individuals who object to
same-sex marriage on religious grounds.
Why This Libertarian Supports Gay Marriage and Religious
Liberty - Cato Institute's Ilya Shapiro rejects the racism
comparison and says individuals or private businesses should be allowed to
decline to do work for same-sex weddings based on their religious beliefs.
How Kim Davis Can Be Released From Jail Without Agreeing
to Violate Her Conscience - In this particular case, there are a
number of potential ways forward so that same-sex couples can get licenses as
required by the courts and Kim Davis can be released from jail without having
to agree to resign or violate her conscience.
10 Public Officials Who Defied the Law Over Gay Marriage
Mostly Silent on Kentucky Clerk Case - Before the Supreme Court
decision legalizing gay marriage across the nation, several public officials
refused to defend marriage laws that didn't include legalized gay marriage. Do
they think Kim Davis' conscience should also be respected?
Middle East
4 Misleading Claims Obama Made About Iran Deal In New
Remarks - President Obama made four misleading claims about the Iran
deal in his most recent speech on the matter
5 Things John Kerry Got Wrong on the Iran Deal
- Secretary of State John Kerry gave a talk defending the Iran Deal's merits.
But some of his claims were contrary to reality
UK's Former Defense Secretary: The West 'Surrendered' to
Iran in Nuclear Talks - Liam Fox, a conservative member of
Parliament, called the agreement a "fulfillment of the Iranians' wish
list" that was about "politics more than it was about security."
As War Escalates, Ukrainian Volunteer Battalion Remains
Sidelined - As the Ukraine war continues to escalate and as
casualties mount, the Azov Battalion remains sidelined from the conflict,
highlighting the uneasy relationship between the government in Kyiv and the
many volunteer units on which it leaned heavily in the early days of the war.
Ukraine: Deadly Protests Outside Parliament Over Autonomy
Vote - "They say that we should negotiate, but in my humble
opinion, as a citizen, negotiating with Russia is the same as negotiating with
an alligator," said Julia Minaeva, 26, a university assistant professor in
Will Government Officials Be Held Accountable for Kate
Steinle's Death? - The family of Kate Steinle, who died after being
shot by an illegal immigrant, has filed a lawsuit against three government
Study: Half of Immigrant Households Used At Least One
Welfare Program - The Center for Immigration Studies reported that
51 percent of immigrant households used at least one welfare program in 2012
versus 30 percent of native-born households.
Freedom Force
Girls Shouldn't Be Forced to Share a Bathroom With Boys -- Transgender or Not - More than 150 kids walked out of Missouri’s
Hillsboro High School yesterday. Why? Because a guy calling himself Lila Perry
wanted to use the girls’ locker room. They were bursting with common
sense:“Boys needs to have their own locker room. Girls need to have their own
locker room and if somebody has mixed feelings where they are, they need to
have their own also,” said protester Jeff Childs. The school had offered just
such an accommodation, but that wasn’t enough for Perry: Perry told News 4
school officials have been accommodating, understanding, and compliant with
Title IX. The school offered her a private gender-neutral restroom, which she
turned down The controversy exploded after a girl at the school reported
encountering an “intact male” in the locker room. Exposing a penis to girls in
a public high school is generally considered an act of sexual harassment, not
part of the sexual revolution. But, sadly, Perry can’t see reality:…..
This Cop Executed in Cold Blood --
Why Isn't EVERYONE Mad As Hell? - As in all such cases, the virtue incumbent upon
everyone is patience. But allow me a churlish point: If shooter and victim were
reversed — if Mr. Miles, a black man, had been shot to death by the white
Deputy Goforth — Deray McKesson would have been leading protesters through
Cypress on Saturday morning, the White House would have issued a statement,
Ta-Nehisi Coates would have been on Meet the Press yesterday discussing how
this is to be expected in “white supremacist” America. Despite being based on
events that never happened and unreliable statistics, the narrative of police
brutality against black Americans is evangelized on every available occasion…..Appearing
on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders
told the host that “unarmed black people” getting ”dragged out of cars” or
getting shot “is happening too often.”Sanders said this after Tapper showed him
video of Ron Hickman, the sheriff of Harris County, Texas, responding to the
murder of a deputy sheriff at a gas station, declaring, “This rhetoric has
gotten out of control. We have heard black lives matter, all lives matter.
Well, cops’ lives matter, too. So why don’t we just drop the qualifier and just
say lives matter and take that to the bank?”
We Do Not Want A Large Number
of Muslims in Our Country: Prime Minister of Hungary - Many
in America feel that they cannot tell the truth when comes to the Muslim
situation. They feel as though they are being mean or hard if they say what
they feel. They are scared to have a large population of Muslims in their
community. It is not that they think that all Muslims are evil or mean. It is
not that they think that they will become militant and seek to take over the
country. The problem is that there is always problems that come with Muslims.
And the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban has been brave enough to speak
the truth. Aljazeera reports: Hungarian Prime
Minister Viktor Orban has said that his country does not want to take in large
numbers of Muslims, in defence of Hungary’s response to the surge in refugees
trying to enter the country. “I think we have a
right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our
country,” Orban told journalists outside the EU headquarters at Brussels. “We do not like the consequences,” he said, referring
to the country’s 150-year history of Ottoman rule during the 16th and 17th
Lawmakers May Finally Punish A
University For Being Too Politically Correct- Lawmakers in Tennessee
are promising to bring the state’s flagship college to heel after it grabbed
headlines for telling students to use more “gender-neutral pronouns.” The hoopla started at the University of
Tennessee-Knoxville (UT) when the school’s Pride Center director Donna Braquet posted an online guide on what pronouns to use to refer to
people. The guide noted that some people, rather than going by “he” or “she,”
may prefer to go by one of “dozens” of gender-neutral pronouns, such as “ze” or
“xe.” The guide suggested that professors should ask for preferred pronouns
when calling roll, encouraged people to add their “preferred pronoun” when
introducing themselves, and even suggested that simply asking strangers for
their pronoun was a good policy. (RELATED:
Orwell’s Newspeak Is Coming To A Campus Near You) While
the guide was taken down following public backlash, some state lawmakers say
its very existence is a call to action. On Thursday, 32 Tennessee lawmakers sent a letter to UT’s board of
trustees condemning the pronoun crusade as a ludicrous waste of money…..
DC Police Union Says Mayor Is Lying About Crime Stats
- The D.C. Police Union is accusing Mayor Muriel Bowser of fudging the
facts about city crime statistics following comments she made.Last Thursday,
Bowser tweeted an infographic claiming that Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy
Lanier is responsible for a more than 50 percent reduction in crime during her
tenure …..Gregg Pemberton, a spokesman for the DC Police Union, told The Daily
Caller News Foundation the mayor and police chief were simply in “damage
control.” “Both their numbers are
plummeting and they need to save face,” Pemberton said. “Lies are the best way
to do that.”…..
If You Are Paid by Government, You Must Obey Their
Command: Carly Fiorina - Kim
Davis is now languishing in jail for her faith. And there are many that have
come out in support of the stand that she has taken against sodomite unions. Huckabee
has even planned a rally in support of Kim. But there are other who have taken
an alternative stance. But, it seems that there is an attempt to make a
half-way stance. We find this in the RINO Carly Fiorina…..Though Mrs. Fiorina sounds good when
discussing her faith and policy, we find that when the rubber meets the road,
her statism outweighs her Christianity. Fiorina makes a good Roman but not a
good Christian. If our love for America
and her government is too important to obey God’s Law, then we are undone…..
The Liberal Establishment Hates
‘Anti-Establishment’ Americans -
Liberal MSNBC
contributor and Bloomberg Politics anchor Mike Barnicle made it clear in a
recent discussion on Bloomberg Politics that he doesn’t want to live anywhere
near any “anti-establishment” Americans. When his cohost (also an MSNBC
contributor) John Heilemann mentioned that a majority of Iowa Republicans were
supporting anti-establishment candidates Trump, Carson, Cruz and Fiorina,
Barnicle replied with quite a snippy retort. 53%? So
that means that if I lived in Iowa, I would want to know where each of those
members of that 53% lived, and I would want to live as far away from them as
possible, because there is something seriously wrong with the Republican party
if those people combined have a majority of the voters……
Ted Cruz Speaks Out in Support
of America’s Policemen - During an event in New
Hampshire on Monday, Senator Ted Cruz spoke out in support of our nation’s
police officers. Speaking specifically about the recent murder (or more
appropriately, the assassination) of Houston area deputy Darren H. Goforth,
Senator Cruz called for leaders across the nation to support our police against
the violent rhetoric of liberal anti-police organizations.
VA IG Confirms Worst Fears:
300,000 Vets Really Did Die While Waiting For Healthcare - A
total of 307,000 veterans have died while waiting for the Department of
Veterans Affairs to process their healthcare applications, a
new inspector general report found.
Allegations of mismanagement at
the Veterans Health Administration’s Health Eligibility Center led to an
investigation by the VA office of the inspector general, which turned up some
astounding discoveries. Exactly 867,000 veterans still have their healthcare
applications listed as pending in the database.
Obama Set To Force Iran Deal On Congress -
President Barack Obama is poised
to bypass a congressional majority and voter opinion as he implements the Iran deal.
Obama secured the
votes he needs to stop Congress from interfering Wednesday, which is a huge
victory that means the deal will almost certainly be implemented. But the lack
of support for such a critical matter of national security within and without
Congress is striking.
Jeb Bush Goes on the Attack
Against Donald Trump - GOP
establishment favorite Jeb Bush was recently attacked by Donald Trump on his
past illegal immigration comments.
The Bush
team has not let the advertisement go by without response, on Tuesday morning
he appeared on Fox News to argue that Donald Trump was a wolf in GOP clothing. Jeb also responded to the criticism he has faced for
calling illegal immigration an “act of love.” What I
stand by is the fact that we need to secure our border and I have a comprehensive
plan to do just that. I’ve talked to the governors on the border. I was a
border governor because we have lots of immigration coming from the south. I’ve
talked to local law enforcement officers and people and I have a plan to be
able to secure the border. That’s what we ought to be focusing on – not
grandiose language, not mischaracterizing people’s views. That ad was a
complete mischaracterization of my thinking. It’s almost as if Donald Trump is
acting like a Washington politician – that’s what they do. Team Bush’s latest campaign ad (against
Trump) uses Trump’s own words against him.
“Look, the simple fact is
our ad simply uses his own language, his own words to say that he is more a
Democrat than a Republican, that he is for higher taxes rather than cutting
taxes. That he believes in a single payer system, that he’s not only
pro-choice, but he believes in partial birth abortion. Those are his words not
mine. I didn’t exaggerate a single thing.”……
is Murder - A
popular post is making the rounds on social media and it’s giving pro-abortion
liberals a fit. The post describes a
situation where a pro-life advocate is arguing with a pro-death fan about the
evils of abortion. At one point in the discussion the pro-lifer calls abortion
murder, which sends the pro-abortion fanatic into a fit of rage. The
pro-aborter finally demands that the pro-lifer stop using such heated rhetoric
and says, “Abortion isn’t murder,
it’s a medical procedure.” At this point the
pro-life advocate laughs and pulls out his pocket dictionary and guides the
pro-abortion zealot through a little logical computation
“Abortion isn’t murder, it’s a medical procedure.”…My Take – Those who enjoy picking out the logical fallacies spouted by liberals will love this article. The phrase, “it’s a medical procedure” is a logical fallacy – Why? RK
Obama Set To Force Iran Deal On Congress - President
Barack Obama is poised to bypass a congressional majority and voter opinion as
he implements the Iran deal. Obama
secured the votes he needs to stop Congress from interfering Wednesday, which
is a huge victory that means the deal will almost certainly be implemented. But
the lack of support for such a critical matter of national security within and
without Congress is striking. A recent Quinnipiac poll found voters 55 percent of voters oppose
the deal, compared to just 25 percent who support the deal. Another survey
found deep skepticism of the deal among U.S. active-duty military and civilian
government employees in national-security jobs. Only 26 percent of those surveyed by Defense One said the deal is good for the U.S.,
while 66 percent said the deal is not good for the U.S.
The Watch Dog
Is At The Door
Green energy company fights for life after getting billions from feds - Renewable energy company Abengoa, headquartered in Spain, is fighting for its financial life. The company and its subsidiaries have received nearly $3 billion from the U.S government
Green energy company fights for life after getting billions from feds - Renewable energy company Abengoa, headquartered in Spain, is fighting for its financial life. The company and its subsidiaries have received nearly $3 billion from the U.S government
8 Texas counties list more voters than residents – No law
prevents localities from having more registered voters than voting-age
residents, and eight Texas counties do. Now
a vote-watch group accuses the counties of violating the National Voting Rights
Act by failing to purge dead, duplicate and ineligible voters. True the Vote’s
Catherine Engelbrecht threatens legal action if counties don’t purge their
bloated voter-registration rolls. “We are deeply concerned (that) voter rolls
contain substantial numbers of ineligible voters,” True the Vote founder
Catherine Engelbrecht stated in a letter to the eight Texas counties…… True the Vote has
given the counties 90 days to produce correct registration data or face legal
The Democratic Party, the American Civil Liberties Union, the
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and other “progressive”
groups have countered TTV’s efforts…..
contract ends, Wisconsin workers’ rights expand – A worker-freedom
organization is sending a special
legal notice to unionized employees of the Big Three automakers in
Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan. The National Right to Work Legal Defense
Foundation wants United
Auto Workers members at General Motors, Ford and Chrysler to know their new
workplace rights now that they are residents of right-to-work states. Those new
rights kick in Sept. 15, after the old UAW contracts, which included forced
union dues, expire. In a statement Thursday, the Right to Work Legal Defense
Foundation said that once the UAW’s “monopoly bargaining contracts” with the
automakers end, all employees will be able to exercise their new rights under
their states’ right-to-work laws. The three states prohibit unions from
requiring forced payment of union fees as a condition of employment. All workers will have the right to resign
union membership and will no longer have to pay “agency fees” to the union at any time, for any reason……
Explosive email exposes GAB attorney’s partisan motives in John
Doe probe - In January, testifying before the Legislature, Government
Accountability Board director Kevin
Kennedy called his agency a “Wisconsin success story.” “The Legislature
should be proud of the Board, not only for its nonpartisan nature, but for its
accomplishments and performance over the first seven years existence,” Kennedy
said in defending the campaign
finance, elections, and ethics regulator against a growing list of critics
concerned that the agency was alarmingly partisan and less than accountable. Critics have long suggested the GAB was
running a partisan investigation. Court-sealed GAB emails reviewed by the
Wall Street Journal and one obtained by Wisconsin Watchdog seem to expose
the regulator as hyper-partisan, a rogue agency leading a politically-charged
campaign finance probe into Gov. Scott Walker and dozens of conservative organizations. On Thursday, the Wall
Street Journal’s editorial board reported that GAB staff, including
Kennedy, worked with John Doe special prosecutor Francis Schmitz and the
Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office (run by a partisan Democrat) to
“subpoena and intimidate the major conservative players in Wisconsin politics.”
The editorial points to an email, dated Nov. 27, 2013, to Schmitz from former
GAB staff counsel Shane
Green energy company fights for
life after getting billions from feds - Renewable energy company Abengoa, headquartered in Spain, is fighting
for its financial life. The company and its subsidiaries have received nearly
$3 billion from the U.S government
Washington Examiner
America ready for socialism?
Despite his far-left views, Sen. Bernie
Sanders is drawing the largest crowds of any presidential contender.
K Street friends bring in the corporate cash - In 2009, Clinton decided that a Shanghai pavilion was a
priority and used her lobbyists to build one.
Can the Iranian nuclear deal negotiators be trusted? - The nuclear deal's key Iranian negotiator failed to secure the release of an imprisoned Iranian physicist.
Can the Iranian nuclear deal negotiators be trusted? - The nuclear deal's key Iranian negotiator failed to secure the release of an imprisoned Iranian physicist.
5 Chinese warships off Alaska
make waves in advance of Xi visit - Five
Chinese navy ships are operating in the Bering Sea, off the coast of Alaska, in
what the U.S. military is calling a first. The presence of the ships is the
latest demonstration of how China's military is rapidly expanding operations
far from its own coast to project power and ostensibly protect its national
interest. China's Xi Jinping visits the U.S. later this month amid tensions on
trade as well as China's cyberattacks and maritime aggression.
Confirmed: One-third of the
vets on VA's waiting list are dead - In July, reports surfaced that an estimated 239,000 veterans died
before they became eligible for benefits. That is 28 percent of the nearly
850,000 veterans thought to be seeking these benefits. The Office of Inspector
General has found that the situation is even worse: 35 percent, or 307,000
names, on the VA's list of pending enrollees were deceased.
51 percent of immigrant
households are on welfare - A
comprehensive study of U.S. Census Bureau reports of welfare participation
reveals that 51 percent of immigrants - legal and illegal - access welfare
programs, the Center for Immigration Studies reports. This represents far
greater participation in welfare programs than the 30 percent of native-born
Americans accessing the program……
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