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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Atlas Shrugs

Leading Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’ - A leading cleric said the following;

“We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you. Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.”

But do not speak ill of these Islamic clerics or their vicious dogma, lest you be derided and scorned as a racist-islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigot. This is exactly what they are doing. It gives new meaning to the term “population explosion.” Europe (and America for that matter): smile and bend over, kuffar…

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Ahmed Mohamed and the ‘Islamophobia’ Clock - The islamophobia spinmeisters have finally hit the jackpot. And we will all be made to pay. If that even remotely looks like a clock, I’m the Pope. “Ahmed Mohamed and the ‘Islamophobia’ Clock,”.  Muslim teen, fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, bought a strange ticking device to his school, MacArthur High School. His device caused alarm and fear, and he was detained for having what his teacher perceived as a bomb. Police officers said the electronic components and wires inside his Vaultz pencil case (which is the size of a briefcase) looked like a “hoax bomb,” according to local news station WFAA.  When questioned about what the device was, Mohamed...

Obama Won’t Reveal to Congress Number of Americans Murdered By Iran - The number must be staggering. Obama never finished reading his oath to protect and defend. He just assumed it was the Islamic Republic of Iran.  And this is fresh on the heels of Iran releasing an ISIS-like video threatening the United States.    “Obama Admin Will Not Reveal to Congress Number of Americans Killed By Iran,” By Adam Kredo, WFB, September 18, 20155
Admin under pressure to detail Iran killings of Americans.  The Obama administration is declining to inform Congress about the number of American citizens and troops killed by Iran and its terror proxies, according to a document provided to Congress and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.  The administration was repeatedly asked by Congress to release figures...

UK Judge: Molesting Muslim girls ‘deserves a longer sentence’ than non-Muslim girls - As if non-Muslim girls weren’t at enough of a risk from the Muslim child sex trafficking gangs (it’s more like a cartel at this point). For the past decade, law enforcement refused to pursue these gangs, for fear of being accused of “racism” (islam is not a race) and “islamophobia.”  This judge’s ruling, coupled with Cameron’s recent announcement that the UK would take in tens of thousands of Muslim migrants from the Euro-invasion, makes it open season on infidel girls. War booty.  A Muslim child molester, Jamal Muhammed Raheem Ul Nasir, who abused two Muslim girls, was given a longer sentence than if his victims had been non-Muslim, because “Muslim” sex crime victims suffer...

Muslim Migrants’ Rape Epidemic: “We Are the Biggest Brothel in Munich” - Last week I published a document from a German refugee center, describing an epidemic of rape against women and children at these centers for migrants. According to this document, women are “assigned a subordinate role” and unaccompanied females are treated as “fair game.” Many of these women, according to the document, are fleeing “forced marriage” and/or “female genital mutilation.”  It’s the same culture of rape and hate behind the thousands of Muslim child sex trafficking gangs in the UK.  The media narrative on this invasion is disgusting, using children as human shields to sell the big lie, much the way Hamas does.

Obama’s peace partner Abbas: We won’t allow Jews’ “filthy feet” - “Of course, Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with anyone who is dedicated to its destruction. But while I know you have had differences with the Palestinian Authority, I believe that you do have a true partner in President Abbas…” — Barack Obama, March 21, 2013 Where does the idea that the Jews are “filthy” and “impure” come from? The quran, of course (9:28). Yesterday, Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas described Jews on the Temple Mount as “filth”: “The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours… and they have no right to defile...



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