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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Atlas Shrugs

Muslims Torch Three Churches in Tanzania - Everywhere Muslims emigrate, aggression and violence follow. Everywhere. What was it the Pope said about the religion of peace?  Three church buildings were set ablaze on Tuesday (Sept. 22) in an area of northwestern Tanzania where Muslim extremists have issued threats, pastors said. A pastor of one of the three churches whose buildings were gutted, Vedasto Athanas of Living Water International church, said area Christians are worried and frightened as such attacks have increased each of the past few years.  “What is worrying us is that the burning...

Muslim Mayor threatens to kidnap survivor of Lindt cafe jihad terror attack - Another “moderate” “role model.” Just to refresh your memory (there are so many Muslim terror attacks, they all seem to run together), back in December, a devout Muslim, Man Haron Monis, held ten customers and eight employees hostage at the popular Lindt chocolate café in Sydney, Australia. It was a horrific 16-hour standoff, with Monis shooting hostages to death.  Fast forward to this supremacist pig.

UK: Anti-ISIS artwork banned from free speech exhibition for fear of Muslims - The UK is in full appeasement and capitulation mode. They banned me from the country for speaking the truth about Islam. Now they’re going after anyone in the country who dares say a word against jihad terror. It was a great civilization. Now it is dying, quickly, before our eyes.  “Artwork showing Sylvanian Families terrorised by Isis banned from free speech exhibition,” by Claire Armitstead, Guardian, September 26, 2015 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):  Visitors to a London exhibition celebrating freedom of expression this week found plenty of familiar taboo-busting work, from Jamie McCartney’s The Great Wall of Vagina, an eight-foot long cast featuring the genitals of 400 women, to Kubra Khademi’s video of an...

“Prepare your Weapons and Lives to Slaughter!”: Muslims urge attack on free speech event in #Copenhagen Today - Devout Muslims have openly called for their “brothers” to slaughter those attending a SIOE free speech event in Copenhagen today. Our European allies are standing in the breach and we salute them. Media, political and cultural elites demand that we “respect” this barbarism and abridge our freedoms so as not to upset savages. Never.  Despite the ongoing threats by barbarians in the cause of their “religion,” our colleagues in Europe are standing up to this violent intimidation and holding a free speech event featuring the artwork and cartoons from our Texas Muhammad exhibit. Bravo!

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