Julie Kelly| Genetic Literacy Project
The most visible symbol of the US organic movement calls the American food system "apartheid, food slavery and [a] food prison.” Could he be unwittingly talking about anti-GMO and organic activists?
Andrew Porterfield | Genetic Literacy Project
Glyphosate is well known as a comparatively mild pesticide but has become a target of anti-GMO activists. They may be targeting a chemical with medicinal properties.
Wayne Parrott| Genetic Literacy Project
I have long been a firm believer that any public scientist who cannot explain, defend and justify his/her work to the public and to funding agencies has no business receiving those funds or doing that research. This philosophy is underscored by some federal granting agencies that require a commitment to broader impacts by scientists; these can […]
David Warmflash| Genetic Literacy Project
On the horizon is the delivery of genetically-engineered bacteria into the human gut that can diagnosis gastrointestinal conditions, or even deliver drugs.
Ben Locwin| Genetic Literacy Project
Monitoring brain functions can tell us a lot about neurobiological structures and what's going on. But now we have the ability to actually see the brain's neurons communicating by flaring' genes. That opens the possibility for new treatments for....
modified microbes can be made into tiny drug factories, Michael White
|Pacific Standard
labeling: Start-up aims to index GMOs, gluten, more in packaged foods,
Sarah Buhr
| TechCrunch
US Supreme Court
decision could render mandatory GMO labeling unconstitutional, Drew L. Kershen
& Henry I. Miller
& John J. Cohrssen
| Forbes
Ramakrishnan: Nobel scientist says GMO objections by people who have never
known hunger, Manuel Ansede
| El Pais
scientist, holistic nutritionist claim GMOs, glyphosate cause concussions,
Steven Novella
| Science Based
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