Atlas Shrugs
Angela Merkel caught on HOT MIC confronting Facebook’s
CEO to CENSOR anti-migrant posts- Attending
a luncheon on the sidelines of a United Nations development summit in New York
on Saturday, Merkel and Zuckerberg were overheard on a live transmission
broadcast on the UN website as participants took their seats. After Merkel confronted Zuckerberg about anti-migrant
posts, the Facebook CEO is heard responding that “we need to do some work” on
the issue. Ha! This
is so typical of the elites. They control policy, they control the media, they
control the culture —but they can’t control the people. And this make them
crazy. If they could, they would change the people. Hitler tried to do that. The truth is that almost all of my
readers connect on Facebook. it is the individual’s media arm—
Obama Proselytizes for Islam at UN Summit for “Countering
Violent Extremism”- Platitudes,
self-righteousness, distortions, tortured reasoning, self-promotion — that’s
right, it’s another major speech by Barack Obama. Mind you, while the
sharia-compliant president was bloviating at the UN, another major
city in Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and the House Committee on Homeland
Security released a blockbuster report that called the thousands of foreign
fighters who have joined to fight ISIS the “largest global convergence of
jihadists in history.” “Remember that violent
extremism is not unique to any one faith,” Obama told a U.N. meeting Sept. 29.
“No-one should be profiled or targeted simply because of their faith… [and] we
have to commit ourselves to build diverse,...
Another MAJOR Afghan city falls to the Taliban but this
one is a big deal - Back in
December 2014, President Obama vowed that Afghanistan would not be a source of
terrorist attacks in the future, in an address just a week before the U.S.
combat mission in the country ended. The Obama administration assured us we
would not see Afghan cities fall. They are
falling. Like dominoes. The loss of the major
city of Kunduz to the Taliban is a stunning reversal for the Afghan government,
deepening worries about the ability of its security forces to take the fight to
the jihadis. But this is an extraordinary
development. The Taliban stronghold has long been in the south. Kunduz fell
this week, a large, major Afghan city in the north. TheNorth where our
allies (ie Northern Alliance) were strongly anti-Taliban.
BLOCKBUSTER Report: “The danger to the homeland has never
been greater,” “The largest global convergence of jihadists in history”
- “The danger to the homeland has never been
greater,” Michael McCaul,Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security,
said today on a new report on the global jihad. For
years I warned that this was coming. This has been the bane of my existence. My
reporting on the rise of jihad across the world was met with attacks, smears
and defamation. Even still, even now with the body count in the millions, my
colleagues and I are blacklisted. Ironically,
the report on Obama’s gravest failure was released as he was hosting
a UN summit on “countering violent extremism” (no mention of jihad, of
course.) He said: We have reaffirmed again and
again that the United States is not and never will be at war with...
Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Muslim ‘Foreign Policy Analyst’
Frames Carson, Trump, and Cruz for Murder Before the Fact - Check out my latest piece at Breitbart — just
posted:On CNN Monday, “foreign policy analyst” Rula Jebreal said that Ben
Carson, Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz would have “blood on their hands” if
someone shot people at a mosque. “Foreign
policy analyst” – this is a media-speak euphemism for Muslim bullies and
Islamic supremacist thugs who mean to impose the sharia (do not criticize
Islam) by wrecking ball. In Muslim countries,
if you say anything that violates sharia blasphemy law, you are assassinated.
In the West, the running dogs in the media assassinate your good name, your
good character. This pre-emptive charge that
these three candidates will have blood on their hands is a perfect case in
point. This...
AMERICAN MUSLIM is ‘top ISIS commander’
- American Muslim Abu Abdullah al-Amriki is a top
Islamic State commander. Should he be President of the United States? Dr. Ben
Carson thinks not, but the media and cultural elites disagree. Hundreds of
American Muslims had fled to the Middle East to fight alongside the Islamic
State. Most disturbingly, “they travelled back and forth from the US with
ease.” Obama calls us ignorant for linking the Islamic State with Islam. What
does he call these devout Muslims? If the Islamic State is not Islamic, what is
it? How did this misunderstanding of Islam become so widespread? Why are so
many American Muslims joining the Islamic State? There is a very real need for
Muslims in the US not just to denounce ISIS, but to teach...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Should Not Be President
- Seriously. This is what Dr. Ben Carson is talking
about, and he is right. “Sharia law is for
Muslims. So if there is a Muslim majority state then it has to be run by
Sharia,” stated basketball legend Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar with surprisingly little public controversy in a September
23 interview. This statement and other elements from Abdul-Jabbar’s
biography only accentuated reservations concerning a Muslim president recently
raised by Ben
Carson, even as Jabbar in another interviewdismissed
Carson as “bigoted and irrational.”
“Ahmed Day” in NYC: Mayor de Blasio, City Council Honors
Clockmed, Issues Proclamation- Here’s
the message, boys and girls: devise a hoax that looks like a bomb, scare the
hell out of everyone in school, and you too will become lauded and saluted the
world over. Just one thing: you better be a Muslim, because if you aren’t,
you’ll be expelled and ruined. Yesterday Mayor
De Blasio, the city council and every other NYC political jackass honored
Clockmed with “Ahmed Day.” Despite all that has come out in the wake of the
time-bomb hoax, the city of New York issued a proclamation.
Green Beret discharged for beating alleged Afghan child
rapist: “Kicking me out of the army is morally wrong and the entire country
knows it” - But last week the
Army rejected his appeal. This is the what the military, and the nation, have
come to in the age of Obama. Sergeant Martland ought to be reinstated, given an
official apology, and promoted. “ Sergeant 1st
Class Charles Martland, the Green Beret being separated involuntarily from the
U.S. Army for kicking and body slamming an Afghan police commander he describes
as a “brutal child rapist,” began telling his side of the story Monday.
Martland is under a gag order imposed by the Pentagon, but at the request of
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, he wrote a statement...
The Islamic State CRUCIFIES thousands of Christians
*WARNING* - This is slaughter on
an industrial scale. For years, media,
political and cultural elites gave been ignoring this unimaginable savagery on
a scale not seen since Hitler. Hand-wringing over islamophobia (opposition to
this barbarity) is the mantra of the fascists on the left. For years, the
handful of us reporting on the persecution, oppression and slaughter of
religious minorities under Islam have been smeared, demonized, and
marginalized. In areas controlled by the
Islamic State, Christians have been crucified, beheaded, raped and subjected to
forced conversion. Christian children are also
being sold as slaves. Time for action is long
past, and what do we get? Obama addressing the world from the US yesterday
blasting anyone who...
American Council on Science and Health
Coca-Cola, Transparency and
Science Outreach
- Coke does not think that doling out 1/1,000,000th of their annual revenue is
causing any group to go from hating soda to promoting it. Yet simplistic
conspiracy theorists often insist it must be so. Read more.
Groundbreaking Drug Has Huge
Potential for MS Sufferers - Roche released Phase III trial data on its new multiple sclerosis
drug, ocrelizumab, which appears to have an advantage over other MS drugs. It's
been shown to treat primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) — the more
severe, and previously untreatable, form of the disease. No other drug does
this. Read more.
A Call for More Expansive Breast
Cancer Testing -
A recent New York Times op-ed called for universal testing for the BRCA genes
among women of Jewish descent, whose ancestry is from eastern Europe. The
frighteningly high rate of BRCA positivity and the dire prognosis of such
carriers are cited as the primary reasons. Read more.
'Fall Cleaning' Challenges the
Spring-Cleaning Myth - Someone, somewhere, sometime ago came up with the feel-good idea
which has been widely accepted that spring was the perfect time to give the
house a good, comprehensive cleaning. But when you stop to think about it, and
challenge that notion with a bit of logic, don't we have it backwards? Read more.
CVS Selling Overdose-Reversing
Drug in 12 More States - CVS recently announced that its stores are expanding over-the-counter
access to Naloxone in 12 states, widening its availability to 14 states
overall. The life-saving drug reverses opiate overdose.
Read more.
Elizabeth Warren Goes Crazy for Black Lives Matte - Elizabeth Warren’s claim of relentless black
victimization now stands as the greatest lie of our generation. More
Cynical Cooperation -
If America will not acknowledge Islam's philosophical moorings, and its sources
of financial support, then we cannot find our way in dealing with this
existential threat. More
Free Trade Illusions - Free trade should not be a sacred doctrine
among conservatives. More
Nuke the Iranian Nuke-Pact - Litigation is the only way to prevent this
from happening. More
Question about whether Obama's plan to 'internationalize'
the internet is constututional - Is the internet partly
government property? More
Ted Cruz delivers scathing indictment of the establishment
GOP – Cruz stood on the Senate floor and delivered an absolutely
brilliant speech exposing the establishment GOP. He nailed it. More
Free speech loses to Islamists at UK universities – Two events last week crystallized the grave
danger facing freedom of speech in the United Kingdom. More
Why isn't this a bribe? – All the elements of Democrat establishment
corruption: an entrepreneur seeking affirmative action preferences, a
Congressman who is also a preacher, and a nonprofit organization receiving the
money. More
Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported
transiting the Suez Canal - Obama has been snookered again. More
Clinton Foundation was given classified information by
Hillary aide Cheryl Mills - Information that the State Department says "has the potential to
damage and inject friction into our bilateral relationship with African
countries whose cooperation is important to U.S. national security.” More
Reintroducing Kevin McCarthy, conservative superhero – This is supposed to be our new House
speaker? More
Four Cases of Human Plague
Confirmed in New Mexico - The New Mexico Department of Health recently announced a
laboratory-confirmed case of plague in a 73-year-old woman from Santa Fe
County. The case was confirmed at the Department of Health’s Scientific
Laboratory Division. This is the fourth human case of plague in New Mexico this
year and the second in Santa Fe County. […]Read more of this post
Gelspan Files
Welcome! - Skeptic climate scientists and
their associated organizations are accused of receiving fossil fuel industry
money in exchange for lying about the issue. But is there any truth to the
accusation? Continue reading
“The RICO Letter’s Sole-Source Problem” - Continuing a new feature at
GelbspanFiles: Small space posts like this one will be teases about the
upcoming full content. Next up, a letter signed by 20 scientists to President
Obama imploring him to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Act (RICO) to punish immoral “corporations and other organizations that have
knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change”
inadvertently torpedoes its entire cause with one poorly thought-out paragraph. Posted
in Uncategorized
Anti-intellectual Claims about Anti-intellectualism - Besides revealing at this blog how the ‘industry-corrupted skeptic climate scientists’ accusation implodes from any angle it’s viewed, I also show how people willingly accept and spread the accusation while never questioning a single element of it. Today, I feature a perfect case in point where an article writer attempted to call out the ‘problem’ of stupid rationale in the global warming issue, but his efforts only result in an undesirable appearance hugely undermining the overall point of his article. Continue reading
Anti-intellectual Claims about Anti-intellectualism - Besides revealing at this blog how the ‘industry-corrupted skeptic climate scientists’ accusation implodes from any angle it’s viewed, I also show how people willingly accept and spread the accusation while never questioning a single element of it. Today, I feature a perfect case in point where an article writer attempted to call out the ‘problem’ of stupid rationale in the global warming issue, but his efforts only result in an undesirable appearance hugely undermining the overall point of his article. Continue reading
Corps, part 3: Flipping Senator John McCain -
So, in part one of this series, I detailed just how
valued Ross Gelbspan was and arguably still is to Green Corps. In part two, I detailed the blur of influential people across Ozone Action,
Greenpeace and Green Corps. Now, let’s see what that combination is actually
capable of influencing, by revisiting that pair of key sentences from the National Journal article I started parts 1
and 2 with: Continue reading
Green Corps, part 2: Ozone Action / Green Corps /
Greenpeace blur - In my blog post last week,
I used a bit of likely inadvertent misinformation from a National Journal article on outgoing
Greenpeace USA Executive Director Phil Radford as an item to segue into an
examination of how the Green Corps organization seems to place Ross Gelbspan in
high regard despite easily found problems with his narratives about
‘industry-corrupted’ skeptic climate scientists. Now, let’s re-examine that
same two-sentence bit from the NJ
article to illustrate how just the most basic of looks into any
aspect of the corrupt skeptics accusation runs headlong into inconsistent
details. Continue reading
Is this the
Face of Environmentalism Today?
[8/10/15 Update] I
swear, I can’t make this stuff up. [8/10/15 Update at bottom] Continue
Degrees of Separation or Less, Part VII: To Green Corps… and Beyond
- If the public saw scientists from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) engaged in heated debate with skeptic climate scientists, it would
be deadly to the notion of catastrophic man-caused global warming. They’d shrug
their shoulders at complicated science terms, dismissing both sides with, “come back and tell us what you know when you really know what you’re
talking about.” Do
ordinary environmentalists with no climate science expertise kill that
situation with carefully memorized citations of superior IPCC arguments? No,
they say there are multi-thousands of
scientists comprising a scientific consensus against a handful of skeptics who
are ‘paid industry money to manufacture doubt’. But how exactly do you get that
idea out to everybody? Continue reading
Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are
‘Authentic’ - A
forensic analysis of undercover videos about Planned Parenthood’s abortion
practices are “authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing,”
according to a report released… Read More
What She Saw Changed Her Mind About Getting an Abortion
- As a debate over Planned Parenthood brews on Capitol Hill, one mother shares
her story about why she turned her back on abortion. Watch the Video
What We Need in Our Next Speaker of the House - Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, writes that
the American people are looking to those they elect to actually use
the tools at their disposal to restore constitutional checks and balances. Read More
John Boehner's Wish List Before He Leaves Congress - House Speaker John Boehner is set to leave the House on Oct. 30, and before departing at the end of a 24-year career, he could leave his Republican colleagues with a number of parting gifts.
John Boehner's Wish List Before He Leaves Congress - House Speaker John Boehner is set to leave the House on Oct. 30, and before departing at the end of a 24-year career, he could leave his Republican colleagues with a number of parting gifts.
Inside the US Air War Against ISIS - The air war against ISIS is a
tricky one for U.S. pilots. Without American troops on the ground, it’s hard to
tell friend from foe, Daily Signal foreign correspondent Nolan Peterson reports
from Iraq. Read More
Obama Puts Positive Spin on Disastrous Foreign Policy in
UN Speech - After
almost seven years of foreign policy mismanagement, abdication of leadership,
and deflection of responsibility, this disappointing speech is par for the
course. Read More
Senate Advances Spending Bill With Funding for Planned
Parenthood - The
Senate’s continuing resolution leaves intact taxpayer funding for Planned
Parenthood, shelving a fight that conservatives wanted Republican leadership to
wage with President Barack Obama. Read More
Freedom Force
Freedom Force
Obama Makes Clear that Some People have More Equal Rights
than Others -
The thought that some people are granted a status that allows them to supersede
the rights of others should be appalling. And though the founding documents
make clear that our forefathers were not egalitarians, the thought that all men
were not equal under the law would have shocked and angered them. But when we
get to certain topics and situations, we find that our legal system has failed
to prove adequate. And Obama’s recent speech will help us to illustrate what I
FFRF Once Again Threatens But the Citizens of Hawkins TX
Refuse to Concede
- At least once a month the Wisconsin-based atheist group, Freedom From
Religion Federation, finds and threatens some school or civic organization.
Most of these municipal targets are found in states other than Wisconsin, and
have nothing to do with the organization or its members. They breathe threats
at these people and wait to see them scurry to comply. But this reign of terror
might be coming to an end.Christian News reports A Texas man is fighting back
against efforts to remove a “Jesus”……
Hillary Clinton Continues to Make Light of Her Email
Scandal - Hillary
Clinton made a Sunday appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd where
she continued to make light of the email scandal that is currently consuming
her campaign for President.Over the last couple of days more damning evidence
has come out implicating Hillary Clinton (and her subordinates) in a devious
crime against our nation.With the evidence mounting and the excuses proving to
be… weak… it’s simply amazing that Clinton would continue to pretend that her
Clinton Excuses Bad Behavior by Saying People Didn’t Care
About it Before - Hillary
Clinton is a piece of work.Seriously.The Democrat presidential frontrunner was
a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd on Sunday when she was forced
to talk about a few things she probably would prefer to never hear about again.
Specifically, Todd wanted to focus in on the email scandal that the Clinton
campaign has been embroiled in, but to a larger point they discussed the many
(MANY) scandals that Hillary and her husband former President Bill Clinton have
been connected.....
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