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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 4, 2014

From Pam Geller's Site: Atlas Shrugged

British aid worker Alan Henning beheaded by Islamic State… which threatens to kill US war veteran next - Every day. Beheadings every day in the post-American Obama era. The age of the primitive. The quran says, “When ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks.” (47:4) But no worries, Obama says the Islamic State is not Islamic. Obama wants us to become inured to the sabotage terrors of jihad. Savages like them, like him. The media condemn and shake their fists at our jihad awareness ads. Oh how they rage against us — but when they report on jihad, they are pragmatic, “objective,” almost sympathetic.

U.S. tax dollars pay for “U.S. mosque security” - According to at least three surveys and studies, over 80% of the mosques in the US teach, preach and advance jihad. Fresh on the heels of Robert Spencer’s groundbreaking expose on the Oklahoma beheader’s mosque — revelations of jihad recruitment, hatred of the US and Israel and support of the caliphate, could our taxpayer dollars be worst spent? In the wake of every jihad attack comes the second wave of Muslim groups warning of “islamophobia” and “backlash” — never rooted in reality, always the response to the horrors of Islamic teachings and texts. “Anti-Muslim” hate crime is a fraction of the crimes against Jews, blacks and gays. This is a myth. And in many of the instances of...

British aid worker Alan Henning beheaded by Islamic State… which threatens to kill US war veteran next  - Every day. Beheadings every day in the post-American Obama era. The age of the primitive. The quran says, “When ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks.” (47:4) But no worries, Obama says the Islamic State is not Islamic.  Obama wants us to become inured to the sabotage terrors of jihad. Savages like them, like him. The media condemn and shake their fists at our jihad awareness ads. Oh how they rage against us — but when they report on jihad, they are pragmatic, “objective,” almost sympathetic.

Jew-Hatred in Sweden: First EU country to recognize “Palestinian” Terror State - On the eve of the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. The antisemites of Sweden, who have all but given up and handed their country over to Islamic supremacists, seek to impose the same on the Jewish people. Sweden has, in fact, evolved into more of an Islamic state than a Western one. Recent news reports show crushing weakness and dhimmitude in the wake of violent Muslim agitation. Their response to the jihad raging on their streets is, “We will have to live with the shootings.” Jews are openly beaten in the streets in Sweden by Muslims. Muslim politicians in Sweden have called Jews apes and pigs.  Swedish police are ambushed and attacked by Muslim mobs. Police are beaten by Muslim gangs. Regularly.

New VIDEO of Boko Haram leader beheading of Nigeria pilot - Boko Haram caliph: “We follow the Koran…in the land of Allah” The jihadists are acting with absolute impunity as Obama deliberately dithers, his tongue flapping in the wind. “Islamic groups have nothing to do with Islam!” Lest we forget that Obama refused to designate Boko Haram a terrorist group because they had “legitimate concerns.” The plane of the pilot who was allegedly beheaded was shot down ….. on 9/11. But don’t expect the enemedia to report this salient fact. No, they are too busy writing mythical “islamophobia” copy.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei Calls for Muslim Unity for Israel’s ‘Annihilation’ - On the eve of one of Judaism’s holiest days, Iran has called on the Muslim world to unite to annihilate the Jewish state. The warning comes on erev Yom Kippur. With a weakened America more than subdued and Obama’s sanction of the bloody Islamic regime, there is nothing stopping them from achieving their Islamic supremacist goals. How can Iran call on the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community)? Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s in the Qur’an. The only thing stopping the Islamic regime in Iran were American sanctions and worldwide condemnation. Obama removed all that. To what end? You tell me. Despite Obama’s shameful groveling, Khamenei called America “the real enemy” and went on to accuse Israel of...

Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei Calls for Muslim Unity for Israel’s ‘Annihilation’ - On the eve of one of Judaism’s holiest days, Iran has called on the Muslim world to unite to annihilate the Jewish state. The warning comes on erev Yom Kippur. With a weakened America more than subdued and Obama’s sanction of the bloody Islamic regime, there is nothing stopping them from achieving their Islamic supremacist goals. How can Iran call on the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community)? Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s in the Qur’an. The only thing stopping the Islamic regime in Iran were American sanctions and worldwide condemnation. Obama removed all that. To what end? You tell me. Despite Obama’s shameful groveling, Khamenei called America “the real enemy” and went on to accuse Israel of...

Obama White House and State Department stridently criticize Israel for building homes on Jewish land - Imagine. The Obama White House thinks building Jewish homes on Jewish land “poisons the atmosphere.” “Palestinians” passing out candies to celebrate the murders of an Israeli family in their beds at night — they never said that “poisoned the atmosphere.” Hamas TV saying “Killing Jews is worship that brings us close to Allah” — does that poison the atmosphere? No. Only Israel ever poisons the atmosphere as far as the Jew-hater in the White House is concerned. “US rejects Netanyahu dismissal of East Jerusalem rebuke,” by Adiv Sterman and Rebecca Shimoni Stoil, Times of Israel, October 2, 2014: Washington rebuffed a contention by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that it...

UK Muslim Warns There Will Be More Beheadings on the Streets of Britain - I suspect there will be more beheadings everywhere….. even here. But it’s a good thing that the British Home Secretary banned Robert Spencer and me from speaking against such savagery. Now the country is free to hear from devout Muslims like Mizanur Rahman. Islamic extremist warns there will be more Lee Rigby-style killings on the streets of BritainOct 02, 2014, By Euan Stretch, The Mirror. British-born Mizanur Rahman claims the Home Secretary is ‘playing with fire’ by announcing plans to crackdown on Muslim extremists. An Islamic extremist has warned there will be more Lee Rigby-style atrocities on the streets of the UK if the government passes new laws to clampdown on Muslim activists.m British-born Mizanur Rahman,...

AFDI vs. Boston Transit, New York? Phliadelphia? Teeing up Seattle and San Francisco (more on that later). And now Boston. - Our battle with the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority rages on. The MBTA rejected our pro-Israel ad after running particularly antisemitic ads on city buses. After refusing our ads, the MBTA allowed another four vicious libels to run against the tiny Jewish state — those ads here.  MBTA, hate Jews much? Federal Appeals Court in Boston to Hear Argument in Case Involving the MBTA’s Censorship of Anti-Jihad AdvertisementsBoston, Massachusetts — On Monday, October 6, Robert J. Muise and David Yerushalmi, Co-Founders & Senior Counsel of the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), a national, nonprofit Judeo-Christian law...Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people, begins this evening. For my Jewish readers, have a safe and easy fast. G’mar Hatimah Tovah — May You Be Sealed for a Good Year in the Book of Life. “Security forces on high alert as Israelis mark Yom Kippur, “ Jerusalem Post, October 3, 2014. Around 2,000 officers from special police units and the Border Police will patrol across Israel this weekend, in particular in mixed Arab-Jewish cities, to prevent violent clashes as Jews commemorate Yom Kippur and Muslims celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha. A spokesperson for the National Operations Branch of the Israel Police said they did not have any specific warnings about planned...

Couple singing ‘Peppa Pig’ children’s tune to autistic toddler ‘forced off bus after complaints they were being racist’ because it goes against Muslim pork ban - Islamic supremacism on steroids. And why not? They bark and the non-Muslim whimpers. And the craven response? Submission. Dhimmitude. Surrender to brutes. A muslima passenger on a bus took offence to a family singing a children’s song and suggested the snorting noises were offensive to Islam, which forbids pork. “She went up to the bus driver and told him we were being racist towards her and she wasn’t happy. The driver came up to me and said we had to get off the bus or the police would have to come. He said: ‘just get off the bus – it’s not worth the hassle.’”  Shrugging the greatest gift to man. Freedom.   “Couple singing Peppa Pig tune to toddler ‘forced off bus after complaints they were being racist’...

Dear Mr. Albert Gore:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar, the country which owns Al Jazeera America, the network which was established following your sale of CurrentTV to Al Jazeera for $500 million in 2013.  As cited below, in fact, you and your business partner, Mr. Joel Hyatt, engaged in two major transactions with Qatar: first the purchase of Newsworld International in 2004, from which you launched CurrentTV; secondly, the selling back of the station to Qatar to broadcast Al Jazeera America, for the price of $500 million. We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the...


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