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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Praying at Lunch Is Verboten

March 30, 2014 by Tad Cronn

That the nation’s schools have serious problems cannot be denied. But it goes beyond bad textbooks, poor lesson plans and unskilled teaching when a school official acts to deny a small child’s religious rights.  All the details of the incident, including what school it occurred at, are not known because Marcos and Kathy Perez, of the Orlando area, are hoping they can resolve the issue with their local school officials.

However, they have posted a video of their 5-year-old baby girl explaining what happened to her when she tried to pray before eating her lunch.  “I was at school, and I got my lunch, and I was about to pray and say something to Jesus,” said the little girl, whose name has also not been given. “… My lunch teacher told me … ‘you’re not allowed to pray.’”
Responding to questions from her parents, the girl goes on to say that she told her teacher, “It’s good to pray, and she just said, ‘It’s not good!’”........Perez said he contacted the principal, who promised to investigate, but that the school staff denied the incident occurred. “As expected, the staff denied everything,” Perez said......To Read More.......  

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