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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 24, 2014

NRDC: Agenda 21 conspiracy theorists threaten cities' sustainability efforts

Lloyd Alter (@lloydalter)

Agenda 21 is the conspiracy Theory of Everything, making climate change, light bulbs, transit, smart growth, fuel economy, bike lanes, sustainability, anything green into a plot to take away America's freedoms. (in his latest missive, conspiracy king Tom DeWeese rolls in ObamaCare and yes, "Common Core is the curriculum necessary for the acceptance and implementation of Agenda 21" and no, I am not providing a link.)

So while it is a theory of everything, the real damage it is doing is at the level of urban planning and urban sustainability efforts. Jacob Scherr of NRDC follows the growing number of states that are passing anti-Agenda 21 legislation, including the re-introduction of a bill in Missouri that forbids policies “traceable to Agenda 21” he writes:…..To Read More…..

My Take – I’m posting this article that promotes Agenda 21 because we can’t refute things we don’t know anything about.  Let’s start with the term ‘Agenda 21 theorists”.  The goals and terms of Agenda 21 is clearly outlined, and the arguments these ‘theorists’ present aren’t refutable because it’s all in print….so how are they theorists?  How about Agenda 21 factualists, or realists, or rejecters….at least that would be factual.  He pontificates, and cites examples, of how terrible it is that people are finding ‘sustainability’ to be a dirty word, but nowhere does he refute their reasons for thinking that way. 
One more thing....the picture is a perfect fit for this piece. 

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