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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 6, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

 This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich   

"You know that little voice inside your head that keeps you from saying things you shouldn't say? Yeah, I don't have that."

This week's edition I've posted six items of my own, twenty eight from other authors and I think they've offered outstanding insights into the topics they're presenting, and six linked articles with two permanent linked pieces.  

I've highlighted two of the linked articles for a reason.  Both of them highlight just how contemptible the FDR administration really was, and one show how all of the Soviet Union's "scientific advances" were being stolen from the U.S., and you'd think that would have laid foundation for the intelligence services in the United States, and Europe to make sure China wasn't doing it.  Well, it didn't!  

When the dust settles on this issue we're going to find what they've stolen will so massive it will make the Soviets look like amateurs, and we're going to find out the Deep State and the leftists in government, both elected and hired help, along with academia, and America's commercial enterprises were a party to it all.   

The United Nations Human Rights Council (which is a joke when you see the members) and the Biden administration rails against any civilians who may have been killed in this Israel/Hamas war is blatant hypocrisy.  

They're demands for a cease fire are ludicrous, and claims the Palestinians of Gaza are starving because of Israel is a load of horsepucky.  Hamas steals the food, and the supplies, giving off phony casualty lists claiming the terrorists who've been killed were civilians, and not one word of condemnation over the atrocities Hamas has perpetrated, nor the fact Hamas uses civilians as shields, including children and women. 

My Commentaries

  1. ESG is Irrational, Misanthropic and Morally Defective
  2. America's Cities are a Disaster, and Democrats Own it All
  3. My Gazette: Islam and Western Cultural Suicide
  4. It's Long Past Time to See China Clearly
  5. Leftist Insanity: It's Time to Say Enough!
  6. Cartoon Roundup


  1. The ACLU Pushes Michigan to Abort Parental Rights By Sarah Cowgill
  2. Can ‘Clean Energy’ Schemes Get Any Crazier?  By Paul Driessen
  3. Defending John Eastman — Part 3 By John Droz, Jr.
  4. Saving American Children - Part 1 By John Droz, Jr.
  5. Mind Control via Confusion, etc. By John Droz, Jr.
  6. New Deal Nostalgia By Mary Grabar
  7. Could China Use TikTok to Elect Biden?  By Daniel Greenfield
  8. Terrorist Murderer of 5-Year-Old Girl Caught Hiding in Maternity Ward  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Iran Smuggles US Weapons from Afghanistan to Terrorists in Israel  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Greenfield Gazette By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Everyone Is to Blame Except Blacks By Gregory Hood
  12. Dear Komplaining Karen By Robin Itzler
  13. Patriot Neighbors: What, Me Worry?  By Robin Itzler
  14. No More No-Win Wars Liberty Nation News
  15. European Conservatives: How Has Fossil Fuel Suppression Worked Out For You? By Francis Menton
  16. Another Candidate For The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time? By Francis Menton
  17. Great Moments in Botswana Government By Dan Mitchell
  18. In One Story, Everything You Need to Know About Washington Waste and Incompetence By Dan Mitchell
  19. Blame Government, Not Free Enterprise By Dan Mitchell
  20. Who Should Pay to Rebuild Baltimore’s Key Bridge? By Dan Mitchell
  21. Planes, Trains and Automobiles ... and Trucks By Stephan Moore
  22. Israel Kills Top Iranian Commander – What Will Be the Fallout? By Dave Patterson
  23. Can Ukraine Defeat Russia? By Dave Patterson
  24. Kneeling Before Tyrants By Rob Pue
  25. Government Project: The Eternal Folly of Central Planning By Mark Pulliam
  26. Meet the Powerful American CEO Greasing Business Deals in China By Joe Schaeffer
  27. In Iowa, a Tiptoe Approach to Illegal Aliens Nets Uneven ResultsBy Joe Schaeffer
  28. Sheep days of visibility By Mike Shaw


  1. Blue City Prosecutors and Their Lynch Mobs
  2. FDR: New Files Reveal His Role In The Holocaust
  3. The Life of KGB Defector Vladimir Vetrov
  4. Media Balance Newsletter 4/1/24
  5. Islamic Migrants in Italy Warn: 'With Our Numbers, We Are Going to Conquer the World, First We Take Italy and Will Kick Out the Jews'
  6. Daily Dose of Reason

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. Free North Star Clipart, Download Free North Star Clipart ...
    Constant as the North Star

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