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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Global Warming Claims are Abject and Blatant Fraud!

By Rich Kozlovich  

I've posted an awful lot of articles, and I've written a lot of articles, about Anthropogenic Climate Change, and from the beginning.  It used to be officially known as Anthropogenic Global Warming, but the world stopped warming about 30 years ago, and all the climate model predictions failed to produce the predicted results.  Which is pretty much true about everything leftists tout.  It must be frustrating to be a leftist/greenie knowing that everything they say and everything they believe is "TRUTH" (followed by a chorus of Hallelujah) and then have reality refute it.  

Reality just won't go along with the program, such as the prediction New York City  would be under water by 2015.  Then again, given the mess these leftist nitwits have made of NYC, would that have been such a bad thing?   

Do I believe in small "g" global warming?  Yes, and I also believe in small "g" global cooling, what I don't believe is mankind has anything to do with it, and I absolutely don't believe CO2 is a cause, or is a problem, in point of fact, we're living in a CO2 starved world.   

Judge Alito: 'A pollutant is a subject that is harmful to human beings or to animals or to plants. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is not harmful to ordinary things, to human beings, or to animals, or to plants. It’s actually needed for plant growth. All of us are exhaling carbon dioxide right now. So, if it’s a pollutant, we’re all polluting.' .......... OK, then what is the EPA to do? Well, no problem. They took out their pen and crossed out the numbers that Congress enacted, and they wrote in their own numbers. Amazingly, four of my colleagues said this is a reasonable interpretation of the statute. And therefore, it is OK."

Clearly it's time to eliminate the Chevron Doctrine.  But let's assume for the sake of argument their concept of climate change is true, why then is it necessary for these climate hustlers to have an unending yen for "drifting terminology"?   Their unending use of "weasel words and phrases" lends nothing to truth, or fact, and what can only be described as vague clabber disguising a lack of legitimate explanation.  

I kept a running list of Weasel-Words and Phrases, and you might find them amusing.  You will also notice these words and phrases appear in "all" of these green scare mongering “studies” which make outrageous claims against civilization, and humanity.  Actually, these words and phrases are the same boilerplate stuff turned out by greenies and leftists in general, and it's deliberately vague for every one of their anti-human, anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, and anti-America crusades.  

At the beginning of the Trump administration they demanded bureaucrats show valid data to prove their climate change view that the "science is settled". Not only did they want to know how they arrived at their figures, just as importantly, they wanted to know who did the figuring.  The bureaucrats called this a witch hunt.  


One Congressman called this "environmental McCarthyism" and demanded the Trump administration stop trying to intimidate Energy Department employees from carrying out Obama's global warming initiatives.  Well, McCarthy may have been a liar, a drunk, and a really strange man, but it turned out he was also right.  

The federal government was filled with communists, socialists, and fellow travelers, and the VENONA intercepts proved it.  And these bureaucrats provided nothing but fake experts, logical fallacies, incredible expectations, cherry picked data, and false accusations!  Especially about the oil companies, and the media runs with it.  The interesting thing is the oil companies publicly claim they believe in this claptrap.  Now that's a perfect example of cognitive dissonance.  

Let's try and get this right, just once, please.  Global warming, climate change, or what ever term they choose to use in the future is their solutions are insane.  One writer called them "The Lying Devil's Cult of Global Warming", a neo-pagan secular religion, and based on their misanthropic views, they could easily be called scions of Satan.  

What are the two driving forces of all this?    Misanthropic insanity, and greed, all in order to impose a worldwide tyrannous system of governance under the auspices of the most corrupt and incompetent organization the world has have known. The United Nations. 

What could possibly go wrong?

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