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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?

By Rich Kozlovich

Let's start with this foundational fact.  Environmentalism, leftism, socialism, and a host of other ism's are in fact neo-pagan secular religions of death, and cultural suicide, and green paganism.   On April 20, 2024 Ray DiLorenzo published this piece,  How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?, saying:

Globalists want us dead. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has stated many times in print and in speeches that the planet is overpopulated and that its survival depends on controlling climate change, reducing population, controlling food supply, and our bad habits like owning cars.  This has not been an easy article to write or research. Many people and entities that we trusted are suspected of such depraved activity; it would be difficult to find an equal in human history.........You start by frightening people and creating an atmosphere of crisis.

He went on to cite Jane Goodall, who felt all our environmental problems were due to entirely too many people, and the world needs to reduce it's population to a level that existed 500 year ago.  The means eliminating 7.5 billion people. And that's from the "moderates" in the green movement.  The radicals want mankind eliminated, and understand this, the moderates never attack them for their views.  

We're doomed, doomed I tell you.  At least that's the Never Ending Story of the left.  

We're running out of fossil fuels, which has been proven not only wrong, but stupid. We have massive traditional energy sources, including oil.  Oil isn't a fossil fuel.  I subscribe to the abiotic abyssal abiotic theory of petroleum, which means oil is a naturally occurring substance emanating up from the Earth's crust, and renews itself constantly, as has occurred in some previously depleted wells.

Global warming will destroy the world.  Only now it's anthropogenic climate change.  Why  Because reality just refuses to play by the rules and follow their seriously flawed computer models, which have now all been shown to be false. 

Then there was covid, which had a 99.7% recovery rate, and make no mistake, all that quarantining, masking, shots, social distancing, lockdowns were nothing short of a test run for some other "crisis" event to control every aspect of human activity.   The Asian Flu of 1957/58 was probably far worse, and I remember those years, and no one thought to close the schools, businesses, and shut down the world.  But in those days the world wasn't being run by treasonous left wing misanthropes.   As the author says, "covid was the flu with better marketing". 

At the end of WWII the world's population was approximately two billion people, and it took thousands of years to get there.  In less than 75 years the world population has soared to just under 8 billion people.   How did that happen?  Chemistry, as in pesticides, fertilizers, medicines, food production, and most of all, energy.  Vast amounts of readily available inexpensive energy, all of which the left, especially the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization wants to seriously restrict.   

Force everyone to take shots they're calling vaccines, when in reality, they are not true vaccines, but gene altering chemical compounds that has had a massively negative impact on public health, and will continue to do so for decades to come.  Force everyone into cities with walking distance to get all they need, called "15 minute neighborhoods". That makes it so much easier to track what you do, and who you do it with.   Force everyone, except the elite, to eat bugs instead of meat, pass curfew laws, keep humanity dependent, but most importantly, keep them scared and complaint.

In this environment, they will have control over the population. Abortion up until the time of birth, or even after, will be just fine. Encouraging homosexuality, and transgenderism, the mutilation of young people, and/or surgical sterility will greatly improve anyone's social credit score. Yes, there will be a social credit system. They know how to do it. China has taught them well.u get the idea. It was better that way. It keeps the populace scared and compliant.

In my lifetime we've gone from the idea that a moral and responsible population cares for those with depression, going deaf, mental issues, or can't get around without a wheel chair, well, no longer!  Under the regime they desire, a socialistic central planning world wide system of governance, which the left wishes to impose on humanity, if you can't see, can't take care of your daily needs, "can't fill out forms or use a computer, have PTSD, autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and any problem communicating with people", you're a candidate for euthanasia.  After all:

"Yuval Noah Harari, one of the WEF's top advisors, calls these people  'useless eaters.' That is, people who will have no useful purpose in the 4th Industrial Revolution they are so looking forward to."

So, it's okay to just kill them, and we know it can be done, China has shown them the way, the nation Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF, thinks is the ideal form of government. 

The author goes on to discuss euthanasia, and the value that has in organ transplants, a vastly profitable business, so it's now being encouraged, and will be encouraged all the more, and I'm willing to bet the euthanasia propaganda will state in the public education system, starting in grade school.  The author even suggests:

I would imagine, in the future, convincing a loved one to end it all may mean a cash payment, a higher social credit score, or awarded better housing.

A research paper in Canada concluded that euthanasia could dramatically reduce healthcare costs. In Holland, there is a suggestion to make euthanasia available for people over 70 who are feeling just 'a bit worn out'. (Expose)

It is legal in Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Colombia, Spain, New Zealand, Portugal, Ecuador, and parts of Australia. It is also legal in several U.S. states, although it's called medical-aid-in-dying (MAID): Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California, D.C., Hawaii, New Jersey, Maine, and New Mexico. It is pending in: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

A doctor offered death-by-doctor to a woman who just wanted a wheelchair ramp to her home.

He ends his article with this admonishment:
Learn how to say NO! As Reagan used to say, "Trust, but verify." In this case, the government, all medical authorities, and the media. By all means, verify what you are told, use your own good judgment, and always trust in GOD!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for speaking the truth. You are a candle in the dark. Keep the faith.
