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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 5, 2024

ESG is Irrational, Misanthropic and Morally Defective

By Rich Kozlovich

Editor's Note:  Originally published in the past, but the thoughts in these pieces need to be said over again.  RK

On Dec 19 2020 Jordan Schachtel published this piece, Exclusive: Davos 2023 will feature BlackRock & TikTok CEOs, with WEF demanding more censorship and tyranny, on The Dossier, his web site listing some of the speakers and themes for that meeting saying:

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will host its annual meeting in Davos next month, and for the second year in a row, The Dossier the first publication to publish a list of speakers attending the invite-only, ruling class gathering in Switzerland. The World Economic Forum is a fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity, with specific policy goals that involve centralizing power into the hands of hand-picked global elites as the only means to save the earth from a claimed climate emergency. The annual Davos conference acts as an ultra exclusive in-person narrative and ideas exchange for this hand-picked ruling class. The WEF is led by frontman and president Klaus Schwab, who advocates for a “green transition” through his misleadingly named “stakeholder capitalism” agenda, which amounts to technocratic tyranny..........Movements such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, and the ESG agenda were pieced together by WEF “stakeholders” at previous Davos confabs................

And what is on the agenda according to Jordan Schachtel, "Davos 2023 will feature BlackRock & TikTok CEOs, with WEF demanding more censorship and tyranny."

  • “Why We Need Battery Passports”
  • “Leading The Charge Through Earth’s New Normal” (Featuring Al Gore)
  • “A Living Wage For All”
  • “Enabling An Equitable Transition”
  • “Beyond The Rainbow: Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights”
  • “Advancing Racial and Ethnic Equity” (Moderated by CNN)
  • “Decarbonizing Supply Chains” (Moderated by Chinese state television)
  • “Finding The Right Balance For Crypto”
  • “Tackling Harm In The Digital Era”

For some time I, along with a great many others, have pointed out there's an international conspiracy to destroy the American Constitution, the only thing standing between a feudal socialistic neo-pagan form of global governance and a free world.  As the Canada Free Press states, "Because without America, there is no free world."

  • So, what happens when a "conspiracy theory" is not a theory?  
  • What happens when but fact that "theory" is reality?  
  • What happens when the nation's leaders are part and parcel of that conspiracy to destroy the traditional Judaic/Christian values of the western world and replace those values with abject  secular tyranny?   
  • What happens when the law enforcers are the law breakers?  

These Twitter exposes give definitive proof the FBI has been illegally spying on people, working to overthrow elections and even conspire to illegally attack a sitting President and put globalist misanthropic puppets in place, and corrupting the voting system of the entire nation in order to do it. 

There are three areas of the Constitution that are the most seriously being attacked.  The First Amendment regarding the Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Religion, and the Second Amendment, The Right to Bear Arms.  All of which are foundational to a free people standing between insane leftist mandates, regulations, unconstitutional laws, out of control elitist leadership and an out of control federal bureaucracy. 

Remember, the First Amendment" is about freedom of speech and religion, and there's a reason it's the "First Amendment".  Apparently the Founding Fathers believed, and rightly so, those were the most important philosophical rights to establish a free nation, ergo, destroying them is the driving force for the left, and crashing the American economy is the tool they're using to do it.  No matter how badly their actions impact the economy, they're not going to stop, as this article states:

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, will continue to push for leftist environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies when it engages with companies and exercises its voting rights — despite backlash from Republicans.

Since all these leftist schemes are financial losers their actions are a failure of their judiciary responsibilities to the stockholders.  To keep doing what their doing requires censorship, making sure they can censor anyone who dares question or challenge their cleanly illegal activities.  

All of what's discussed here is just the tip of the iceberg, and these misfits won't stop until they've driven humanity back into a dark age of modern feudalism begging at the table for crumbs and handouts from government. 

Here are the 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional RecordCommunism and fascism are two sides of the same coin, socialism!  And much of what these socialists have been working to achieve for the last 125 years has come into being, and America is in Crisis.

To Have Clarity We First Need Definition!

One of the problems with the left is their penchant for redefining words to fit the narrative of the moment.  Words mean things but are constantly being warped and twisted by radicals to obfuscate reality.  

We absolutely must grasp this:  Everything we are told, everything we read in the newspapers or see on the news is filled with lies. Mostly lies of omission, and on occasion, more so recently, outright lies, but the end result humanity is being duped by prominent people, i.e., leaders in every area of influence in every institution of the world.

We really do need to get that.

In John Hawkins article,
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don't Understand, he starts out with two quotes. One from Ronald Reagan:

"It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so."

The other by the character Inigo Montoya portrayed by in The Princess Bride: 

“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”.

Which is a great lead in to the 10 clarifications about terms in his article that are being redefined so often that they are becoming somewhat indefinable. He covers the difference between how conservatives and liberals define the following terms:  Open Mindedness, Racism, Fairness, Greed, Hate, Investment, Charity, Patriotism, Tolerance and Diversity. 

Well, here's my take on all that.  

They want open mindedness to the point our brains fall out of our heads.  Then there’s racism, hate, tolerance and diversity.  First off, diversity without accomplishment is incompetence without consequences, and as for the rest, that's a one-way street, irrespective of the facts or reality.  Racism, hate, and intolerance is just fine as long as it's blacks against whites or even Asians, and since Obama, Biden and their gang of race baiters have done so much to foul race relations, race relation in America is now a disaster.

Fairness, now that's a real winner.  Who wrote "The Book of Fair"?  No one!  There is no accepted defining concept.  As a result, fairness can be twisted and warped unendingly.   Who decides what's fair?  And if "fair" becomes codified, and administered by government bureaucrats, which is the real goal of the left: I can guarantee you very real unfairness will be rampant and destructive.  As for patriotism, well, Lenin was a Russian patriot, so that can mean anything these days.  

So, why has this become so complicated? That's the easy part! 

As long as we are incapable of defining words and terms properly, we can be led in directions that we may not have been willing to go otherwise. This has been a tactic on the left since the French Revolution, refined and promoted by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao.  But they never perfected or practiced as well as has the mainstream media, green activists, statists and leftists who are insatiable in their drive for power and money.  They unendingly work to keep society off balance in order to destroy us with our own values.  

Remember When Anyone Who Criticized Sanctuary States and Cities Was a Racist Xenophobe?  Not Anymore!!!

 The Inevitability Factor. When Reality Reaches Its Apex.  And Reality Bites.

Over the years I've read a lot about why New York goes Democrat based on the dominance of NYC with it's over eight million voters.  Is this really true though?

In NYC Democrats outnumber Republicans almost two to one, but if you add in those with no party affiliation, it becomes around three to one. But what about the rest of the state? It turns out the numbers are also about two to one, and with those with no party affiliation, it's about two and a half to one statewide.  Okay, so, what's the point of all this.  

 (11 Sanctuary States:  California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington.)

There are eleven sanctuary states, and New York is one of them, and they chose the nitwits who made New York a sanctuary state.  It isn't like they didn't know their views and policies.  They were quite clear about their views, so since the people of New York voted for these halfwits, we can now reasonably conclude after all that virtue signaling and finger pointing, they're just xenophobic racists after all. 

Remember all that virtue signaling claiming illegal immigration was a huge benefit for America?  Well, the border states, especially Florida and Texas, decided it was unfair for them to horde all those benefits for themselves, so they decided to share them with the Sanctuary cites and states, and shipped them off to places like New York City.  They also sent a bunch to Martha's Vineyard.  Who shipped them out just as fast as they could.  Apparently they, like Texas and Florida, felt it was unfair to hoard all those benefits illegal aliens brought to their "sanctuary" city and decided to let others reap those rewards instead. So, they sent them on their way, just as quickly as they could.   

Now, before we proceed, let's properly define who these people really are.  They're criminals.  They've entered this nation illegally, and that makes them criminals.  

That brings me back to New York City, a Sanctuary City, and their remarkable new Mayor, Eric Adams who apparently thinks these illegal aliens aren't beneficial after all, in fact, he claims they're a problem, and it's "unfair" for NYC to bear such a burden.  It seems NYC Mayor Adams has opened a migrant camp that will cost the taxpayers of New York City a mere twenty million dollars a month, and Gov. Kathy Hochul has created a jobs program for these criminals even though over 380 thousand New Yorkers are unemployed.

Wow! Reality bites and all that virtue signaling has turned into a self made immigration crisis.  They've put them up in hotels to the tune of three hundred dollars a day, where many of these criminals are out of control, city services are being slashed in order to pay for all this, and the city is ignoring all the crimes being committed by these criminals, and again, they are criminals as they entered this country illegally, and now Adams says they've no place to put them.  

So now Mayor Adams, a political and intellectual giant standing tall amongst ordinary mortals, has an idea.  Have the people of New York City house them, along with owners of vacant property, by force of law if necessary by changing zoning restrictions that would allow commercial office space to be converted into apartments, and force the owners to accept them, whether the owners like it or not, and do it in spite of the fact these criminals have trashed the hotels they were housed in. 

Let's keep this in perspective, the number he's dealing with is a fraction of what the border states are facing, and it turns out all that virtue signaling is breaking them.  Adams claims all these illegal aliens  are destroying the city, and eventually that will include the neighborhoods.  Wow!  It's clear Adams was really great at talking the talk, but he's incapable of walking the talk, and one can only conclude, Adams must not be a giant among men after all.  He must be a racist. 

In Guy Benson's August 15, 2023 article, What Exactly Do They Think 'Sanctuary' Means?, he says:

We've covered the subject of hypocrisy and virtue signaling among Democrat-led "sanctuary" jurisdictions pretty extensively in recent years.  It's basically been impossible not to notice the yawning, political disconnect between leaders' preening rhetoric and policy preferences during the previous administration, and their incoherent meltdowns when directly confronted with the consequences of their stated preferences and alleged principles throughout the Biden border crisis.  We've seen this in places ranging from Martha's Vineyard, to Chicago, to California, and beyond.  But ground zero for this phenomenon might be New York City, where officials' 180 degree heel turn has been quite a sight to behold. 

A taste of their own medicine August 28, 2023 by J.R. Dunn

There is yet another beneficial aspect to the bussing of illegals to welcoming, open-armed blue destinations that hasn’t yet been mentioned. A large part of the purpose in allowing illegals into the country involves using them to punish and harass the working and middle classes – particularly the White elements. So there’s no mystery as to why illegals have been brought into the country and then deliberately dispatched to blue-collar and middle-class towns across the U.S. Things like that don’t just happen, comrades – they’re made to happen

Let's move on to another virtue signally sanctuary state, New Jersey, where Gov. Chris Murphy in 2017 is quite clear saying this about Trump's policy on illegal immigration: 

“We will stand up to this President. If need be, we will be a sanctuary not just city but state.”

But now, wait for it, here it comes, it turns out now, they don’t want to be a Sanctuary State after all.  It turns out reality bites, and they don't have the resources and can't afford it. Amazing, so, by their own standards, he too is a blatant racist!

Then we have Chicago, where residents, black residents, are upset they plan to house 300 of these criminals in a Hyde Park area motel.  Are they racists also? When black residents complained about this, far left Alderman Andre Vasquez called them racists who are dividing the Democrat party. So apparently Democrats, black Democrats, are also xenophobes and racists.

The federal government under the Biden Administration is spending hundreds of millions of dollars promoting this insanity,  and that's the tip of the iceberg"

Illegal immigration imposes an enormous burden on American taxpayers. Annually, the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. costs taxpayers more than $143 billion. That amount, though, does not include any of the social and economic costs — such as higher housing prices, depleted wages, lost jobs, increased crime, and strained public resources at hospitals and schools — associated with illegal immigration.

Immigration is destroying America, both legal and illegal.  Immigrants bring their own values with them, and with many of these immigrants those values are antithetical, and destructive to American values.   Biden's bringing disaster to America, and it's clearly intentional.

What are Americans doing about it?  Running away from these cities, and states, just as fast as they can.  But where can people go where this national policy disaster won't catch up to them?  Even here in Ohio, where we're not a sanctuary state, illegal immigration has become an issue, and people are saying we've had it, and enough is enough.   

That needs to be a national consensus.  


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