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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 5, 2024

America's Cities are a Disaster, and Democrats Own it All

By Rich Kozlovich 

Theodore Dalrymple once said of egalitarian propaganda:

 “When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”

For my regular readers it's known I have a massive "draft" file where I've saved articles on every issue that impacts humanity, and while some articles I'm linking are dated, the thought content remains valid. 

The words Democrat and leadership should never appear in the same sentence unless it's to decry the lack thereof, since it's abundantly clear, 'Democrat Leadership' is an Oxymoron.  Let's start with this unimpeachable fact:  

1% of Democrat Counties Make Up 42% of America’s Murders Democrats desperately trying to spin high crime rates caused by their pro-crime policies began falsely claiming that crime was a Republican problem. The media began running articles with headlines like, “Red States Have Higher Murder Rates” and “Republicans Like to Talk Tough on Crime — But They’re the Ones with a Real Crime Problem”......There isn’t a red state murder problem, red states have a Democrat crime problem......

America is not a dangerous or crime-ridden country. Unfortunately Democrat cities are overrun with criminals and the politicians who cater to them. The Democrats became an urban party and, after jettisoning the white working class and the small business middle class became the party of criminals. From police defunding to the Black Lives Matter riots to mass jailbreaks and the legalization of drugs and shoplifting in major cities, they embraced pro-crime policies that unleashed a massive crime wave. And now they pretend not to know what’s causing the crime.

Daniel Greenfield also posted this article dealing with illegal immigration entitled, LA Mayor: Our Cities are a Mess Because of a Republican Conspiracy, quoting that intellectual giant, Mayor Karen Bass, accusing the Republicans for L.A's disaster saying:

 “What they’re trying to do is destabilize cities … it’s the narrative that these are Democratic-run cities and that we don’t know how to govern and that everything is chaotic here,”.......... “We live in a city that welcomes immigrants, and so I think we have been able to handle it, but I am fearful that any day planes could start coming.”

So, it's the Republicans who are destabilizing these Democrat controlled cities, and in spite of that, they're handling it?  Really?  Well, I have a question.  Why is it reality and Democrat rhetoric are always so out of harmony?  Because they're stupid, incompetent, lying, and nothing's their fault.  So, let's take a look at their rhetoric versus their reality, the reality they refuse to acknowledge.  And since they're incapable or unwilling to recognize that reality, they will not fix it.  Let's start with California.  

Andrea Widburg who lives in California published this piece, This story of San Francisco’s continuing degradation hits close to home saying: 

I grew up in San Francisco’s Sunset District, a once thriving working- and lower-middle-class neighborhood. An important place in that neighborhood was Stonestown, one of America’s first shopping malls, where generations of children shopped with their mothers and, when older, hung out on their own. It was safe, and there was food. Today, as San Francisco’s government continues its commitment to social Marxism, Stonestown is turning into a violent gang hangout, making it a microcosm of what’s happening to leftist cities across America.........

How things have changed. Thanks to San Francisco’s radical left turn, a once-safe community hub has become dangerous.........San Francisco Police Department has been battered by staffing shortages in recent years,........“San Francisco is on the precipice of a potentially catastrophic police staffing shortage, and there are too many public safety problems we’ll be helpless to solve if we don’t start solving SFPD’s understaffing crisis first,” Dorsey said in a statement earlier this year.  Mayor London Breed redirected $120 million from law enforcement to fund other city initiatives in 2020 as crime continued to surge in the city – with homicides increasing by 20% in 2020 compared to 2019. Homicides also increased 17% in 2021 compared to the previous year, according to city data.

So, that's how that Democrat administration considers handling that?  Remarkable!

On September 19th this article appeared, DA Sues Sacramento Over 'Collapse Into Chaos' saying:

He says city has failed to take action to get homeless people off the streets. A Sacramento prosecutor is suing California's capital city over its failure to clean up homeless encampments. Sacramento District Attorney Thien Ho says his office asked the city to enforce laws around sidewalk obstruction and to create additional professionally operated camping sites. He announced the suit Tuesday during a news conference in Sacramento. Ho said the city is seeing a "collapse into chaos" and an "erosion of every day life," the AP reports. Sacramento County had nearly 9,300 homeless people in 2022, based on data from the annual Point in Time count. That was up 67% from 2019. Roughly three-quarters of the county's homeless population is unsheltered.

So, that's how Democrat administrations "handle" it?   Well, here's the reality of California, and  how Democrats are "handling" it.  Will the last one to leave please turn out the lights:

Living in the land of denial doesn’t automatically come with a passport. It does, however, require a commitment to suspend reality. Take California… has managed to create its own mythology and then live according to its own set of fantasy-based rules......Californians were like the proverbial frog that's being slowly boiled to death one degree at a time. A few more taxes here and few more regulations there became a lot more taxes here and a lot more regulations there. Many California homeowners found themselves being squeezed by rapidly-increasing property tax rates and onerous and costly environmental regulations while their communities were frantically trying to fund enormous unfunded liabilities like sky-high pensions guaranteed to municipal workers. No one wanted their ox gored. So, when it became clear that no economic or ideological turnaround was in the cards, the 'great Californian exodus' began.

So, their solution is to "handling it" is to make taxpayers who are sick of the insanity, including "extended school closures, suffocating business closures and rigid vaccine mandates served to drive families and business owners out of the state in droves in search of schooling and a better business environment."  So, once everyone leaves California except those who are government employees, those on government dole, leftist radicals, rioters, criminals and illegal aliens, California will be utopian.  


Oakland is reaching ‘state of emergency’.  All due to the weak response to criminal activity, the situation is deteriorating beyond repair.  You can't eliminate the police forces in America's cities and expect crime to diminish.  That's foundational.  How stupid can these political hacks possibly be?  How fundamentally stupid can voters in these cities be?  Apparently, there's no boundaries for stupid, and now, "it has gotten so bad that there is a call in Oakland, CA, to declare a “state of emergency.”

Imagine that.  Well guess what, ten years ago the consequences were obvious to the most causal observers:

In 2013, The The state of California, which was once a symbol a middle-class paradise, is now all but insolvent. The city of Stockton has declared bankruptcy and Hispanics are now a plurality in the “All America City.” That city’s situation might be preferable to that of Bell, where the almost entirely Hispanic city has seen practically its entire government arrested for corruption. The mayor’s defense is that he did not know what he was doing, because he is illiterate. Hundreds of thousands of Californians are fleeing the state, the first time there has been “white flight” from an entire state. The left-libertarian magazine Reason, an enthusiastic cheerleader for illegal immigration, blames it all on “big government.”

In Democrat controlled St. Louis it's no better.  As a result of a leftist, racist, radical, who was a notorious Soros backed pro-criminal Circuit Attorney, representing the people of the State of Missouri as their chief prosecutor for state-level crimes in the City of St. Louis, she was notorious for misusing her office to go after political opponents, but utterly failed to do what was necessary to defend the people of St. Louis, and the state of Missouri, against criminals of every ilk, and this car accident is just one example of the vileness of leftist criminal justice policies.  Eventually she was forced to resign on June 1, 2023.  

In 2020 the violent and corrupt Black Live Matter rioted in Philadelphia, and what is race pandering Mayor Jim Kenny's administration's solution for "handling" this?  Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to over 200 rioters who claimed to have been injured by police during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, because "of the pain and trauma ..... the rioters experienced, and claiming that the racism allegedly caused by the police is “immeasurable.”   

Hello people, are you stupid?  They were rioting!!! Rioting is a violent activity!!!  They should have pain and trauma, that meant the police were doing their jobs, and I could care less how "immeasurable" all that might be for them, it was their choice!  And why were the police racists?  Because most of the rioters were black, so doing their jobs to prevent the mayhem these black rioters were perpetrating was racist?  Get real, that's so stupid it borders on insanity!  What's worse, those riots had nothing to do with anything going on in Philadelphia.  It was "following the fentanyl overdose death of George Floyd", a thug and a criminal in  Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

The article went on to say:

In addition to the financial compensation, the city has also agreed to stop participating in a federal program that provides the police department with extra military equipment. The city will also pay about $500,000 for counseling services for residents of the 52nd Street corridor, located in West Philadelphia, where most of the violence occurred..............Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw also issued a statement declaring that the department would change its approach to rioters in the future."

I think it worthwhile to point out at this time:

Both George Floyd and Tyre Nichols both died in Democrat cities with Democrat Police Chiefs, Democrat Mayors, Democrat City Councils, and Democrat Congressmen. Yet Dems are saying this is white supremacy?! No, this is another tragic example of *Democrats* destroying black communities. ........When the writing on the wall is this clear, the only recourse for people desperate to cover up their sins is to blame something or someone other than themselves. The radical left in general is forced to play dumb on a daily basis as news incessantly erupts from Democrat-controlled cities that clearly demonstrates their leftist policies are failing the people miserably. They also know that the victims of their failed policies are their biggest voting block.

Well, since that's how they "handle" things, I think they can be assured there will be "rioters in the future". 

In March a riot broke out in Atlanta's over their plan to build a new police training facility with bricks and Molotov cocktails being thrown at police, even burning in patrol cars, all done by "far-left organizations, including Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and multiple environmental groups."  The article goes on to say:

 A prior riot broke out at the construction site in January when a 26-year-old terrorist shot and injured an Atlanta police officer, and was subsequently killed by return fire. The crowd turned to violence following his death, including attacks against police and the site itself.

Atlanta resides in Fulton County Georgia.  Okay, so, in order to get an insight over the mentality of those responsible for dealing with criminals in Atlanta, I ask:  Who's the prosecutor for Fulton County? Fani Willis, the same Fani Willis who wants to charge Jim Jordan with obstructing her prosecution  because he's had the nerve to question her motives and ethics by demanding "she turn over all documents related to the prosecution of the former president and 18 of his allies."

This pandering to criminals isn't new, in this piece, Murderers Walk Among Us, Coddled by the Left the author describes a murder that took place 30 years ago, where a "jury of 12 men and women decided even though this 18 year old monster "had loaded his gun and departed with it from his house"...he murdered a 26 year old newly married woman by shooting four times a close range, and then, "as she lay quivering, Simpson hovered over, and at close range, fired a fifth bullet that literally blew off her head", but it wasn't premeditated murder.  

In their disgraceful judgement, he only deserved a "second degree" murder conviction, which made him eligible for parole after ten years.  After all, he wasn't all that bad!  He "only had several infractions while incarcerated including violent and sexual transgressions".  He's been out for many years since then, and I wonder what damage he's done.

The author goes on to note:  

In 30 years, has anything in this realm improved? Actually, the situation has gotten worse. Along with woke juries, every day George Soros-funded district attorneys in 20% of the major cities across America allow bona fide murderers to walk around freely.

Can any civilized society tolerate such insanity and survive?  No! 

Overall, Texas is considered a bastion of conservative values.  With all this illegal immigration and migration from leftist sewers, how much longer that will go on is debatable.   However, Texas, you have a problem.   Austin has already fashioned itself, on the order of "San Francisco and Los Angeles. The city was among those leading the charge during 2020’s big #DefundPolice movement and the results have been bad. They’re about to get worse".

An Austin Police Department source told Fox News Digital this week that 40 officers have filed their retirement papers following a 9-2 city council vote a few weeks ago to scrap a four-year contract that the city had previously agreed to in principle and instead pursue a 1-year contract that the police union’s board has rejected. That move is believed by many to be due to intense pressure from anti-police activists in the city who look to hold off a long term deal until after voters decide on competing ballot initiatives dealing with “police oversight” that go before voters in May “It’s my opinion that the radicals and activists in the city have such a grip on our elected officials that at some point in time over the last year or so their plans changed,” the source, who is an Austin Police Department officer, said.  “They said O.K. now we’re going to get signatures for this ballot initiative in May and switch gears and put pressure on city leadership to move away from a four-year deal to a one-year deal because the four-year is detrimental to what we are trying to accomplish.”

Let's not delude ourselves.  Any "police oversight" group will not be a law and order group.  They're political hacks with no experience in law enforcement, nor do they care about anything except to pander to the worst elements of society in finding the police are all racists and need to be controlled by leftist rhetoric.  What happens then?

The police tell them to shove it by either leaving, of simply refuse to the job they're supposed to do, and guess what happens then?  Thugs, murderers, thieves, rapist, and all the dregs of society move in and take over. That destroys everything of value in a community, and they keep voting those who created these disasters into office.  Austin's citizens are getting what they deserve. 

In New Orleans a recall election of an incompetent and corrupt Mayor, LaToya Cantrell, with unanswered "crime waves, issues with street projects and garbage pick-up.... [who] has also faced speculation regarding her travel expenses, with the City Council investigating her use of public funds."  In spite of all that, the recall failed because they couldn't get enough valid signatures.  The fact is the Democrat party is destroying Louisiana, offering "a poor economy, substandard public schools, dilapidated infrastructure, and a reputation for dishonest politicians."

In Chicago, a city with strong gun control laws by the way, crime, including murder on a massive scale has turned that once great city in to a sewer of misery for it's citizens, who are also the enablers of that misery. As this piece notes:

 The decision to commit a crime in Chicago has never been easier. Criminals are almost guaranteed to profit because the chances of getting caught and punished have collapsed to near-zero,”........“The chance of getting arrested in Chicago for a major crime collapsed to just 5 percent in 2022.....“The arrest rate for criminal sexual assault? Just 3 percent. Ditto for Motor Vehicle Thefts. Burglaries were at only 4 percent and Robberies, 5 percent. “For thefts over $500, the chance of getting busted is even lower, at just 1 percent. There were just 201 arrests out of 20,041 crimes reported last year. And you’ll avoid arrest 96 times out of 100 across any form of theft, which The New York Times recently reported.

Amazingly, the possibility of getting caught and facing prison time....has become so insignificant in the Windy City that it is no longer a serious consideration.

·         Nearly 20 Shot Friday into Sunday Night in Chicago

·         ‘Criminals Will Run Wild’: Illinois Becomes First State to Abolish Cash Bail

The article goes on to note regarding Seattle:

Meanwhile, in Seattle, the picture is every bit as bleak. On Aug. 31, the Seattle Police Department stated that the Pacific Northwest city had reached 50 homicides for the year, with four months remaining on the calendar. Seattle had 52 homicides in all of 2022.........Criminals “no longer fear the police because they understand that the police are literally handcuffed for being able to effectively do our jobs so they’re emboldened,” Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan told KOMO radio.  “Officials with the SPOG estimate the department has lost around 600 officers since 2020,”.......

Well, this is a story that gets more interesting all the time.  One of the biggest Defund the Police nitwits was a woman named Shivanthi Sathanandan, who at the time was "the 2nd Vice Chairwoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, i.e., the Democratic Party." screaming for "social justice", exhorting her listeners, “Say it with me. Dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” she wrote in a Facebook post at the time. “It has ‘systematically failed the black community,’ so it’s ‘time to build a new infrastructure that works for all communities.’”  But, “Social justice” preening can be an emotionally rewarding experience for leftist political figures. But, as has been stated in the past, being mugged can make a substantial change in perspective, just "like a punch to the face."

It turns out she was “violently carjacked”, along with her children, and this was done right in her own driveway by four armed young men, who beat her badly, even threatening the neighbors who wanted to help, unarmed neighbors. She ended up with "a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts all over my body".  And now,  guess what?  She has rage.  Imagine that. 

Conclusion?  Democrat elected mayors and district attorneys are dangerous to your heath, and living an those cities is dangerous.  Other than the cities already discussed, let's include Albuquerque, Baltimore, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Memphis, and Milwaukee. 

America's major cites are now “War Zones”:

Crime rates are soaring all over the nation, and this is especially true in heavily populated urban areas.  The complete and utter lawlessness that we are witnessing has caused many pundits to describe our largest cities as “war zones”, and unfortunately that is not an exaggeration at all.  In fact, there are some zip codes in Chicago where young adult males are more likely to be shot and killed than U.S. soldiers were during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…

Crime-infested municipalities run by Democrats are far from a new phenomenon.  

"In the past decade alone, I've written numerous columns detailing the crime and violence that plague the parts of America where the politics of Democrats reigns supreme and virtually unchallenged.  As Fox News reported just last month, in 2020, 73% of all murders in America took place in just 5% of U.S. counties." The ten counties with the most murders were

·         Cook County, Illinois, 775 murders

·         Los Angeles County, 691 murders

·         Harris County, Texas, 537 murders

·         Philadelphia County, 495 murders

·         New York City's five counties, a combined 465 murders

·         Wayne County, Michigan, 379 murders

·         Shelby County, Tennessee, 311 murders

·         Maricopa County, Arizona, 299 murders

·         Baltimore City County, 291 murders

·         Dallas County, 281 murders

"Guess what each of the counties have in common.  If you said, "Democrat leadership," you are correct!  And it's not even close!"  

In less than a decade Denver, turned from being the Rocky Mountain High to Rocky Mountain Hellhole:


Denver is becoming America’s crime capital”.......Now it’s raining crime, drugs, homelessness, illegal immigrants, and many other big city urban now worse than New York City or Chicago, and growing increasingly dangerous as the new year begins........Auto theft is now an epidemic in Denver and the second highest in the nation”, according to Denver Police Department data. Nearly 100 vehicles are stolen every day in Denver and rather than “rainin’ fire in the sky”, Colorado is raining car thieves, now leading America in auto thefts per capita..........“Growing troubles with elevated property and violent crime, low first responder recruitment, high homelessness concentrations, and growing drug overdoses played large roles in the low ranking.”...........


 Colorado has a Democratic trifecta and a Democratic triplex. The Democratic Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature.” Colorado’s woes sit exclusively at the feet of the donkey party.............Does Democrat leadership correlate with high crime? Yes, it does. The Daily Signal found, “27 of top 30 crime-ridden cities run by Democrats.........


The article also mentions how so many former residents of California moved there and brought their stupidity with them.   

Let's finish with this piece by Victor Davis Hanson entitled, Life Among the Ruins.  

The few sowed the wind, and the many reaped their whirlwind..........We are suffering an epidemic of premodern barbarism...public defecation, urination, fornication, and injection continue unabated. Progressive urban pedestrians pass by holding their noses, averting their gazes, and accelerating the pace of their walking........All accept that defunding the police, no-cash bail, Soros-funded district attorneys, and radical changes in jurisprudence have destroyed deterrence. The only dividend is the unleashing of a criminal class to smash-and-grab, carjack, steal, burglarize, execute, and assault—with de facto immunity. Instead we are sometimes lectured that looting is not a crime, but lengthy incarceration is criminally immoral.........

When the law enforcers are the criminals, who will enforce the rule of law?  When the national leaders are engaged in treason, who will save the nation? 

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