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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 1, 2024

Leftist Insanity: It's Time to Say Enough!

By Rich Kozlovich

Leftism is a vile mixture of oddities and curiosities, all of which we need to pay attention to more closely.  Why?   

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Because most of what we're hearing from leftists, the world's governments, the world's international organizations, and social activists of every ilk are just those things, or perhaps we just keep living our lives not having given all these "oddities and curiosities" much thought.

Do we have a childlike faith, or do we think it's important to be skeptical of everything?  Answer, yes!

We all have a degree of childlike faith wanting to "believe", and yet, we doubt.  And we doubt because we have questions.   Unfortunately for so many they only seem to question when for some reason it's their ox that's being gored.

I hear people say how "they're sure" about things, and I always think it's  nice to "be sure".  But when challenged I find they're not only unsure, they're angry, and react accordingly.  There's nothing that will trigger an angry and/or violent reaction than  telling someone everything they believe is blatant nonsense, and if you can prove it, the reaction is even worse.

This cartoon from American Thinker was what triggered this article, and ya just gotta admit, this is a good representation regarding the "curious oddities" of leftism, i.e. Wokeism.  We also see everything the left predicts ends up being wrong, and everything the left pushes is a failure.  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is in fact acceptance without accomplishment, philosophy without form, and incompetence without consequence, only now we're seeing the consequences.  Disney, Budweiser, Boeing, etc., are all suffering from their embrace of this insanity, but it's the workers who are paying the price for their insanity.  The CEO's and top executives may get fired or resign, but it will be with a golden parachute.

Alternative energy is a failure, electric vehicles are a failure, and it’s time to say enough! 

"We’re going to keep our nuclear and fossil fuel energy, until you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your alternatives provide equally abundant, reliable, affordable energy". - Paul Driessen

It's time to say enough, to leftist crime reform.  It's a disaster!  Immigration is destroying the country and allowing Islamists to undermine our culture and value system. Crime lords are illegally entering our country and running amok.   Spending and borrowing is completely out of control.  The economy is in serious trouble, and all of that has created an existential threat to America.  

It's time to say enough! 


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