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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 5, 2024

Sheep days of visibility

Do we want to stop getting sheared?  

Michael D. Shaw Apr 06, 2024 @ Mike's Point Of View

We all remember those wonderful COVID days of mask-wearing OUTDOORS being enforced in certain places; the ridiculous one-way aisles at grocery stores; and the plastic barriers that “protected” cashiers and the public from each other. Heck, I even discovered that the biggest cause of death in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was actually bacterial pneumonia, and even back then, there was controversy regarding masks.

Yes, that’s Tony Fauci’s name as a “co-author” on the first reference. No doubt he contributed plenty to the effort. Anyone wonder if breathing through a warm, moist diaper applied to your face, which provides an ideal environment for the bacteria, could have had anything to do with the pneumonia? But, I digress.

Amid the many absurdities that occurred during the plandemic, one observation is seared into my memory. There was a local strip mall that featured a supermarket, surrounded by around a dozen mom and pop outfits. Of course, the supermarket remained open, but essentially all of the mom and pops were closed. Why? It seemed to me at the time that any business was essential if it provided employment. Alas, no one spoke up and many enterprises went under.

The mom and pops kowtowed to…the man.

There were also the rare cases of restaurants that stayed open for normal service—defying the authorities. I know of a specific case in which the guy was the only restaurant open for lunch in virtually the entire town. His place was always busy, and he did get harassed somewhat, but it was just saber-rattling. He could never find out what law he was supposedly breaking. Ironically, when the day of judgment came, the county backed off since they knew they could not justify their actions.

A posting on The Remnant takes a different tack. In “Homage to Catatonia,” author Jason Morgan assumes we have already woken up, and asks us what particular outrage did the trick. Was it…

* Transgender day of visibility
* Discovering the fascist nature of the FBI
* Being upset that a Navy vessel was named after a homo-predator-pedophile
* The political persecution of a former president
* The targeting of Christians

And so on. Morgan notes that: 

“It is better to be awake than asleep now, for what is coming is coming either way.”

Back during the Civil Rights era, the notion of folks rebelling against the establishment was widely praised by political pundits. But there were precious few calls for civil disobedience during the plandemic treachery. Why do you suppose that is?

Here’s a hint: The end goal of the 1960s protests was more control of your life by the Feds. Oh sure, it was for a good cause. But then, as St. Bernard told us in the 12th century: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Not to mention that the same road could also be paved with bad intentions.

Too many people of apparent good will are still calling for changes in the law and constitutional amendments to improve our current situation. But thousands of laws are already in place, and they are being violated every day by our “leaders,” with impunity. Morgan talks of uniting the clans, just like Robert the Bruce did so long ago—and he’s right. How few sheep would need to leave the fold to disrupt the whole rotten mess?

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