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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2016

Gibberin Joe Biden, Terrorism, and Israel

By Michael Curtis

Yes, once again Vice-President Joe Biden, as the Sondheim song, “Send in the Clowns”, might put it, made his entrance with his usual flair. This time on April 18, 2016 Biden, speaking to a friendly and appreciative J-Street (the dovish Jewish organization and frequent critic of the policies of Israel) audience, was sharply critical of the government of the State of Israel and its prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a most inopportune day.

Biden, personifying the traditional U.S. State Department stance of being even-handed in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, uttered perfunctory criticism of Palestinians for the failure of the last round of peace negotiations, but his main target for criticism was Israel.

He made his point strongly. The Israeli government, with its steady and systematic expansion of settlements, legalization of outposts, and land seizures, was moving Israel in the wrong direction....... Biden’s immediate response on learning of the attack was that he did not know if the bus explosion was a “terrorist attack.” Others were more knowledgeable......In view of Joe Biden’s speech and the general attitude of the Obama administration, the words of Stephen Sondheim are ever more pertinent: "Where are the clowns, send in the clowns… Don’t bother, they’re here".......Read more

My Take - Is it possible that at any time in America's history there have been so many completely clueless people in the three top positions of President, Vice President and Secretary of State?  Even Jimmy Carter's administration looks brilliant by comparison.  He must really be smiling these days - he's no longer the dumbest man to occupy the White House and his administration is no longer the most incompetent.   

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